Dieulafoy’s lesion of the anal canal: Report of a case
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Amaç: Dieulafoy lezyonunun anal kanalda görülmesi oldukça nadirdir. İlk kez mide de görülmüş olmasına karşın, özellikle son yıllarda bu lezyonların kolorektal bölgede görüldüğünü bildiren yayınların sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Yöntem: Bu bildiride, anal kanalda bulunan Dieulafoy lezyonu nedeniyle masif hematokezya ile başvuran ve multipl kan transfüzyonlarına ihtiyaç duyan bir hasta sunulmaktadır ve bilgimize göre bu hasta Medline’da bildirilen dördüncü olgudur. Lezyon iki kez sutüre edilmiş ancak kanamanın tekrarlaması üzerine anal kanaldan girişim ile lokal eksizyon uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Hasta, lezyonu içerecek şekilde uygulanan mukozektomi ile başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilmiştir. Sonuç: Terapötik endoskopi ve girişimsel radyoloji bizlere skleroterapi, alkol ve epinefrin enjeksiyonu, termokoagülasyon ve selektif arteryel embolizasyon gibi seçenekler sunmaktadır. Cerrahi tedavide ise lezyonun sutüre edilmesi alternatif bir yöntemdir. Ancak bizim görüşümüz; arteryel özellikte, hayatı tehdit eden ve tekrar kanama olasılığı yüksek olan bu lezyonlarda mümkün olduğu takdirde lokal eksizyon en güvenilir tedavi metodu olacaktır.
Background/aims: Dieulafoy’s lesion of the anal canal is a very rare clinical case. Although it was first described in the stomach, there has been an increasing frequency, especially in the last decade, of reports of the lesion in the colorectal region. Methods: Herein, we report one case presenting with massive hematochezia requiring multiple blood transfusions due to a Dieulafoy’s lesion in the anal canal. To our knowledge, this is the fourth case in Medline. Surgical oversewing was attempted twice but rebleeding occurred, and local excision through the anal canal was performed. Results: The patient was treated successfully with mucosectomy including the lesion. Conclusions: Sclerotherapy, alcohol and epinephrine injection, thermocoagulation and selective arterial embolization are the options of therapeutic endoscopy and interventional radiology. As for surgical management, oversewing is an alternative technique. However, in our opinion, because of the recurrent and life-threatening manner of this arterial bleeding pattern, local excision, if possible, is the most reliable management of the disease.
Background/aims: Dieulafoy’s lesion of the anal canal is a very rare clinical case. Although it was first described in the stomach, there has been an increasing frequency, especially in the last decade, of reports of the lesion in the colorectal region. Methods: Herein, we report one case presenting with massive hematochezia requiring multiple blood transfusions due to a Dieulafoy’s lesion in the anal canal. To our knowledge, this is the fourth case in Medline. Surgical oversewing was attempted twice but rebleeding occurred, and local excision through the anal canal was performed. Results: The patient was treated successfully with mucosectomy including the lesion. Conclusions: Sclerotherapy, alcohol and epinephrine injection, thermocoagulation and selective arterial embolization are the options of therapeutic endoscopy and interventional radiology. As for surgical management, oversewing is an alternative technique. However, in our opinion, because of the recurrent and life-threatening manner of this arterial bleeding pattern, local excision, if possible, is the most reliable management of the disease.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
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Scopus Q Değeri