Rami (Boehmeria nivea L. )'de farklı gübre seviyelerinin sap ve lif verimi üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
26 ÖZET Deneme, Rami (Boehmeria nivea) bitkisinin sap ve lif verimi üzerine farklı gübre dozlarının; kontrol (NoPoKo), N"P"K" ve N, P K,'mn etkilerini saptamak amacı ile 1991'de 3 3 3 6 6 6 Bornova'da Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümünde deneme tarlasında, tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde düzenlenmiştir. Alınan sonuçlar aşağıda özetlenmiştir. Vegetatif Özellikler Bitki Boyu : Denemede bitki boyu ortalaması 129 cm bulunmuştur. Farklı gübre düzeyleri, bitki boyunda istatistiki fark oluşturmuştur. Sap Kalınlığı : 0.56 cm bulunmuştur. Kontrole göre, N PZKZ gübre düzeyi sap kalınlığında istatistiki olarak fark 6 6 6 yapmamı ştı r. Kümede Sap Sayısı : Ortalama 9.4 adet bulunmuştur. Kontrole göre, N_P,K ve N P.K gübre düzeyleri kümede sap 3 3 3 6 6 6 sayısında istatistiki olarak fark yapmamıştır. Verim Özellikleri Denemede ortalama yaş ağırlık 1152 kg/da, kuru ağırlık 111 kg/da, ham lif 30 kg/da ve saf lif verim ortalaması da 16 kg/da olarak elde edilmiştir. Ortalama saf lif verimi kontrol (13 kg/da) 'e göre N P K seviyesinde %23.5; N P K seviyesinde %46.5 oranında artmıştır. 6 6 6 U. YÜKSEK®-?'7-! "ÖRÜLÜ MKÜMANTÂbıuıJ fetBlCEİ
27 SUMMARY In order to reveal the effects of the levels of differents fertilizer (control NoPoKo, UPK, N P K, ) on the stalk and 3 3 3 6 6 6 fiber yield of the ramie plant (Boehmeria nivea), an experiment was conducted in the trial area of the field crops department of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University in 1991. Randomized block design was used and the results were as follows. Vegetative Traits Plant height, in experiment plant height has been found to be 129 cm. Differences between the treated and the control plots has been statistically significant. Stalk thickness, average thickness of stalk has been founded to be 0.56 cm. According to the control, the fertilizer level of N P K, in point of stalk thickness hasn't been 6 6 6 significant. Number of stalk in group, average number of stalk in group has been found to be 9.4. According to the control, the fertilizer level of N_P_K and N P K hasn't been statistically 3 3 3 6 6 6 significant the number of stalk in group. Yield Traits In plot, the average yield of wet weight has been found to be 1152 kg/da, the average yield of dry weight has been found to be 111 kg/da, the average yield of raw fiber has been found to be 30 kg/da and the average yield of pure fiber has been found to be 16 kg/da. According to the control (13 kg/da), the average yield of pure fiber has increased as %23.5 in the level of N,P Kt and as 7.46.5 in the level of N P K. 6 6 6
27 SUMMARY In order to reveal the effects of the levels of differents fertilizer (control NoPoKo, UPK, N P K, ) on the stalk and 3 3 3 6 6 6 fiber yield of the ramie plant (Boehmeria nivea), an experiment was conducted in the trial area of the field crops department of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University in 1991. Randomized block design was used and the results were as follows. Vegetative Traits Plant height, in experiment plant height has been found to be 129 cm. Differences between the treated and the control plots has been statistically significant. Stalk thickness, average thickness of stalk has been founded to be 0.56 cm. According to the control, the fertilizer level of N P K, in point of stalk thickness hasn't been 6 6 6 significant. Number of stalk in group, average number of stalk in group has been found to be 9.4. According to the control, the fertilizer level of N_P_K and N P K hasn't been statistically 3 3 3 6 6 6 significant the number of stalk in group. Yield Traits In plot, the average yield of wet weight has been found to be 1152 kg/da, the average yield of dry weight has been found to be 111 kg/da, the average yield of raw fiber has been found to be 30 kg/da and the average yield of pure fiber has been found to be 16 kg/da. According to the control (13 kg/da), the average yield of pure fiber has increased as %23.5 in the level of N,P Kt and as 7.46.5 in the level of N P K. 6 6 6
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki lifleri, Plant fibers, Boehmeria nivea, Boehmeria nivea, Boehmeria nivea, Boehmeria nivea, Gübreler, Fertilizers, Kalite, Quality, Rami, Ramie, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Verim, Yield