Türk tıp dergilerinin ve bu dergilerde yer alan araştırmaların özellikleri, araştırma özetlerinin sunum niteliği: Türk tıp dergilerinin 1966 yılında yayınlanan son sayılarından bir kesit
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
VI. ÖZET Amaç: Türk tıp dergilerinin ve yayınladıkları özgün araştırmaların sunum özelliklerini tanımlamak, dergilerde yer alan araştırma özetlerinin araştırma hakkında bilgi verme niteliğini saptamak ve niteliği etkileyen etmenleri tartışmak. Yöntem ve Gereçler: Ekim 1996- Mart 1998 arasında tamamlanan bu kesitsel tanımlayıcı araştırmada Türk tıp dergilerinin 1996 yılında yaylanan son sayılarından 121 dergiye erişilmiştir. 108 dergide yer alan 1491 bilimsel yazı incelenerek 831 özgün araştırmanın tümü araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen bir veri toplama formu ile yine araştırmacının kendisi tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Dergi ve araştırmaların tanımlayıcı özellikleri ve araştırma özetlerinin bileşenleri irdelenmiş, araştırmalar epidemiyolojik tiplerine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Araştırma özetlerinin niteliği geliştirilen bir bileşik indeks yolu ile puanlanarak alt sınıflar arasında karşılaştırılmalar yapılmıştır. Araştırma verileri SPSS for Windows. 6.0. veri tabanında işlenmiş, çözümlemede Microsta(1984), Epistat 3.23, NCSS v.4.21, Epi-lnfo 6 paket istatistik programları da kullanılmıştır. İstatistik yorumda anlamlılık sının p<0.05 kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: 108 derginin %33.3'ü uzmanlık dernekleri, %32.4'ü uzmanlık eğitimi veren hastaneler tarafından yayınlanmaktadır. Dergilerin içinde yer aldıkları dizin hakkında bilgi verme oranları düşüktür(%29.0). Dergilerin %11.1'i danışma kurulu üyelerinin uzmanlık alanını sunmakta, %3.7'sinde yapılandırılmış özet kullanılmaktadır. Araştırmaların %76.5'i klinik, %11.7'si toplum tabanlı çalışmalar, %6.9'u laboratuvar, %4.9'u hayvan deneyleridir, %54.5'i kesitsel, %41.6'sı prospektif, %3.6'sı retrospektiftir. Araştırmaların %4.5'inde anahtar kelime, %67.0'sinde yazışma adresi yoktur. Araştırma kurgusunun tanımlanması yapılandırılmış özetlerde daha yüksek düzeydedir(X2=18.30, p= 0.0001 SD:2). 99Uzmanlık dergilerinde özetlerin yapılandırılma oranı %10.1 olup genel tıp dergilerine göre(%4.6) daha yüksektir(X2=8.05, p=0.005 Yates Düzeltmeli). Tüm dergilerin özet nitelik puan ortalaması 61.59±15.54(min: 6.25-maks: 100.0) (%95 GA:60.53-62.65)dir. Özet nitelik puanı yapılandırılmış özetlerde yapılandırılmamışlardan(t=15.21, p=0.000, farkın %95 GA: 17.99-23.39), İngilizce yazılan araştırmalarda Türkçe yazılanlardan(t = 2.50, p = 0.013, farkın %95 GA: (-7.8)-(-0.9)), Uzmanlık dalı dergilerinde genel tıp dergilerinden(t=5.21 p=0.000, farkın GA:7.5-1.24) daha yüksektir. Vakıf-demeklerin çıkardığı dergilerde, uluslararası dizinlerde yer alan araştırmalarda özet nitelik puanları diğer gruplara göre daha yüksektir. Sonuç: Tıp araştırmalarının özetleri araştırmaları eksiksiz yansıtmaktan uzaktır. Özet sunum biçiminde, özetin içeriğinde ciddi sorunlar vardır. Tüm mezuniyet öncesi ve sonrası eğitim programlarında biyoistatistik ve epidemiyoloji eğitimi araştırmacılar için vazgeçilmez ve acil bir koşuldur. Türk tıp dergilerinin editörleri uluslararası standartları da göz önünde bulundurarak araştırma yazım standartlarını belirlemeli, Türk tıp terimlerinin kullanılmasını benimsemelidirler. Dergi danışma kurullarında epidemiyoloji ve biyoistatistik alanlarında uzmanlaşmış bir üye yer almalıdır. Yapılandırılmış özet kullanımı özetlerin araştırma hakkında bilgi verme niteliğini artırmaktadır. Yapılandırılmış özet kullanımı ile yeni gelişmekte olan ulusal dizinlerde de bilgi erişim kolaylaşacak ve Türk tıp yazınının kullanımı artacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Araştırma, Özet, Abstrakt, Rapor, Nitelik, Türk Tıp Dergisi, Sunum, Standart, Epidemiyoloji, Metodoloji, Yapılandırılmış Özet ıoo
VII. SUMMARY Aim: To identify the characteristics of the Turkish Medical Journals and the original research reports published in these journals and examine to what extend the abstracts define the researches and discuss the factors those affect the quality of researches. Materials and Method: The last volumes of 121 journals published in 1996 were studied in this cross-sectional descriptive research. Examining 1491 scientific articles in 108 journals all of the 831 original researches were included in the study and evaluated via a questionnaire formed by the investigator. The descriptive characteristics of the journals and the researches and the determinants of the abstracts were evaluated. The researches were classified on the basis of the epidemiological types. The subgroups were compared by the reporting quality score of the abstracts. SPSS for Windows v. 6.0 was used in data processing and Epistat 3.23, NCSS v. 4.21 and Epi-Info were also used in statistical analysis. p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: 33.3% of the 108 journals were published by the Societies of Specialty and 32.4% by the educational hospital journals. 29.0% of the journals informed the reader about their databases. In 11.1% of the journals the specialties of the members of the advisory boards were given. 3.7% of the abstracts were structured. 76.5% of the researches were clinical trials, 1 1.7% population based studies, 6.9% were laboratory and 4.9% were trials on animals. 10154.5% of the researches were cross-sectional, 41.6% prospective and 3.6% were retrospective. There were no keywords in 4.5% and no corresponding addresses in 67.0% of the studies. The design of the research was defined in structured abstracts more proper than in unstructured ones(X2=18.30, p= 0.0001 D.F.:2). The ratio of the structured abstracts in the journals of specialty was 10.1% and higher than the general medical journals(46%)(X2=8.05, p=0.005 Yates Correction). The mean quality score of the abstracts was 61.59±15.54(min: 6.25-max: 100.0) (95% CI: 60.53- 62.65). The mean quality score in structured abstracts was higher than in unstructured abstracts(t=15.21, p=0.000, 95% CI for the difference: 17.99-23.39), in researches written in English than in Turkish(t=2.50, p=0.013, 95% CI for the difference: (~7.8)-(- 0.9)), in specialty journals than in general medicine journals(t=5.21 p=0.000, 95% CI for the difference:7.5-1.24). The scores of journals published by the foundation and societies and those included in international databases were higher than the others. Conclusion: The abstracts hardly ever reflect the research report as a whole. There are serious problems in the format and the contents of the abstracts. Training all researchers in statistics and epidemiology should be the main principle. The editors of the medical journals should define the reporting standards by considering the international standards. The reporting quality improves by structuring the abstracts. By structuring the abstracts become more informative and access to the information in the newly improving national databases will be facilitated and the usage of the Turkish medical literature will increase. Keywords: Quality of Research Reports, Quality of Abstracts, Structured Abstracts, Journals, Turkish, Reporting standards, Epidemiology, Methodology, Reporting quality. 102
VII. SUMMARY Aim: To identify the characteristics of the Turkish Medical Journals and the original research reports published in these journals and examine to what extend the abstracts define the researches and discuss the factors those affect the quality of researches. Materials and Method: The last volumes of 121 journals published in 1996 were studied in this cross-sectional descriptive research. Examining 1491 scientific articles in 108 journals all of the 831 original researches were included in the study and evaluated via a questionnaire formed by the investigator. The descriptive characteristics of the journals and the researches and the determinants of the abstracts were evaluated. The researches were classified on the basis of the epidemiological types. The subgroups were compared by the reporting quality score of the abstracts. SPSS for Windows v. 6.0 was used in data processing and Epistat 3.23, NCSS v. 4.21 and Epi-Info were also used in statistical analysis. p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: 33.3% of the 108 journals were published by the Societies of Specialty and 32.4% by the educational hospital journals. 29.0% of the journals informed the reader about their databases. In 11.1% of the journals the specialties of the members of the advisory boards were given. 3.7% of the abstracts were structured. 76.5% of the researches were clinical trials, 1 1.7% population based studies, 6.9% were laboratory and 4.9% were trials on animals. 10154.5% of the researches were cross-sectional, 41.6% prospective and 3.6% were retrospective. There were no keywords in 4.5% and no corresponding addresses in 67.0% of the studies. The design of the research was defined in structured abstracts more proper than in unstructured ones(X2=18.30, p= 0.0001 D.F.:2). The ratio of the structured abstracts in the journals of specialty was 10.1% and higher than the general medical journals(46%)(X2=8.05, p=0.005 Yates Correction). The mean quality score of the abstracts was 61.59±15.54(min: 6.25-max: 100.0) (95% CI: 60.53- 62.65). The mean quality score in structured abstracts was higher than in unstructured abstracts(t=15.21, p=0.000, 95% CI for the difference: 17.99-23.39), in researches written in English than in Turkish(t=2.50, p=0.013, 95% CI for the difference: (~7.8)-(- 0.9)), in specialty journals than in general medicine journals(t=5.21 p=0.000, 95% CI for the difference:7.5-1.24). The scores of journals published by the foundation and societies and those included in international databases were higher than the others. Conclusion: The abstracts hardly ever reflect the research report as a whole. There are serious problems in the format and the contents of the abstracts. Training all researchers in statistics and epidemiology should be the main principle. The editors of the medical journals should define the reporting standards by considering the international standards. The reporting quality improves by structuring the abstracts. By structuring the abstracts become more informative and access to the information in the newly improving national databases will be facilitated and the usage of the Turkish medical literature will increase. Keywords: Quality of Research Reports, Quality of Abstracts, Structured Abstracts, Journals, Turkish, Reporting standards, Epidemiology, Methodology, Reporting quality. 102
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Sağlığı, Public Health, Bilimsel araştırmalar, Scientific researchs, Süreli yayınlar, Periodicals, Tıp, Medicine