Mekanik alaşımlama ve sıcak presleme ile üretilen magnezyum kalsiyum alaşımlarının mikro yapı ve mekanik özelliklerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Toz metalurjisi (TM), üreticilere diğer imal usullerine göre büyük avantajlar sunan bir üretim yöntemidir. Biyobozunur Mg alaşımları demir ve çinko alaşımlarına göre üstün özelliklere sahiptir. Magnezyum esaslı alaşımların yüksek bozunma hızı ve kayıpları sebebiyle kullanımları sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada toz metalurjisi yöntemiyle üretilen biyobozunur Mg ve Ca tozlarının mekanik özelliklerini tahmin etmek için istatistiksel model CCD tasarımı kullanılarak yüksek mekanik performans sergileyen Mg-xCa alaşımları geliştirilmiştir. Anova analizi ve regresyon denklemi modelin doğruluğunu göstermiştir. Mg ve Ca tozları değişik sürelerde 11.99-14.43-18-21.5-24 saat alaşımlama işlemine tabi tutulmuş ve MA sonrası tozların tane boyut ölçümü ve SEM EDS, XRD analizleri yapılmıştır. Tozlar tek eksenli sıcak preste 46 MPa basınçta argon gazı altında vakumlu ortamda değişik sıcaklıklarda 325-370-437-504-549°C basılmış sinterlenmiş ve blok numuneler haline getirilmiştir. Mg-xCa alaşımlarının mikroyapıları, mekanik özellikleri basma dayanımları, yoğunluk değerleri ve sertlikleri birbirleri ile kıyaslamalı olarak incelenmiştir. İkincil faz Mg2Ca'nın artan Ca oranıyla beraber attığı gözlemlenmiştir. Mg-xCa alaşımlarının basma değerleri 251MPa sertlikleri 146 Brinell ve yoğunluk değerleri 1.7 g/cm3 olarak tesbit edilmiştir. Mg-xCa alaşımları saf Mg'ye göre üstün performans sergilemiştir.
Powder metallurgy (PM) is a production method that provides better advantages to the producers comparing to the other methods. Biodegradable Mg alloys have superiorities compared to iron and zinc alloys. Mg-based alloys are still inhibited mainly by their high degradation rates and consequent loss in mechanical integrity. The broad studies in this subject are to increase the mechanical properties and corrosion performance. In this study, in order to predict the mechanical properties of biodegradable Mg and Ca which are produced with the powder metallurgy method, Mg-xCa alloys with high mechanical properties are developed by using statistical model CCD design, anova analysis and regression equation indicated that the model was accurate. In this study, the powder Mg and Ca have put to the process of alloying with different period of times. Grain sizes of the powders are measured and they have been analyzed for SEM EDS, XRD. Powders are pressed by a uniaxial hot compression in a vacuumed environment under argon gas in 46MPa pressure in different temperatures they have been sintered and sampled in blocks. Mg-xCa alloys have been analyzed comparatively for their microstructures, mechanical properties, pressure endurance, density rates and stiffness. It has been observed that secondary phase Mg2Ca increases with the increasing rate of Ca. The measured values of Mg-xCa alloys are 251MPa for compressive strength, 146 Brinel for hardness, and 1.7 g/cm3 for density. Mg-xCa alloys have performed much superior compared to pure Mg.
Powder metallurgy (PM) is a production method that provides better advantages to the producers comparing to the other methods. Biodegradable Mg alloys have superiorities compared to iron and zinc alloys. Mg-based alloys are still inhibited mainly by their high degradation rates and consequent loss in mechanical integrity. The broad studies in this subject are to increase the mechanical properties and corrosion performance. In this study, in order to predict the mechanical properties of biodegradable Mg and Ca which are produced with the powder metallurgy method, Mg-xCa alloys with high mechanical properties are developed by using statistical model CCD design, anova analysis and regression equation indicated that the model was accurate. In this study, the powder Mg and Ca have put to the process of alloying with different period of times. Grain sizes of the powders are measured and they have been analyzed for SEM EDS, XRD. Powders are pressed by a uniaxial hot compression in a vacuumed environment under argon gas in 46MPa pressure in different temperatures they have been sintered and sampled in blocks. Mg-xCa alloys have been analyzed comparatively for their microstructures, mechanical properties, pressure endurance, density rates and stiffness. It has been observed that secondary phase Mg2Ca increases with the increasing rate of Ca. The measured values of Mg-xCa alloys are 251MPa for compressive strength, 146 Brinel for hardness, and 1.7 g/cm3 for density. Mg-xCa alloys have performed much superior compared to pure Mg.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mekanik Alaşımlama, Magnezyum, Kalsiyum, Toz Metalürjisi, CCD, Mechanical Alloying, Magnesium, Calcium, Powder Metallugy, Central Composite Design