Erbro-A12 ve Erbro-A43 ana soylarının etlik civciv üretim performanslarının seleksiyonla ıslahı olanakları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ö z Araştırma, Erbeyli Zirai Araştırma Enstitüsünde el de edilen "A12" ve"A43" etlik piliç ana soylarının civciv ü- retim perf ormaslar mın seleksiyonla ıslahı olanaklarının or taya konulması amacıyla yapılmıştır.Bunun için çalışmada iki etlik ana soyu ve karşılıklı melezlerinde civciv üretim per formanslarına ilişkin özelliklerin seleksiyonla ıslahına ışık tutacak çeşitli genetik parametrelerin saptanması üzerinde durulmuştur. tncelenen özelliklerden 8. hafta canlı ağırlığı, e- şeysel olgunluk yaşı ve ağırlığı, ilk on yumurta ağırlığı, 43. hafta yumurta ver imi, 43. hafta damızlık yumurta verimi ve yu murta ağırlığının kalıtım derecesi tahminleri seleksiyon ön cesinde sırasıyla 0.57,-0.03 ve 0.37,0.41,0.35,0.05 ve 0.51; seleksiyon sonrasında ise 0.36,0.29 ve 0.61,0.17,0.42,0.53 ve 0.13 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan seleksiyon sonucunda, heterotik etki yönün den genel olarak 8. hafta canlı ağırl ık, eşeysel olgunluk yaşı ve ağırlığı, ilk on yumurta ağırlığı ve 43. hafta yumurta ve riminde azalmalar görülmüş ; 43.hafta damızlık yumurta verimi aynı düzeyde kalmış ; yumurta ağır 1 ığı, yaşama gücü ve kuluçkaya ilişkin değerlerde artışlar saptanmıştır
ABSTRACT The researh was conducted to improve reproductive and growth performance of broiler chicken breeders by selec tion in The Agriculture Research institute of Erbeyli in Tur key. For this purpose.genet ic parameters were obtained to im prove production performance of two broiler breeder lines by selection. The estimated her itabi 1 ities before selection were 0.57,-0.03,0.37,0.41,0.35,0.05 and 0.51 for body weight at 8. wks.,age at sexual maturity.body weight at sexual maturity, first 10 egg weight, egg production at 43.wks.of age, hatching egg production at 43.wks.of age and egg weight, respectively. After one generation of selection, her itabil ities were 0.36, 0.29,0.61,0.17,0.42,0.53 and 0.13 in the same order. The results indicated that for heterotic effects, body weight at 8.wks.,age at sexual maturity «body weight at sexual maturity, first 10 egg weight, egg production at 43 of age were decreased while hatching egg production at 43.wks.of age was not changed. Egg weight, 1 ivabil ity and hatchability were increased by selection.
ABSTRACT The researh was conducted to improve reproductive and growth performance of broiler chicken breeders by selec tion in The Agriculture Research institute of Erbeyli in Tur key. For this purpose.genet ic parameters were obtained to im prove production performance of two broiler breeder lines by selection. The estimated her itabi 1 ities before selection were 0.57,-0.03,0.37,0.41,0.35,0.05 and 0.51 for body weight at 8. wks.,age at sexual maturity.body weight at sexual maturity, first 10 egg weight, egg production at 43.wks.of age, hatching egg production at 43.wks.of age and egg weight, respectively. After one generation of selection, her itabil ities were 0.36, 0.29,0.61,0.17,0.42,0.53 and 0.13 in the same order. The results indicated that for heterotic effects, body weight at 8.wks.,age at sexual maturity «body weight at sexual maturity, first 10 egg weight, egg production at 43 of age were decreased while hatching egg production at 43.wks.of age was not changed. Egg weight, 1 ivabil ity and hatchability were increased by selection.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Civcivler, Chicks, Etlik piliç, Broiler chickens, Seleksiyon ıslahı, Selective breeding, Zootekni, Zootechnics