Söke yöresinde bazı örnek işletmelerde karşılaştırmalı mekanizasyon planlaması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Tarımsal üretimde önemli bir maliyet unsuru olan makina ve mekanizasyon, üretim girdilerinin satın alınmasından, ürünün haşatına hatta satışına kadar üretimin her aşamasında yer almaktadır. Dolayısıyla karlı bir üretim için, mekanizasyonun sisteme maliyetinin olabildiğine doğru ve dikkatle ele alınarak planlanması, etkin bir biçimde seçimi ve kullanılması zorunlu olmaktadır. Bu düşünceden yola çıkarak modern planlama yöntemlerinin işletme düzeyinde ve gerçek koşullara uygulanması üzerine bir örnek çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, kan en büyüklemek amaç edinilerek, üretimi gerçekleştirecek sınırlı kaynakların dağılımı yöneylem araştırma tekniği olan Doğrusal Programlama yöntemi ile sağlanmıştır. Çözüm için bir dizi denklemden oluşan matematiksel modeller kurulmuştur. Gerekli veriler Söke ve çevre köylerinde yapılan anketler sonucu elde edilmiş GERÇEK değerlerdir. Araştırmada dört farklı işletme büyüklüğü ( 10 ha, 20 ha, 40 ha, 80 ha ) seçilmiştir. Üretimi planlanan ürünler pamuk, buğday, II. ürün ayçiçek veya mısır dır. İşlemlerin gerçekleştirilmesi için iki farklı makina seti ön görülmüştür. I. set yörede kullanılan, II. set ise ülkemizde uygulamaya giren ancak çok yaygınlaşmamış alternatif olabilecek diğer makinalardan oluşturulmuştur. Yukarıda belirtilen sınırlar çerçevesinde her işletme büyüklüğü ve makina seti için ayrı ayrı çözümler sağlanmış sonuç olarak üretim alanının ürünler arası dağılımı, ürünlerin ardışımı ile en ekonomik makina ve traktör setleri saptanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlardan işletme büyüklüğünün karlılığa va makina seçimine etkisi belirlenmiştir. 69
SUMMARY Production inputs takes a very important place in agriculture mechanization on farms. Today a large number of different systems are available in farm mechanization as a result of technological development. Effective application of machinery became the major investment of the farmers due to rising COST of energy and also financing machinery. On the other hand, farms have diffrent types of land various crops, plants and weather changes from year to year. All these mean that planning the men and machinery and scheduling the operation are not easy and requires the application of mathematical optimization techniques of which a farm needs. To put forward a farm's men and machinary needs add work plan a Linear Programming (LP) models have been developed. The models inculude the restriction which cause the optimum compounds of the resources such as labour, land, tractors, machinery etc. and objective function which provides for the minimum COST of mechanization. In this investigation, between diffrent size of farms are considered (10 ha, 20 ha, 40 ha, 80 ha ). All data that programme requires were collected from Söke and its viliages by questionare. And two types of machinery and tractor units were chosen. The first unit consists of machineries and tractors that are used in the region and the second unit is modern machineries that have been known but not common in Söke yet. The models have been developed for each farm size and machinery units and then solved by computer programme called XPRESSLP. The models calculated the least COST system of labour and machinery the complete the operation specified. According to the result, the effect of farm size on the farm profit were compared. The negotiation possibility about the application of modern methods to actualitiy is aised because the remedies depend upon actual values. 70
SUMMARY Production inputs takes a very important place in agriculture mechanization on farms. Today a large number of different systems are available in farm mechanization as a result of technological development. Effective application of machinery became the major investment of the farmers due to rising COST of energy and also financing machinery. On the other hand, farms have diffrent types of land various crops, plants and weather changes from year to year. All these mean that planning the men and machinery and scheduling the operation are not easy and requires the application of mathematical optimization techniques of which a farm needs. To put forward a farm's men and machinary needs add work plan a Linear Programming (LP) models have been developed. The models inculude the restriction which cause the optimum compounds of the resources such as labour, land, tractors, machinery etc. and objective function which provides for the minimum COST of mechanization. In this investigation, between diffrent size of farms are considered (10 ha, 20 ha, 40 ha, 80 ha ). All data that programme requires were collected from Söke and its viliages by questionare. And two types of machinery and tractor units were chosen. The first unit consists of machineries and tractors that are used in the region and the second unit is modern machineries that have been known but not common in Söke yet. The models have been developed for each farm size and machinery units and then solved by computer programme called XPRESSLP. The models calculated the least COST system of labour and machinery the complete the operation specified. According to the result, the effect of farm size on the farm profit were compared. The negotiation possibility about the application of modern methods to actualitiy is aised because the remedies depend upon actual values. 70
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Aydın-Söke, Aydın-Söke, Tarım işletmeleri, Agricultural enterprises, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery, Tarımsal mekanizasyon, Agricultural mechanization