Baş boyun bölgesinin melanom dışı cilt kanserlerinde cerrahi tedavi yöntemleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET7- Bu çalışmada, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıktan Anabilim dalı'nda Nisan 2004 île Mart 2006 tarihleri arasında, baş boyun bölgesinde, cilt kanseri ön tanısı île cerrahi uygulanan 89 hasta ve toplam 101 lezyon değerlendirilmiştir. Hastalarımızın 33 tanesi bayan ve 56 tanesi ise erkek olup, hastaların yaş ortalaması ise 65,4 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Hastaların büyük çoğunluğu dermatoloji kliniği, diş hekimliği fakültesi ve kliniğimizin oluşturduğu çalışma grubunun, ortaklaşa yaptığı düzenli toplantılarda değerlendirilen \>e tedavisi beraber kararlaştırılan hastalardan oluşmaktadır. Bu hastaların tümünün fotoğrafik dokümantasyonu yapılmış ve bilgisayar programında anamne/, patoloji, demografik özellikleri, uygulanan cerrahî ve takipleri kayıtlanmıştır. Hastalarımızın 30 tanesinde ve özellikle de dudak lezyonu olanların, yarısına denk gelen 15 hastada sigara ve/veya alkol kullanımı saptanmıştır. 89 hastalını 14 tanesinde daha önceden farklı bir yüz bölgesinde cilt kanseri nedeniyle tedavi öyküsü mevcuttur. Cilt kanserlerinde eliolojîk nedenlerden en önemlisi olarak güneş ışığına maruziyet sayılmaktadır. Bu maruziyet özellikle mesleki ortamlardan kaynaklanmaktadır. Hastalarımızdan 21 kişi ile en fazla sayıyı oluşturan, çiftçilikle uğraşan hastalar bu gerçeği doğrulamaktadır. Tüm lezyonların 49 tanesi skuamöz hücreli karsinom ve 41 tanesi ise bazal hücreli karsinom histopalolojisindcdir. Postopcratif patolojik raporlar değerlendirildiğinde sadece 3 hastamızda cerrahi sınır pozitifliğine rastlanmıştır. Lezyonlann yüz ünitelerine göre dağılımı incelendiğinde literatüre uygun olarak bizini serimi/de de burun ünitesinin 32 hasta ile birinci sırada geldiği ve bunu 29 lezyon île dudak bölgesinin takip ettiği görülmektedir. Bunları sırasıyla 15 lezyon ile yanak, 12 lezyon ile alın ve S lezyon ile kulak üniteleri izlemektedir. Burun ünitesinde ise 15 lezyon ala nazi subünitesinde ve 8 lezyon ise nazal dersimi subünitesinde bulunmaktadır. Bu lezyonlara uygulanan cerrahi teknikler ele alındığında, defektin büyüklüğü ve bulunduğu subünitcye göre farklı nıetodlar kullanıldığı görülmektedîr.Bu tekniklere detaylı olarak bakıldığında, 23 Iczyona primer kapatma, 12 lezyona ilerletme flebi, 6 lezyona bilobe flep, 3 le/.yona bîlateral ilerletme flebi, 2 lezyona bilateral hilal ilerletme (lebi, 4 lezyona serbest cilt grefti, 3 lezyona Estlander debî, l lezyona romboid flep, 7 lezyona melolabial flep, 5 lezyona transpozisyon flep, 3 lezyona giabellar ilerletme flebi, 9712 lezyona vcrmiliyonektomi, l i lezyona wedge rezeksiyon, l Iczyona Abbc fiep, I lezyona yıldızvari eksizyon, 3 Iczyona paramcdîan alın (lebi, l lezyona dönen kapı flebi uygulanmış, 2 hasta ise sekonder iyileşmeye bırakılmıştır. Hastalarımızdan 7 tanesine boyun dlsseksiyoııu yapılması gerekli görülmüş ve bu hastaların birinde ise auriküia skuatnöz hücreli karsinomıı nedeni ile totai aunküla amputasyonu, parutîdektomî ve boyun dîsseksiyonu birlikte uygulanmıştır. Hastaların ortalama takip süresi 11.5 ay olarak tespit edilmiş ve de en uzun takip süremiz, ise 21 ay olarak saptanmıştır. Bu takip süresinde hiç bîr hastamızda rekütrens görülmemiştir. Ancak bu durum takip süremizin kısa olmasına bağlı olabilir. Sonuç olarak çili kanserlerinin, insidaıısı sürekli olarak, artan ve Uta dünyada en çok görülen kanser türü olması nedeni ile tüm doktorlar taralından erken tanınması çok önemlidir. Kulak buran boğaz hastalıkları hekimleri için ise cilt kanserlerinin en fazla baş boyun bölgesinde görülmesi ve çoğunluğunda cerrahi tedavi ve rekonstrüksiyon gerektirmesi dikkate alınması gereken özelliklerdir. Bu nedenlerle, elde edilen veriler ışığında ve literatür taramasına dayanılarak meslektaşlarımıza, bu lezyonları erken tanıma, cerrahî yöntemleri ve rekonstrüksiyon tekniklerini uygulama konusunda teorik bilgiler vermek ve pratik uygulamalarına yardımcı olmak amacı ile bu tez yazılmıştır
SUMMARY8-SUMMARY Eighty-nine patients with 101 skin cancer in head and neck region that were operated at the Otolaryngology Department of Hge University Medical Hospital between April 2004 and March 2005 were taken into this study. Thirty-three patients were women and 56 were men. The mean age was found to be 65.4 years. The majority of the patients are discussed at weekly grand rounds of including clinics which are Dermatology, Dentistry and Otolaryngology. Photographic documentation was performed to all patients and medical history, histopathological results, type of the surgical procedure applied and follow up of all patients were recorded to a specific computer software that was developed for this study. Thirty patients had a history of smoking or alcohol intake, and 1 5 of them, that corresponds to nearly half of all patients with lip lesions were found to be diagnosed and treated for certain lip lesions. Fourteen of the 89 patients had a history of a certain treatment because of prior skin lesions at a different head region. The most important and most wellknown risk factor in developing skin cancer is direct sunlight exposure. This exposure is mostly found to be due to occupational enviromenlal conditions. Twenty-one of our patients were farmers and this result correlates with the prior information in the literature. Histopathology of 49 lesions were squamous cell carcinoma and 41 were basal cell carcinoma. Postoperative histopathological results revealed positive surgical margins of tumor infiltration in only 3 cases. When the regional subdivisions of the lesions at our patients are examined according to the facial units, wc found that it was correlated with the literature, and nazal facial unit was found to be most common site with 32 lesions, followed by lip region with 29 lesions. The latter was followed in a decreasing frequency order by buccal unit with 15 lesions, forehead unit with 12 lesions and ear unit with 8 lesions. Alar subunit was found to be most common subunit in nasal region with 15 lesions and followed by nasal dorsum subunit with 8 lesions. With the detailed examination of the surgical procedures applied to the lesions, we realize that the different surgical procedures were chosen according to the subunit that the lesions found and the extent of the lesions. The most common technique used was primary closure that performed in 23 cases. The other techniques used were advancement flap in 12 cases, bilobed flap in 6 cases, bilateral advancement flap in 3 cases, bilateral crescentric 99advancement flap in 2 cases, free skin graft in 4 cases, Estlanders flap in 3 cases, rhomboid flap in 1 case, melolabial flap in 7 cases, transposition flap in 5 cases, glabellar advancement flap in 3 cases, vermillionectomy in 12 cases, wedge resection in 1 1 cases, Abbe flap in 1 case, star-shaped excision in 1 case, paramedian forehead flap in 3 cases and revolving door flap in 1 case. Two lesions were not reconstructed and given chance to secondary wound healing. Seven patients underwent a concomitant neck dissection and one of them that was operated for auricular squamous cell carcinoma underwent total auricular amputation, parotidectomy and neck dissection together at same session. Mean follow up time was found 11.5 months with 2 1 months to be the longest follow up time. None of the patients have been developed any recurrences within the follow up period. This may be due to relatively short follow up period. Skin cancer is the most common cancer of human body and its incidence is continously increasing with lime so that early diagnosis is crucial for every medical doctors. Because the most common site of skin cancer is head and neck region and mostly they require surgical treatment and reconstruction, it is always an important disease to be known by ENT specialists. This thesis is written, with the aim of emphasising the importance of early diagnosis of skin lesions, giving information about the surgical treatment and reconstruction techniques applied to the these lesions, for the medical professionals and our colleagues, by reporting our case results combining with review of related literature. 100
SUMMARY8-SUMMARY Eighty-nine patients with 101 skin cancer in head and neck region that were operated at the Otolaryngology Department of Hge University Medical Hospital between April 2004 and March 2005 were taken into this study. Thirty-three patients were women and 56 were men. The mean age was found to be 65.4 years. The majority of the patients are discussed at weekly grand rounds of including clinics which are Dermatology, Dentistry and Otolaryngology. Photographic documentation was performed to all patients and medical history, histopathological results, type of the surgical procedure applied and follow up of all patients were recorded to a specific computer software that was developed for this study. Thirty patients had a history of smoking or alcohol intake, and 1 5 of them, that corresponds to nearly half of all patients with lip lesions were found to be diagnosed and treated for certain lip lesions. Fourteen of the 89 patients had a history of a certain treatment because of prior skin lesions at a different head region. The most important and most wellknown risk factor in developing skin cancer is direct sunlight exposure. This exposure is mostly found to be due to occupational enviromenlal conditions. Twenty-one of our patients were farmers and this result correlates with the prior information in the literature. Histopathology of 49 lesions were squamous cell carcinoma and 41 were basal cell carcinoma. Postoperative histopathological results revealed positive surgical margins of tumor infiltration in only 3 cases. When the regional subdivisions of the lesions at our patients are examined according to the facial units, wc found that it was correlated with the literature, and nazal facial unit was found to be most common site with 32 lesions, followed by lip region with 29 lesions. The latter was followed in a decreasing frequency order by buccal unit with 15 lesions, forehead unit with 12 lesions and ear unit with 8 lesions. Alar subunit was found to be most common subunit in nasal region with 15 lesions and followed by nasal dorsum subunit with 8 lesions. With the detailed examination of the surgical procedures applied to the lesions, we realize that the different surgical procedures were chosen according to the subunit that the lesions found and the extent of the lesions. The most common technique used was primary closure that performed in 23 cases. The other techniques used were advancement flap in 12 cases, bilobed flap in 6 cases, bilateral advancement flap in 3 cases, bilateral crescentric 99advancement flap in 2 cases, free skin graft in 4 cases, Estlanders flap in 3 cases, rhomboid flap in 1 case, melolabial flap in 7 cases, transposition flap in 5 cases, glabellar advancement flap in 3 cases, vermillionectomy in 12 cases, wedge resection in 1 1 cases, Abbe flap in 1 case, star-shaped excision in 1 case, paramedian forehead flap in 3 cases and revolving door flap in 1 case. Two lesions were not reconstructed and given chance to secondary wound healing. Seven patients underwent a concomitant neck dissection and one of them that was operated for auricular squamous cell carcinoma underwent total auricular amputation, parotidectomy and neck dissection together at same session. Mean follow up time was found 11.5 months with 2 1 months to be the longest follow up time. None of the patients have been developed any recurrences within the follow up period. This may be due to relatively short follow up period. Skin cancer is the most common cancer of human body and its incidence is continously increasing with lime so that early diagnosis is crucial for every medical doctors. Because the most common site of skin cancer is head and neck region and mostly they require surgical treatment and reconstruction, it is always an important disease to be known by ENT specialists. This thesis is written, with the aim of emphasising the importance of early diagnosis of skin lesions, giving information about the surgical treatment and reconstruction techniques applied to the these lesions, for the medical professionals and our colleagues, by reporting our case results combining with review of related literature. 100
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak Burun ve Boğaz, Otorhinolaryngology (Ear-Nose-Throat)