Malathion (Organik fosforlu insektisit) un rana ridibunda (Amphibia: Anura) lavraları üzerindeki toksik etkilerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET MALATHİON (ORGANİK FOSFORLU İNSEKTİSİT)'UN Rana ridibunda (Amphibia: Anura) LARVALARI ÜZERİNDEKİ TOKSİK ETKİLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI SAYIM, FERAH Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nusret Akyurtlakh Şubat 1998, 63 sayfa Bu çalışmada, saf (%95) aktif malathion ve %25'lik malathion preparatının (wp) Ranidae familyasından Rana ridibunda türünün 21. ve 25. evre larvaları üzerindeki toksik etkileri incelenmiştir. Laboratuvar koşullannda statik sistem esas alınarak 30+2 °C sıcaklıkta yapılan 96 saatlik akut toksisite testleri sonucunda malathion'un R ridibunda larvaları üzerindeki toksik etki sınırları (MCıo, LC50, MC90) deneysel ve Bliss (1935-1938) hesap yöntemi ile istatistiksel olarak saptanmıştır, ?2 -testi ile de denenen populasyonların homojenitesi hakkında fikir edinilmiştir. Saptanan letal konsantrasyon değerlerine göre; R ridibunda larvaları için %25'lik malathion preparatının, saf aktif malathion'dan daha toksik olduğu ve 25.evre larvalarının malathion'a karşı 21. evre larvalarına nazaran daha duyarlı oldukları sonucuna varılmıştır. Malathion'un 21. evre R ridibunda larvaları üzerinde meydana getirdiği toksik etkiler; büyümede gecikme, büyüme oranlarında veVI pigmentasyonda azalma, ödem ile morfolojik anomaliler şeklinde kendini göstermiştir. 25. evre larvalarında ise sadece büyüme oranlan ve pigmentasyonda azalmalara neden olmuştur. Malathion'un R. ridibunda larvalarının davranışları üzerindeki etkileri; deney başlangıcında hiperaktif semptomlar, daha sonra yüzme yeteneğinin azalması ve denge kaybı, en son aşamada da hareketsizliktir. Anahtar sözcükler: Amphibia, Anura, Rana ridibunda, Larva, İnsektisit, Organofosfor, Malatbion, Toksisite
vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF MALATfflON (ORGANOPHOSPHORIC INSECTICIDE) ON THE LARVAE OF Rana ridibunda (AmphibiarAnura) SAYIM, Ferah MSc in Biology Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Nusret Akyurtlakli February 1998, 63 pages In this study, toxic effects of pure (95%) active malathion and a 25% malathion preparate (wp) on the 21st and 25s1 stage larvae of Rana ridibunda (Ranidae) were investigated. Under laboratory conditions, using static system; the toxic impact limits (MCıo, LCso, MC90) of malathion on Rana ridibunda larvae, determined after acute toxicity tests for 96 hours at 30±2 °C, were evaluated experimentally and statistically by the calculation method given by Bliss (1935-1938). Homogeneities of the tested populations were checked with chi-square (%2) test. According to the determined lethal concentrations, it is concluded that the 25 % malathion preparate is more toxic than that of pure active malathion on Rana ridibunda larvae and the 25th stage of larvae are more sensitive than that of 21st stage of larvae to the malathion.The toxic effects of malathion on the 21st stage larvae of R ridibunda are summarized as retardation in growth rate and reduction in pigmentation, causing edema and morphological abnormalities. The effects of malathion on the 25th stage of larvae are only the retardation in growth rate and reduction in pigmentation. The effects of malathion on the behaviour of the larvae of R ridibunda can be outlined as hyperactive symptoms in the beginning of test, then reducing in swimming ability and loose of balance, finally, immobility. Keywords: Amphibia, Anura, Rana ridibunda, Larvae, Insecticide, Organophosphor, Malathion, Toxicity.
vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF MALATfflON (ORGANOPHOSPHORIC INSECTICIDE) ON THE LARVAE OF Rana ridibunda (AmphibiarAnura) SAYIM, Ferah MSc in Biology Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Nusret Akyurtlakli February 1998, 63 pages In this study, toxic effects of pure (95%) active malathion and a 25% malathion preparate (wp) on the 21st and 25s1 stage larvae of Rana ridibunda (Ranidae) were investigated. Under laboratory conditions, using static system; the toxic impact limits (MCıo, LCso, MC90) of malathion on Rana ridibunda larvae, determined after acute toxicity tests for 96 hours at 30±2 °C, were evaluated experimentally and statistically by the calculation method given by Bliss (1935-1938). Homogeneities of the tested populations were checked with chi-square (%2) test. According to the determined lethal concentrations, it is concluded that the 25 % malathion preparate is more toxic than that of pure active malathion on Rana ridibunda larvae and the 25th stage of larvae are more sensitive than that of 21st stage of larvae to the malathion.The toxic effects of malathion on the 21st stage larvae of R ridibunda are summarized as retardation in growth rate and reduction in pigmentation, causing edema and morphological abnormalities. The effects of malathion on the 25th stage of larvae are only the retardation in growth rate and reduction in pigmentation. The effects of malathion on the behaviour of the larvae of R ridibunda can be outlined as hyperactive symptoms in the beginning of test, then reducing in swimming ability and loose of balance, finally, immobility. Keywords: Amphibia, Anura, Rana ridibunda, Larvae, Insecticide, Organophosphor, Malathion, Toxicity.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Göl kurbağası, Lake frog, Malation, Malathion, Toksisite, Toxicity, İki yaşamlılar, Amphibians, İnsektisidler, Insecticides