Altın braketlerde ortodontik tellerin farklı açılarda meydana getirdiği deneysel sürtünme değerlerinin çelik braketlerle karşılaştırılması
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Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, iki farklı tipteki altın braketini (Forever Gold 24l< ve Forever Gold) konvansiyonel çelik bir braket (Mini Master) ile nikel-titanyum (NiTî) ve paslanmaz çelik (SS) ark teli kombinasyonlarında, dört farklı ikinci düzen açılandırmasında, sürtünme dirençleri bakımından in vitro olarak karşılaştırmaktır. Gereçler ve Yöntem: Sürtünmeyi etkileyen birçok faktör olduğundan, testler kum ortamda ve tek düzlem üzerinde, ligatürleme yapılmadan, elektronik bir açılandırma ünitesi ve Universal bir test. cihazı kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Çekme hızı 1 mm/dakika olarak tanımlandı. Bulgular: İstatistiksel değerlendirmelerde P<0.Ü5 düzeyinde braket, tel ve açı faktörlerinden her üçünün de ana etkileri anlamlı bulundu. Düzenlenen koşullarda NiTi teller her üç braket tipinde de SS tellerden daha az sürtünme değerleri gösterdi. Forever Gold braketleri (zirconia kaplı) NrTi ve SS tellerde dört farklı açılanclır-mada da diğer iki braket tip ine göre belirgin düzeyde daha yüksek sürtünme değerleri gösterdi (P<0.05). İkinci düzen açıları sabit tutulduğunda ise, sürtünme kuvvetleri bakımından Gold Forever 24K bra-ketlerinin, NiTi tellerde daha düşük değerler göstermelerine karşın, toplam sürtünme değerleri açısından istatistiksel olarak paslanmaz çelik braketleri ile benzerlik gösterdikleri tespit edildi (P>0.05). Sonuç: Metal braket slotlarının 24 avar altrn ile kaplanması veya estetik braketlerde altından hazırlanan slot-insertlerin kullanılması sürtünmeyi, özellikle seviyeleme aşamalarında, etkili bir şekilde azaltabilir. (Türk Ortodonti Dergisi 2010;23:136-150)
Aim: the purpose of this study was to test in vitro two types of golden brackets (Forever Cold 24K and Forever Cold) and one conventional stainless steel bracket (Mini Master) as control for sliding resistance in combination with nickel-titanium (NiTi) and stainless steel (SS) arch wires in four second-order angulations with respect to factional force values. Materials and Methods: Since there are many factors affecting friction, all tests were performed in a dry environment without ligaturing using an electronic angulations unit and a universal test device. Arch wires were pulled through the slots with a crosshead speed of 7 mm/minute. Results: Statistical analyses showed that the primary effects of all three factors that is namely bracket, wire material and angle were found significant in P<0.05 level. Under existing conditions the NiTi wires produced lower friction than those of SS in alt three bracket types. Forever Gold brackets (.zirconia plated) showed remarkable higher frictional values with NiTi and SS arch wires than the other two bracket types in all four tested angulations (P<0,05): When the four second-order angles was kept constant, although Cold Forever 24K brackets demonstrated lower values with NiTi wires compared with stainless steel brackets there was no statistical significant difference for these two bracket types in terms of their overall frictional resistance (P>Q.05). Conclusion: It should be considered that 24 carat fine gold plated slots in metal brackets or golden slot inseits in esthetic brackets could be effective in reducing frictional forces particularly during leveling stages. (Turkish J Orthod 2010;23:136-150)
Aim: the purpose of this study was to test in vitro two types of golden brackets (Forever Cold 24K and Forever Cold) and one conventional stainless steel bracket (Mini Master) as control for sliding resistance in combination with nickel-titanium (NiTi) and stainless steel (SS) arch wires in four second-order angulations with respect to factional force values. Materials and Methods: Since there are many factors affecting friction, all tests were performed in a dry environment without ligaturing using an electronic angulations unit and a universal test device. Arch wires were pulled through the slots with a crosshead speed of 7 mm/minute. Results: Statistical analyses showed that the primary effects of all three factors that is namely bracket, wire material and angle were found significant in P<0.05 level. Under existing conditions the NiTi wires produced lower friction than those of SS in alt three bracket types. Forever Gold brackets (.zirconia plated) showed remarkable higher frictional values with NiTi and SS arch wires than the other two bracket types in all four tested angulations (P<0,05): When the four second-order angles was kept constant, although Cold Forever 24K brackets demonstrated lower values with NiTi wires compared with stainless steel brackets there was no statistical significant difference for these two bracket types in terms of their overall frictional resistance (P>Q.05). Conclusion: It should be considered that 24 carat fine gold plated slots in metal brackets or golden slot inseits in esthetic brackets could be effective in reducing frictional forces particularly during leveling stages. (Turkish J Orthod 2010;23:136-150)
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Türk Ortodonti Dergisi
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