Hurma zeytininin pomolojik özellikleri ve hurmalaşmaya etki eden faktörler üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ege üniversitesi Ziraat Fakülteni Bahçe; Bitkileri ! Bölümünde 1991 yılı içersinde, İzmir'in; Kar aburun, Ur la ve C-eşme ilçelerindeki zeytin liklerinde görülen hurmalaşma olayını oluşturan etmenlerin saptanması ve bunların araştırılmasıyla ilgili olarak hangi çeşitlerin hurmalaştı- ğı vs hurmalaşan zeytin çeşitinin pomolojik ve morfolojik özellikleri nin belirlenmesidir, üurmalaşma üzerine etki eden faktörler olarak çeşit, toprak, sıcaklık, nem, rüzga'r ve bazı mikroorganizmaların etki sini ve suni Hurma zeytin elde etme olanaklarının. araştır İması amacıyla bu çal -em? yapılmıştır. v Elde edilen bulgular aşağıdaki gibi özetlenmiştir; 1- Yaprakların en-boy ölçümleri yapı İmiş, buna göre ortalama yaprak boyu 45.55 mm., yaprak eni 11.54 mm., yaprak boy/en oranı 3,84 olarak saptanmışt ir. 2- Çiçeklerde somak uzunluğu 've çiçek sayışı ürerinde, ölçümler yapılmış, buna göre ortalama somak uzunluğu 30.50 mm., or ta lama çiçek sayısı 18 adet olarak saptanmıştır. 3- Meyvede en-boy ölçümleri yapılmış, buna göre 100 meyve ağırlığı 350 gr,, ortalama meyve boyu 23.18 mm., meyve eni 15.93 mm., meyve boy/en oranı 1.45 bulunmuştur. 100 meyve hacmi 325 cm3 ve 1 kg.'daki dane sayısı 253 adet olarak saptanmıştır. 4- Çekirdek en-boy ölçümleri yapı İmiş, buna göre 100 çekirdek ağır lığı 50.00 gr., ortalama çekirdek boyu 17.00 mm., çekirdek eni 7.75 mm., çekirdek boy/en oranı 2.19 olarak bulunmuştur. 100 çekirdek hacmi 50.00 cm? ve çekirdeğin meyveye oranı 16. SS olarak bulunmuştur.-?«5- 5- Ağaçların üzerinde fenolojik gözlemler yapılmış», buna göre so ma!:! anma 6 Nisan - 1 Mayıs, çiçeklenme 20 Nisan - 29 Mayıs, tam çiçekT lenmc 9 Mayıs, yeşil olum 15 Eylül, siyah olum 20 Eylül, hurmalaşmaya başlama 1 Kasım olarak gözlenmişi ir. G- Hurma zeytin yapan ve az hurma yapan bahçelerden alınan top rakların analizlerinde bir farklılık bulunamamıştır.Buna karşılık aynı karekterdeki toprak üzerinde çeşitlerin farklılığı hurma olusuna sebep olmuştur. 7- Bölgede Hurma yapan çeşit, Hurma Kaba olup acılığı az olarak bulunmuştur. Ancak bazı şartlarda Karaca adı verilen çeşit te hurma 1 aş maktadır. B- îklim faktörlerinin hurmalaşma üzerine etkileri; Sıcaklık? Ağaçların kış üşümesini tamamlayabilmeleri için sıcaklığın özellikle Ocak ayında 10 C altında bulunmal ıdır.Daneler in siyah olgun luk döneminde hava sıcaklığının 15 C civarında olması hurmalaşmayı artırmıştır. Hava nemi; Hurma mevsiminde (Ekim-Kasım)- hava neminim X 60' m üzerinde oluşu hurmalaşmayı artırmaktadır. Rüzg'âY; Denizin üstünden eserek gelen Poyraz rüzgârının olumlu etki ya p 1 1 ğ ı bu 1 u nmuş t u r. 9- Mikroorganizmaların hurmalaşma üzerine aktivitesini araştırmak amacıyla yeşil ve tam hurmalaşmış meyveler üzerinde mantar ve bakteri araştırılması yapı İmiş, ' henüz tanımlanamamış iki mantar ve üç bakteri bulunmuştur^
In 1991 at the Horticultural Department of Agriculture Faculty of Aegean University some were studies made to search the factors which cause Hurma occurance on olive trees in Izmir especially in Karaburun, Urla and Çeşme towns and to determine which varieties cbhvert to Hurma and their pomological and morphological charecters. These studies were made to answer the question if there is a pos sibility tc obtain artifical Hurma olive and how parameters as variety? soil, temperature, moisture, wind and microorganism activities affect on the occurence of Hurma olive. Results arr; as follows 1-Width and length measurements of leaves are made and approximate leaf length is 45..56 mm, leaf width 11.54 mm and ratio of lenght-width is 3.84, 2--Measurements of flowers at prebloom period, length and number of flo wers are made. According to these measures preblooming length is 30.50 mm and approximate flower number is 18. 3-Some measurements are made on fruits are as follows s - Weight of 100 berries is 350 qrs.. - - s» - Appr. fruit length 23.18 mm - Fruit width 15.93 mm i ? - Ratio of length to width of the fruit 1.45 - Volume of 100 berries 325 cm r Number of fruits in 1 kg is 258 4-Length and width measurements of the pit were made and according to this avarege pit length, width, ratio of length to width are respecti vely 17.00 îmm, 7.75 mm and 2.19. Total weight of one a pits is; 60.0 gr and volume j is 50.00 cm. Ratio of fruit to pit is found as 16. 66.-LI 5- Phehologi cal observations are mads on olive trees. According to these preblooming period is between S April and 1 May, blooming is 20 April- 29 May full bloom 3 May, green mature 15 September, black mature 20 September and beginning of getting Hurma character is 1 November. 6-There is no distinct differences among soil analyses results which were taken from orchards that can make Hurma olives arPd that fan not. 7-Variety that converts to Hurma olive is fixed as Hurma Kaba which is locally named as Erkence but under some special conditions Karaca variety can convert to Hurma olive as well. S-Effects. of climate factors on getting Hurma charecters; Temperature ! It is must be between minus 5 and plus 7 degree from December until end of February. During black mature period if tempera ture is around 15 C Hurma character increases. Humidity : Getting Hurma charecter increases if humidty is higher than GO percent during the Hurma period (. October-December ) Wind : North wind that blows over the sea is effective. 9-Fungi and bacteria identifications are made on green and fully matu red fruits in order to findout the effectbf microorganism activity on getting Hurma, character.
In 1991 at the Horticultural Department of Agriculture Faculty of Aegean University some were studies made to search the factors which cause Hurma occurance on olive trees in Izmir especially in Karaburun, Urla and Çeşme towns and to determine which varieties cbhvert to Hurma and their pomological and morphological charecters. These studies were made to answer the question if there is a pos sibility tc obtain artifical Hurma olive and how parameters as variety? soil, temperature, moisture, wind and microorganism activities affect on the occurence of Hurma olive. Results arr; as follows 1-Width and length measurements of leaves are made and approximate leaf length is 45..56 mm, leaf width 11.54 mm and ratio of lenght-width is 3.84, 2--Measurements of flowers at prebloom period, length and number of flo wers are made. According to these measures preblooming length is 30.50 mm and approximate flower number is 18. 3-Some measurements are made on fruits are as follows s - Weight of 100 berries is 350 qrs.. - - s» - Appr. fruit length 23.18 mm - Fruit width 15.93 mm i ? - Ratio of length to width of the fruit 1.45 - Volume of 100 berries 325 cm r Number of fruits in 1 kg is 258 4-Length and width measurements of the pit were made and according to this avarege pit length, width, ratio of length to width are respecti vely 17.00 îmm, 7.75 mm and 2.19. Total weight of one a pits is; 60.0 gr and volume j is 50.00 cm. Ratio of fruit to pit is found as 16. 66.-LI 5- Phehologi cal observations are mads on olive trees. According to these preblooming period is between S April and 1 May, blooming is 20 April- 29 May full bloom 3 May, green mature 15 September, black mature 20 September and beginning of getting Hurma character is 1 November. 6-There is no distinct differences among soil analyses results which were taken from orchards that can make Hurma olives arPd that fan not. 7-Variety that converts to Hurma olive is fixed as Hurma Kaba which is locally named as Erkence but under some special conditions Karaca variety can convert to Hurma olive as well. S-Effects. of climate factors on getting Hurma charecters; Temperature ! It is must be between minus 5 and plus 7 degree from December until end of February. During black mature period if tempera ture is around 15 C Hurma character increases. Humidity : Getting Hurma charecter increases if humidty is higher than GO percent during the Hurma period (. October-December ) Wind : North wind that blows over the sea is effective. 9-Fungi and bacteria identifications are made on green and fully matu red fruits in order to findout the effectbf microorganism activity on getting Hurma, character.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Bitki morfolojisi, Plant morphology, Hurma, Dates, Mikroorganizmalar, Microorganisms, Nem, Moisture, Rüzgar, Wind, Sıcaklık, Temperature, Toprak, Soil, Zeytin, Olive