N-P-K'lı mineral gübrelemenin sanayi domatesinin beslenme durumu ile ürün üzerine etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
54 ÖZET Bu Araştırma Marmara Bölgesinde Sanayi tipi domates üretimi yapmakta olan üç kuruluşun (Demko, Oba, Dosan) üretim sahalarında kuru lan azotlu, fosforlu ve potasyumlu gübre denemelerinde; mineral gübrele menin verim, kalite ve yaprağın % besin maddesi miktarı üzerine olan et kilerini tespit etmek, besin elementi alımı ile gübre seviyeleri arasındaki ilişkiyi bulmak amacı ile yürütülmüş tür,-Bu amaçla deneme tarlaların dan 4 adet toprak (0-25 cm derinlikten) ve yine aynı deneme tarlalarından tekerrürler birleştirilmek suretiyle 60 adet yaprak örneği ile l'er kg- olarak 60 adet meyve örneği alınarak gerekli fiziksel ve kimyasal analizler yapılmıştır. Denemelerde Rio Grande domates çeşidi kullanıl mıştır. Gübre Seviyelerinin Verime Etkisi Dört ayrı yerde kurulan azotlu gübre denemelerinde fosforlu ve potasyumlu gübreler sabit tutularak (12 kg. P 0 /da, 12 kg. K O/da) azot 2 5 2 lu gübrenin 0-6-12-18-24 kg. N/da'lık 5 ayrı seviyesi, fosforlu gübre denemelerinde azotlu ve potasyumlu gübreler sabit tutularak(12 kg. N/da, 12 kg. K O/da) fosforlu gübrenin 0-4-8-12-16 kg. P 0 /da'lık 5 ayrı sevi» 2 2 5 yesi potasyumlu gübre denemelerinde ise azotlu ve fosforlu gübreler sabit tutularak (12 kg. N/da, 12 kg. P 0 /da) potasyumlu gübrenin 0-6-12- 2 5 18-24 kg. K O/da 'lık 5 ayrı seviyesi uygulanmış özetle şu sonuçlar bulunmuştur; Hem azotlu, hem fosforlu hemde potasyumlu gübre seviyelerinin verim üzerindeki etkileri önemli bulunmuştur. Dört ayrı yerde kurulan deneme sonuçlarına göre, azotlu gübre denemeleri ortalaması olarak en düşük verimin N seviyesinden, en yüksek verimin N ve N seviyesinden, fosforlu gübre denemeleri ortalaması olarak en düşük verimin P seviye- o sinden en yüksek verimin genellikle P seviyesinden, potasyumlu gübre 8 denemeleri ortalaması olarak en düşük verimin K seviyesinden, en yüksek o verimin ise K ve K seviyesindeki uygulamalardan elde edildiği belirlenmiştir.55 Gübre Seviyelerinin Meyvenin Bazı Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi Azotlu, Fosforlu ve Potasyumlu gübrelerin değişik seviyeleri ile yürütülen tarla denemelerinde mineral gübrelemenin meyvenin PH ve kuru madde (Brix) değeri üzerine olan etkileri ayrı ayrı incelenmiş, özetle şu sonuçlar bulunmuştur: Dört ayrı yerde kurulan deneme. sonuçlarına göre azotlu gübre denemelerinde meyve PH değerinin ortalama 4.25-4.50 arasında, fosforlu gübre denemelerinde meyve PH değerinin ortalama 4.20-4.60 arasında, potasyumlu gübre denemelerinde ise meyve PH değerinin ortalama 4.25-4.50 arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Ortalama meyve PH değerleri bu çalışmada 4.20-4.60 arasında bulunmuştur. Uygulanan gübre seviyelerinin artışına pararel olarak meyve PH değerlerinde artışlar, belirli bir seviyeden sonra azalmalar ortaya çıkmıştır. Meydana gelen bu artış ve azalışlar meyve kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyecek düzeye ulaşmamıştır. Dört ayrı yerde kurulan deneme sonuçlarına göre azotlu gübre denemelerinde meyve kuru madde değerinin ortalama 4.10-5.20 arasında» fosforlu gübre denemelerinde meyve kuru madde değerinin ortalama 4.30- 5.10 arasında; potasyumlu gübre denemelerinde ise meyve kuru madde değerinin ortalama 4.25-5.20 arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Ortalama olarak meyve kuru madde değerleri bu çalışmada 4.10-5.20 arasında bulunmuş tur. Uygulanan mineral gübre seviyelerinin artışına paralel olarak meyve kuru madde değerlerinde de artışlar meydana geldiği saptanmıştır. Gübre Seviyelerinin Yaprağın % Besin Maddesi İçerikleri Üzerine Etkisi Azotlu gübre denemelerinde, azotlu gübre seviyelerinin yaprağın % N miktarı üzerine, fosforlu gübre denemelerinde fosforlu gübre seviyelerinin yaprağın % P miktarı üzerine, potasyumlu gübre denemelerinde ise potasyumlu gübre seviyelerinin yaprağın % K miktarı üzerine olan etkile-56 ı ri ayrı ayrı incelenmiş özetle şu sonuçlar bulunmuştur: Dört ayrı yerde kurulan deneme sonuçlarına göre azotlu gübre denemeleri ortalaması olarak en düşük yaprak % N değerenin N seviyesin- o den, en yüksek yaprak % N değerinin N seviyesinden, fosforlu gübre 18 denemeleri ortalaması olarak en düşük yaprak % P değerinin P seviye sinden, en yüksek yaprak % P değerinin ise P" " seviyesinden, potasyumlu 16 gübre denemeleri ortalaması olarak en 'düşük yaprak % K değerinin K sevi- o yesinden en yüksek yaprak % K değerinin ise K seviyesindeki uygulama lardan elde edildiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada uygulanan mineral gübre seviyelerinin artışına paralel olarak genellikle hem yaprağın % N,P,K miktarları hemde verimde artışlar olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu bulgular domates bitkisinin, besin maddesi alımı ile gübre seviyeleri arasında önemli ilişki bulunduğunu, en iyi gübreleme seviyeleri nin 12 kg. N/da, 12 kg. P 0 /da ve 12 kg. K_0/da olduğunu göstermektedir. 2 5 2
57 SUMMARY Marmara Region of Turkey is important in growing tomatoes for industry. In the fields of tomato growers of the three tomato paste fac tories (Dernko, Oba, Dosan) of this region, the field trials-five levels of nitrogen^ phosphorus and potassium were carried on. Effect of fertiliza tion on yield, quality, leaf nutrient status and nutrient uptakes was determined. With this purpose, four soil (from 0-25 cm depth), 60 leaf and fruit samples were taken and analyzed physically and chemically. Rio Grande was the tomato variety. Effect of fertilizer levels on yield: Trials were carried on at four different localities. In each trial one of the fertilizers was applied at five levels while the pther two being constant. For example in nitrogen trials, phosphorus and potassium were applied in constant amounts as 12 kg. P 0 /da and 12 kg- 2 5 K 0/da. In this trial nitrogen was applied in five levels as 0-6-12-18- 24 kg. N/da. On the other hand, in phosphorus trials, nitrogen and potassium were Constant (12 kg«N/da, and 12 kg«K 0/da) and phosphorus in five levels as 0-4-8-12-16 kg»P 0/da. As for the potassium trials, 2 5 phosphorus and nitrogen constant (12 kg» N/da and 12 kg«P 0 /da) and 2 5 potassium applied in five levels as 0-6-12-18-24 kg- K 0/da. Briefly the following results were found: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on yield was found statistically significant- According to the results of four trials at different localities in nitrogen treatments, the lowest yield was obtain ed in Pi.; on the other hand the highest yield in N and in N levels. İn phosphorus treatments the lowest yield in Pq and the highest yield in P levels. As for the potassium treatments, the lowest yield was 8 obtained in K and highest yield in K and in K n levels. o 12 1858 Effect of fertilizer levels on some fruit quality aspects; Effects of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potas sium on the PH brix of fruits were studied and the following results were determined. According to the results achieved from four different field tri als, the PH of the fruits changed between 4.25-4.50 in nitrogen treat ments; 4.20-4.60 in phosphorus treatments; and 4.25-4.50 potassium treatments. Therefore, the average PH was between 4.20-4.60. Some variati ons were seen in fruit PH however these changes were not in the dimensi ons to threaten the quality. According to the average results obtained from four localities, the brix values changed between 4.10-5.20 in nitrogen treatments; 4.30- 5.10 in phosphorus treatments and 4.25-5.20 in' potassium treatments. Therefore the average brix values were found to be between 4.10 and 5.20- In general brix values increased as the level of fertilizers increase. Effect of fertilizer levels on the leaf nutrient status: İn each trial, effect of fertilizer levels on that particular nutrient in leaf was determined. For example, in nitrogen trials the effect of nitrogen levels on leaf nitrogen contents were studied. The same determination was made for leaf phosphorus contents in the phosphorus trials and for leaf potassium contents in the potassium trials. Briefly the following result are found: According to the results of four field trials, the lowest leaf nitrogen content was obtained from Nö level, and the highest leaf nit rogen content from N level. As for phosphorus,, the lowest leaf phosphorus content was obtained from P level and the highest from P-_ level. For potassium, the lowest content was obtained from K level and highest o from K level, in this study, leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents, and yield increased as the applied fertilezer levels increase.59 İt is concluded that there is an important relationship between fertilezer levels and nutrient uptakes in tomato and the most appropriate level of fertilization is found to be 12 kg. N/da. 12 kg-P 0 /da and 2 5 12 kg K O/da. 2
57 SUMMARY Marmara Region of Turkey is important in growing tomatoes for industry. In the fields of tomato growers of the three tomato paste fac tories (Dernko, Oba, Dosan) of this region, the field trials-five levels of nitrogen^ phosphorus and potassium were carried on. Effect of fertiliza tion on yield, quality, leaf nutrient status and nutrient uptakes was determined. With this purpose, four soil (from 0-25 cm depth), 60 leaf and fruit samples were taken and analyzed physically and chemically. Rio Grande was the tomato variety. Effect of fertilizer levels on yield: Trials were carried on at four different localities. In each trial one of the fertilizers was applied at five levels while the pther two being constant. For example in nitrogen trials, phosphorus and potassium were applied in constant amounts as 12 kg. P 0 /da and 12 kg- 2 5 K 0/da. In this trial nitrogen was applied in five levels as 0-6-12-18- 24 kg. N/da. On the other hand, in phosphorus trials, nitrogen and potassium were Constant (12 kg«N/da, and 12 kg«K 0/da) and phosphorus in five levels as 0-4-8-12-16 kg»P 0/da. As for the potassium trials, 2 5 phosphorus and nitrogen constant (12 kg» N/da and 12 kg«P 0 /da) and 2 5 potassium applied in five levels as 0-6-12-18-24 kg- K 0/da. Briefly the following results were found: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on yield was found statistically significant- According to the results of four trials at different localities in nitrogen treatments, the lowest yield was obtain ed in Pi.; on the other hand the highest yield in N and in N levels. İn phosphorus treatments the lowest yield in Pq and the highest yield in P levels. As for the potassium treatments, the lowest yield was 8 obtained in K and highest yield in K and in K n levels. o 12 1858 Effect of fertilizer levels on some fruit quality aspects; Effects of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potas sium on the PH brix of fruits were studied and the following results were determined. According to the results achieved from four different field tri als, the PH of the fruits changed between 4.25-4.50 in nitrogen treat ments; 4.20-4.60 in phosphorus treatments; and 4.25-4.50 potassium treatments. Therefore, the average PH was between 4.20-4.60. Some variati ons were seen in fruit PH however these changes were not in the dimensi ons to threaten the quality. According to the average results obtained from four localities, the brix values changed between 4.10-5.20 in nitrogen treatments; 4.30- 5.10 in phosphorus treatments and 4.25-5.20 in' potassium treatments. Therefore the average brix values were found to be between 4.10 and 5.20- In general brix values increased as the level of fertilizers increase. Effect of fertilizer levels on the leaf nutrient status: İn each trial, effect of fertilizer levels on that particular nutrient in leaf was determined. For example, in nitrogen trials the effect of nitrogen levels on leaf nitrogen contents were studied. The same determination was made for leaf phosphorus contents in the phosphorus trials and for leaf potassium contents in the potassium trials. Briefly the following result are found: According to the results of four field trials, the lowest leaf nitrogen content was obtained from Nö level, and the highest leaf nit rogen content from N level. As for phosphorus,, the lowest leaf phosphorus content was obtained from P level and the highest from P-_ level. For potassium, the lowest content was obtained from K level and highest o from K level, in this study, leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents, and yield increased as the applied fertilezer levels increase.59 İt is concluded that there is an important relationship between fertilezer levels and nutrient uptakes in tomato and the most appropriate level of fertilization is found to be 12 kg. N/da. 12 kg-P 0 /da and 2 5 12 kg K O/da. 2
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Azotlu gübreler, Nitrogen fertilizers, Domates, Tomato, Fosforlu gübreler, Phosphorus fertilizers, Potasyumlu gübreler, Potassium fertilizers, Salça, Sauce