Yinelemeli corelap algoritmasını kullanarak tesis içi yerleşim optimizasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi
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İnsanoğlu tarih sahnesine adımını attığı andan beri gelişmeye ve geliştirmeye önem göstermektedir. Ancak son yıllardaki gelişim teknolojinin de etkisi ile her zamankinden de büyüktür. Bu büyük gelişim elbette rekabetçi ortamları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Hayatın her alanında var olan rekabetin çalışma hayatında da var olduğu su götürmez bir gerçektir ve bu rekabetçi ortamda hayatta kalmak çok zordur. İşletmeler bu rekabet ortamında maliyetlerini olabildiğince aza çekerek rakiplerine karşı bir avantaj sağlama peşindedirler. Aslında günümüzün ilkesi olan "vakit, nakittir" işletmelerin maliyetlerini neden ve nasıl en aza çekmeye çalıştıklarının anahtarını içerisinde barındırmaktadır. Bir üretim alanında mamul ya da yarı mamuller, mantıklı olmayan tesis yerleşimleri sebebiyle iş istasyonları arasındaki yollarda çok uzun zaman geçirebilmektedirler. Aslında gerekli olan tek husus, ilişkili istasyonların birbirleriyle mantıklı bir biçimde sıralanmasıyla gerçekleştirilmiş olan bir tesis yerleşimidir. Bu şekilde yolda boşa harcanan zaman olmayacak ve üretim zamanı düşecektir. Daha kısa zamanda daha çok ürün çıkacaktır. Tüm bunların sonucunda da işletmeler, kendilerini rekabetlerinde bir adım öne çıkaracak olan maliyet indirgemesini ve hatta kâr artışını da elde edeceklerdir. Bu tezde ise, işletmelerin önemsediği tesis yerleşiminin ne olduğu, optimal bir tesis yerleşiminin elde edilebilmesi adına gereken çözüm yollarının hangileri olduğu ve bu yolların içerisinden seçilmiş olan CORELAP metodunun detaylarına yer verilmekte olup CORELAP metodu kullanılarak bir tesisin nasıl yerleştirileceğine dair örnek bir uygulama gerçekleştirilmiştir. CORELAP metodunun optimal bir tesis yerleşimi tayin edebilmesi adına gereken veriler bir işletmeden alınarak uygulamaya entegre edilmiştir. CORELAP uygulaması sonucunda departmanların arasındaki ilişkiye ve uzaklığa dayalı olarak olası en iyi çözüm elde edilmiştir. Uygulamanın son adımında ise, tezde kullanılan matematiksel formülün ışığında uygulamanın sunduğu çözüm ile tesisin mevcut yerleşimi karşılaştırılarak CORELAP'ın önerdiği tesis yerleşiminin etkinliği kanıtlanmıştır
Humankind has attached importance to development and improvement from the moment they step onto the stage of history. However, the development in recent years is greater than ever with the effect of technology. Of course, this great development brings along competitive environments. It is an indisputable fact that competition, which exists in all areas of life, also exists in working life and it is very difficult to survive in this competitive environment. In this competitive environment, businesses seek to gain an advantage over their competitors by minimizing their costs. In fact, today's motto, time is money, contains the key to why and how businesses try to minimize their costs. In a production area, finished or semi-finished products spend a long time on the roads between workstations due to illogical facility layouts. In fact, all that's required is to ensure a facility layout with associated stations in a logical sequence with each other. In this manner, there is no wasted time on the road and the production time is reduced.More products is produced in less time. As a consequence of these, businesses achieve cost reduction and even profit increase which put them one step ahead of their competition. In this thesis, while the details of the facility layout that is considered important by businesses, the details of solutions that are required to obtain an optimal facility layout and the details of the CORELAP method that was chosen among these solutions are given, also a sample application is performed to show how a facility is placed by using the CORELAP method. In order for the CORELAP method to determine an optimal facility layout, the necessary data were taken from a business and integrated into the application. As a result of the CORELAP application, the best possible solution was obtained based on the relationship and distance between the departments. In the last step of the application, the effectiveness of the facility layout proposed by CORELAP was proven by comparing the solution offered by the application with the current layout of the facility in the light of the mathematical formula used in the application.
Humankind has attached importance to development and improvement from the moment they step onto the stage of history. However, the development in recent years is greater than ever with the effect of technology. Of course, this great development brings along competitive environments. It is an indisputable fact that competition, which exists in all areas of life, also exists in working life and it is very difficult to survive in this competitive environment. In this competitive environment, businesses seek to gain an advantage over their competitors by minimizing their costs. In fact, today's motto, time is money, contains the key to why and how businesses try to minimize their costs. In a production area, finished or semi-finished products spend a long time on the roads between workstations due to illogical facility layouts. In fact, all that's required is to ensure a facility layout with associated stations in a logical sequence with each other. In this manner, there is no wasted time on the road and the production time is reduced.More products is produced in less time. As a consequence of these, businesses achieve cost reduction and even profit increase which put them one step ahead of their competition. In this thesis, while the details of the facility layout that is considered important by businesses, the details of solutions that are required to obtain an optimal facility layout and the details of the CORELAP method that was chosen among these solutions are given, also a sample application is performed to show how a facility is placed by using the CORELAP method. In order for the CORELAP method to determine an optimal facility layout, the necessary data were taken from a business and integrated into the application. As a result of the CORELAP application, the best possible solution was obtained based on the relationship and distance between the departments. In the last step of the application, the effectiveness of the facility layout proposed by CORELAP was proven by comparing the solution offered by the application with the current layout of the facility in the light of the mathematical formula used in the application.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering, İşletme, Business Administration, Sezgisel algoritmalar, Heuristic algorithms, Tesis yerleşim düzenlemesi, Facility layout