Kraniosinostoz cerrahisi yapılan olguların geriye dönük değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Kraniosinostoz, beyin gelişiminde ve kafatası şeklinde bozulmaya neden olan gelişimsel bir kraniofasiyal anomalidir. Bu çalışma Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı'nda yapılan kraniosinostoz cerrahisinin retrospektif analizi ve cerrahi tedavi deneyimlerini paylaşmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada 2009-2019 yılları arasında kraniosinostoz tanısıyla opere edilen 49 hastanın dosyalarının yaş, cinsiyet, kraniosinostoz tipi, cerrahi yöntem, komplikasyonlar açısından retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Hastaların %59.2'sinin erkek cinsiyette, %40.8'inin kadın cinsiyette olduğu ve yaş ortalamaları 18.673 (ay) olarak bulunmuştur. Hastaların %85.7'sinde kraniosinostoza eşlik eden hidrosefali olmadığı görülmüştür. Hastaların %65.3'ünde kraniosinostoz tipi primer (non-sendromik), %34.7'inde ise sendromik olduğu görülmüştür. Sendromik olan olgularda en çok görülen sendrom Crouzon Sendromu (%12.2) olarak saptanmıştır. Etkilenen sütüra göre kraniosinostoz tipi incelendiğinde; skalosefali, trigonosefali, brakisefali %24.5 oranıyla en fazla görülmüştür. Sendromik ve non-sendromik hastaların tümünde eşlik eden fiziksel ve gelişimsel bulgularda, en yüksek oranın %44.9 ile KİBA olduğu saptanmıştır. Hastaların kraniosinostoz cerrahisinde en fazla tercih edilen %22.4 ile Frontal Rekonstrüksiyon - Supraorbital İlerletme yöntemi olmuştur. Cerrahi sonrası komplikasyon görülen hasta oranı %24.5'dir. BOS koleksiyonu ve yara yeri akıntısının % 6.1 oranıyla en fazla görüldüğü saptanmıştır Sonuç: Kraniosinostoz sonucu kafatasında gelişen deformiteler, ileride özellikle de çocukluk çağında psikososyal, sosyal adaptasyon ve kişilik gelişiminde olumsuz etki yapmaktadır. Bu yüzden kraniosinostoz da cerrahi tedavinin amacı; görsel olarak şekil bozukluğunu düzeltmek ve ileride oluşabilecek nörojenik, psikolojik ve bilişsel bozuklukları önlemektir. Kraniosinostoz tanısıyla opere edilen 49 hastadan elde ettiğimiz 11 yıllık verileri literatür bilgileri ile karşılaştırdığımız bu çalışma ile gelecekteki kraniosinostoz çalışmalarına bir kaynak sağlandığı düşünülmektedir.
Objective: Craniosynostosis is a developmental craniofacial anomaly that causes disruption in brain development and abnormally shaped skull. This study was carried out to share the retrospective analysis and surgical treatment experiences of craniosynostosis surgery performed in the Department of Neurosurgery, Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital. Methods: In the study, the data of 49 patients who were operated between 2009-2019 with the diagnosis of craniosynostosis were retrospectively analyzed in terms of age, gender, craniosynostosis type, surgical method and complications. Results: It was found that 59.2% of the patients were male, 40.8% were female, and the mean age was 18.673 (month). It was observed that 85.7% of the patients did not have hydrocephalus accompanying craniosynostosis. Craniosynostosis type was primary (nonsyndromic) in 65.3% of patients and syndromic in 34.7% of patients. Crouzon Syndrome (12.2%) was the most common syndrome in syndromic cases. When the type of craniosynostosis is examined according to the affected suture; Scallosalphalus, trigonocephaly and brachiocephalus were most common with a rate of 24.5%. In the accompanying physical and developmental findings in all syndromic and non-syndromic patients, the highest rate was found to be CIBA with 44.9%. Frontal Reconstruction - Supraorbital Advancement method was the most preferred 22.4% in patients' craniosynostosis surgery. The rate of patients with complications after surgery is 24.5%. It was determined that the CSF collection and wound discharge was the most common with 6.1%. Conclusion: Deformities developing in the skull as a result of craniosynostosis have a negative effect on psychosocial, social adaptation and personality development in the future, especially in childhood. Therefore, the purpose of surgical treatment in craniosynostosis; visually correct deformity and prevent neurogenic, psychological and cognitive disorders that may occur in the future. With this study, in which we compare the 11-year data obtained from 49 patients operated on with the diagnosis of craniosynostosis with the literature, it is thought that a source is provided for future craniosynostosis studies.
Objective: Craniosynostosis is a developmental craniofacial anomaly that causes disruption in brain development and abnormally shaped skull. This study was carried out to share the retrospective analysis and surgical treatment experiences of craniosynostosis surgery performed in the Department of Neurosurgery, Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital. Methods: In the study, the data of 49 patients who were operated between 2009-2019 with the diagnosis of craniosynostosis were retrospectively analyzed in terms of age, gender, craniosynostosis type, surgical method and complications. Results: It was found that 59.2% of the patients were male, 40.8% were female, and the mean age was 18.673 (month). It was observed that 85.7% of the patients did not have hydrocephalus accompanying craniosynostosis. Craniosynostosis type was primary (nonsyndromic) in 65.3% of patients and syndromic in 34.7% of patients. Crouzon Syndrome (12.2%) was the most common syndrome in syndromic cases. When the type of craniosynostosis is examined according to the affected suture; Scallosalphalus, trigonocephaly and brachiocephalus were most common with a rate of 24.5%. In the accompanying physical and developmental findings in all syndromic and non-syndromic patients, the highest rate was found to be CIBA with 44.9%. Frontal Reconstruction - Supraorbital Advancement method was the most preferred 22.4% in patients' craniosynostosis surgery. The rate of patients with complications after surgery is 24.5%. It was determined that the CSF collection and wound discharge was the most common with 6.1%. Conclusion: Deformities developing in the skull as a result of craniosynostosis have a negative effect on psychosocial, social adaptation and personality development in the future, especially in childhood. Therefore, the purpose of surgical treatment in craniosynostosis; visually correct deformity and prevent neurogenic, psychological and cognitive disorders that may occur in the future. With this study, in which we compare the 11-year data obtained from 49 patients operated on with the diagnosis of craniosynostosis with the literature, it is thought that a source is provided for future craniosynostosis studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kraniosinostoz, Cerrahi, Tedavi, Craniosynostosis, Surgery, Treatment