D13 uzayında değme teorisi ve sabit dual eğimli time-like regle yüzeyler
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET D? UZAYINDA DEĞME TEORİSİ VE SABİT DUAL EĞİMLİ T1ME-UKE REGLE YÜZEYLER KEM, Ahmet Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Matematik Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Yard. Doç. Dr. Emin ÖZYILMAZ Temmuz 2000, 72 sayfa Bu tez çalışması giriş bölümü dışında, dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. İkinci bölümde; Lorentz metriği gözönüne alınarak, reel ve dual Lorentz uzayında temel tanım ve teoremler verilmiştir, [1], [2], [3], [4J, [5], [6], [7], [8]. Üçüncü bölümde; iki time-like eğri ve regle yüzey arasında değmeyi tanımladık. Ve daha sonra, bazı time-like eğri ve regle yüzeyleri alarak değme teorisi hakkında örnekleri verdik. Dördüncü bölümde; herhangi bir [i?J time-like regle yüzeyinin herhangi bir doğuranında değen, sabit dual eğimli \y] time-like regle yüzeyleri tanıttık. Sonra, [rJ ve [r] time-like regle yüzeylerinin değmesi ile ilgili olarak bazı şartlar verdik. Ayrıca, sabit dual eğimli time-like regle yüzeyinin boğaz eğrisini inceledik ve bazı ilginç sonuçlar elde ettik. Ve son olarak; Dördüncü bölüme benzer bir yolla, bir açılabilir [i?J time-like regle yüzeyi alarak, bu regle yüzeyin, açılabilir sabit dual eğimli [7] time-like regle yüzeyi ile değmesini araştırdık. Anahtar Sözcükler: Time-like regle yüzey, açılabilir regle yüzey, boğaz eğrisi, dağılma parametresi
ABSTRACT THE CONTACT THEORY AND THE CONSTANT DUAL INCLINED TIME-UKE RULED SURFACES IN THE SPACE D? KEM, Ahmet MSc in Mathematic Department Supervisor : Yard. Doç. Dr. Emin ÖZY1LMAZ July 2000, 72 pages In addition to introductory chapter, this thesis consists of four chapters. In the second chapter, by considering the Lorentzian Metric, some basic theorems and deflations are given in the reel and dual Lorentzian space. In the third chapter; we defined the contact between two time-like curves and ruled surfaces. And then, by taking some time-like curves and ruled surfaces we gave some examples about the contact theory. In the fourth chapter; we introduced the constant dual inclined time-like ruled surface [f] which was contact at any generator of any time-like ruled surface [rJ. Then, we gave some conditions in connected with the contact of time-like ruled surfaces [.Rj and [r]. Moreover, we examined striction curve of the constant dual inclined time-like ruled surface and obtained some interesting results. And finally; by similar way with the fourth chapter, by taking a developable time-like ruled surface [R}], we are investigating the contact with the constant dual inclined time-like ruled surface of this ruled surface. Key words : Time-like surfaces, developable ruled surfaces, striction curve, distribution parameter.
ABSTRACT THE CONTACT THEORY AND THE CONSTANT DUAL INCLINED TIME-UKE RULED SURFACES IN THE SPACE D? KEM, Ahmet MSc in Mathematic Department Supervisor : Yard. Doç. Dr. Emin ÖZY1LMAZ July 2000, 72 pages In addition to introductory chapter, this thesis consists of four chapters. In the second chapter, by considering the Lorentzian Metric, some basic theorems and deflations are given in the reel and dual Lorentzian space. In the third chapter; we defined the contact between two time-like curves and ruled surfaces. And then, by taking some time-like curves and ruled surfaces we gave some examples about the contact theory. In the fourth chapter; we introduced the constant dual inclined time-like ruled surface [f] which was contact at any generator of any time-like ruled surface [rJ. Then, we gave some conditions in connected with the contact of time-like ruled surfaces [.Rj and [r]. Moreover, we examined striction curve of the constant dual inclined time-like ruled surface and obtained some interesting results. And finally; by similar way with the fourth chapter, by taking a developable time-like ruled surface [R}], we are investigating the contact with the constant dual inclined time-like ruled surface of this ruled surface. Key words : Time-like surfaces, developable ruled surfaces, striction curve, distribution parameter.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Matematik, Mathematics, Boğaz eğrisi, Striction curve, Lorentz uzayı, Lorentz space, Regle yüzeyler, Regle surfaces, Temas teorisi, Contact theory, Uzay, Space