Rhodotorula muciliginosa CBS 316 mayası ile betar karoten üretimi üzerine çeşitli ortam koşullarının etkisi

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Ege Üniversitesi

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37 6. ÖZET "Rhodotorula muciliginosa MAYASI İLE BETA-KAROTEN ÜRETİMİ ÜZERİNE ÇEŞİTLİ ORTAM KOŞULLARININ ETKİSİ" Araştırmamızda, besin endüstrisinde boyama maddesi olarak, vitamin eksikliği tedavisinde besin katkı maddesi olarak, kullanılan ve provitamin A olarak da bilinen Beta-Karoten'in Rhodotorula muciliginosa CBS 316 straini kullanılarak çeşitli ortam koşullarının etkisi ile mikrobiyolojik yoldan üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Beta-Karoten elde etmek için kültürü yapılan organizmaların en uygun inokulum miktarının substratın 6/100'ü olduğu saptanmıştır. Denemelerde bazal ortam, pamuk yağlı bazal ortam, soya yağlı bazal ortam, melas ortamı, pamuk yağlı melas ortamı, soya yağlı melas ortamı substrat olarak seçilmiştir. Adı geçen ortamların her birinde hücreler 24 ve 48 saat kültüve edilmiştir. İlave olarak hücreler her substratta 24 saat üretildikten sonra, 24'er saat farklı karotenogenezis şartlarında [fosfat tamponu pH 7; fosfat tamponu pH 7 + gulukoz (10 gr/lt); fosfat tamponu pH 7 + sukroz (10 gr/lt); distile su] tutulmuşlardır. Çalışmalar 500 ml'lik erlen içersinde 100 mi substratla 278C'de 200 devir/dakika'da sulu çalkalayıcıda yapılmıştır. lnkübasyon sonunda elde edilen hücreler, petrol eteri ve asetonla ekstrakte edilmiş, daha sonra karotenoid ekstraktlan, içersinde magnezyum oksit/selit bulunan bir kolondan geçirilmiştir. Kolondan elde edilen Beta-Karotenin absorbans değerleri Beckman spektrofotometresinde 4SS ve 483 nm dalga boylarında okunmuştur. Sonuçlar standart eğriyle karşılaştırılmış ve mikrogram cinsinden hesaplanmıştır. Kurutulan maya hücreleri gravimetrik yöntemle gram cinsinden saptanmıştır.40 obtained in standart curve data and were estimated as micrograms. The amounts of dried yeast cells were calculated by means of the gravimetric method. Beta-carotene amounts obtained from 24 hours cultures (at 6 different medium) variying as 32-200 |ig/Perg dried cells. However, beta-carotene production obtained from 48 hours cultures were determined as 80-280 ng/Perg dried cells. When the cells investigated to the non-proliferating carotenogenesis, conditions, beta-carotene production variying as 29-887 |ig/g. dry cell. In this way, the fraction of Beta-Karoten produced increased 3,5 times
39 7. SUMMARY EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MEDIUM CONDITIONS ON BETA-CAROTENE PRODUCTION USING Rhodotorula muciliginosa YEAST The aim of our study is microbial production of beta-carotene; which can be used as a pigment in food industry, as a food additive in vitamin deficiency treatment and also known as provitamin A; by means of producing Rhodotorula muciliginosa CBS 316 yeast strain on different medium conditions. Most suitable inocula of microorganisms used in beta-carotone production was found as 6 % of substrate. In our experiments, esential medium, esential medium containing cotton-oil; esential medium containing soya-oil, molasses medium, molasses medium containing cotton-oil; and molasses medium containing soya-oil, were selected as substrate. Cells were cultivated on media described above for 24 and 48 hours. In addition, after culturing cells on each medium for 24 hours; they are subjected to the different corotenogenesis conditions [ phosphate buffer, pH:7.0; phospate buffer, pH: 7.0+ glucose (10 g/1); phosphate buffer, pH:7.0 + sucrose (10 g/l); distilled water] for 24 hours. Experiments were carried out in a 500 ml erlenmayer flasks containing 100 ml. substrates, shaking at 200 rpm, at 27 °C. After incubation, harvested cells were extracted with potroleum ether and acetone. Then carotenoid extracts were transfered through a column containing magnesium oxide and celite. Absorbance data of beta-carotene seperated from column were estimasted in Beckman spectrophotometer at 455 and 483 nm.. Results were compared with those40 obtained in standart curve data and were estimated as micrograms. The amounts of dried yeast cells were calculated by means of the gravimetric method. Beta-carotene amounts obtained from 24 hours cultures (at 6 different medium) variying as 32-200 |ig/Perg dried cells. However, beta-carotene production obtained from 48 hours cultures were determined as 80-280 ng/Perg dried cells. When the cells investigated to the non-proliferating carotenogenesis, conditions, beta-carotene production variying as 29-887 |ig/g. dry cell. In this way, the fraction of Beta-Karoten produced increased 3,5 times.


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Biyoloji, Biology, Beta karoten, Beta carotene, Mikrobiyolojik yöntem, Microbiological method, Rhodotorula, Rhodotorula, Üretim, Production


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