(FLA, HOB) maskeli graf tabanlı bir (FPM, FPD) sistem tasarımı, yazılımı ve öğretim teknolojisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET (FLA,HOB) MASKELİ GRAF TABANLI BİR (FPM, FPD) SİSTEM TASARIMI, YAZILIMI VE ÖĞRETİM TEKNOLOJİSİ OZAN, Aysun Doktora Tezi, Matematik Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Fevzi ÜNLÜ Şubat 2001, 406 sayfa Fonksiyonel programlama, matematiksel kavram ve notasyon gerektirir. "FONKSİYONEL", bu özelliklere sahip FPM makina ve FPD dili aracılığında tanımlanmış bir Matematiksel Hesaplama sistemidir. Burada FPM
ABSTRACT A GRAPH BASED (FPM, FPD) SYSTEM DESIGN, SOFTWARE AND EDUCATION TECNOLOGY, MASKED WITH (FLA, HOB) OZAN, Aysun Phd in Mathematics Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Fevzi ÜNLÜ February 2001, 406 pages Functional Programming involves knowledge about mathematical notation and concepts. The "FONKSİYONEL" is a computational system which has the above properties in terms of FPM machine and FPD language. Where FPM stands for "Functional Programming Machine" and FPD stands for "Functional Programming Language". A mask of (FLA, HOB) - FLAHOB
ABSTRACT A GRAPH BASED (FPM, FPD) SYSTEM DESIGN, SOFTWARE AND EDUCATION TECNOLOGY, MASKED WITH (FLA, HOB) OZAN, Aysun Phd in Mathematics Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Fevzi ÜNLÜ February 2001, 406 pages Functional Programming involves knowledge about mathematical notation and concepts. The "FONKSİYONEL" is a computational system which has the above properties in terms of FPM machine and FPD language. Where FPM stands for "Functional Programming Machine" and FPD stands for "Functional Programming Language". A mask of (FLA, HOB) - FLAHOB
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Matematik, Mathematics, Bilgisayar yazılımları, Computer softwares, Delphi, Delphi, Programlama, Programming, Sistem tasarımı, System design