1, 3-BIS(2-alkoxyaryl) imidazolidine-2-ylidene complexes of platinum metals
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V ÖZET PLATİN METALLERİNİN U-BİS(2-ALKOKSİARİL)İMİDAZOLİDİN-2-İLİDEN KOMPLEKSLERİ M. Emin GÜNAY Doktora Tezi, Kimya Anabilim Dalı Danışman: Prof. Dr. Bekir ÇETİNKAYA 26.04.2004, 132 sayfa Tez üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, I ve II yapısındaki JV-heterohalkalı karben ligantlan ve bunların karben kompleksleri (III, NHC-MLn) üzerindeki çalışmalar özetlenmiştir. İkinci bölümde deneysel çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde imidazolidin azotuna bağlı aril halkası üzerinde o-alkoksi substituyenti içeren karben komplekslerinin sentezi ve karakterizasyonu sunulmuştur. Son zamanlarda NHC kompleksleri geniş ölçüde araştırılmış ve katalitik özelliklere sahip kararlı kompleksler olduğu bulunmuştur. NHC ligantlan üzerinde yapılan bu kadar araştırmaya rağmen, o-alkoksiaril substituyentli NHC ligantlan ve öncülleri incelenmemiştir. Komplekslerin kelat yeteneğinde olmalan beklendiğinden, çalışmada orfo-konumlarında alkoksi substituyentleri içeren imidazolidin halkası atomlanna bağlı aril gruplu NHC kompleksleri (TV) üzerine odaklanılmıştır.VI Ar Ar Ar / / / NN ^M rv ML, I V-M, \ \ \ \ Ar Ar Ar Ar I II III IV İmidazolidin türü (II) pek çok metal NHC kompleksi Şemadaki h, i ve j basamaklanyla gösterilen üç tepkimeden birisi kullanılarak hazırlanabilir. Hedeflenen OR gruplu kompleksleri (TV) elde etmek göründüğü kadar kolay değildir. Örneğin, elektrofilik reaktiflerle elektronca-zengin olefinlerin (ezo, 5) C=C bağını bölmek (basamak i), NHC komplekslerinin sentezinde kullanılan yaygm bir metotdur. Bununla beraber bu yöntem bazı dezavantajlara sahiptir: (i) olefinler genellikle neme ve oksijene karşı hassastırlar ve beklemekle bozunurlar. (ii) literatürde tek örneği temsil eden OMe substituyentli olefinin tepkimelerinde tembel olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle ezo metodu (basamak /) bu çalışmada dikkate alınmamıştır. Özellikle diğer iki metot (basamak h vey) üzerinde durulmuştur. Şemada görüldüğü gibi, A^V-disubstituye etilendiaminler (3) organik ve anorganik bileşiklerin sentezi için temel çıkış maddeleridir: tuz (4), ezo (5) ve NHC.CHCU (6) gibi NHC öncüllerinin sentezinde kullanılmaktadırlar. Etilendiaminlerdeki substituyentler 4 ve 6 öncüllerinin hazırlanmasında kritik rol oynar: tuz yöntemi (basamak c) için her tür etilendiamin kullanılabilir. Ancak, oluşan tuzlar (X = Cl", Br") yapılarına, deprotonasyon basamağında halka açılmasına yol açan 2 mol suyu bağlama eğilimindedirler. Diğer yandan PFö" tuzlan su île birlikteVII kristallenmez. Fakat beklenenin aksine deprotonasyon tepkimelerinde inert davranmaktadırlar. Substituyentin OEt olması tuzda farklı davranışlar sergiler. c Ar NH.HBr NH.HBr ı Ar Ar "NH \ Ar Ar / \ Ar HC(OEt), Ar ev*} l Ar (NaH. KOBu1), f < â - R = aryl HC(OB)j Ar \ I Ar Ar CHCİ3.9 - CHCIj, s' e CI3CCH0 Ar ^r/\:CU \ Ar Diğer metot (basamak e) kloral ve İV^/V-disubstituye etilendiaminin kondenzasyon ürününü içermektedir. Oluşan ürün "maskelenmiş NHC, kısaca NHC.CHCI3" kararlıdır: geçiş metal NHC komplekslerinin (7) ve kükürtlü türevlerin (8) hazırlanması amacı ile kullanıldı. Ancak kondenzasyon tepkimesi bazı etilendiaminlerle sınırlıdır (örneğin R = Me, R' = 4-OMe). NHC öncülü olarak NHC.CHCI3 ün kullanımı pekVIII çok avantaja sahiptir: (i) NHC.CHCI3 hazırlandığında, kolaylıkla kullanılabilir ve havada kararlıdır, (ii) istenen ürün genellikle yüksek verimle saf olarak elde edildi. Rh(I) ve Pd(II) nin yeni bileşikleri basamak j de gösterildiği gibi CHCI3 ün termal eliminasyonuyla sentezlendi. 1-7 Bileşiklerine ilişkin kimyasal kaymalar, pik çoklukları ve göreceli şiddetlerin karşılaştırılması tüm sinyallerin yorumlanmasını sağladı. Yapılarının basit görünmesine karşın, hacimli ve elektron sunucu OR substituyentli NHC komplekslerinin sentezinin kolay olmadığı anlaşılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, örtülü karben kaynayan toluende serbest hale dönüşmektedir. Bu nedenle 6 tipi ürünler geniş uygulama alam sergileyebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: maskelenmiş İV-heterohalkalı karben, a-eliminasyonu, imidazolinyum tuzu, kelat yeteneğinde karben kompleksi, palladyum, rodyum
IX ABSTRACT U-BIS(2-ALKOXYARYL)IMTOAZOLmiNE-2-YLIDENE COMPLEXES OF PLATINUM METALS M. Emin GÜNAY Ph. D. Thesis in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bekir ÇETİNKAYA 26.04.2004, 132 pages This thesis consists of three parts. The first part is a concise review on JV-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands such as I and II and their complexes (IH, NHC-MLn). In part 2 the experimental details were explained. In part 3 the synthesis and characterization of NHC complexes bearing o-alkoxy substituent on the aryl ring of N atoms of imidazolidin moiety were presented. Recently, NHC complexes (NHC-MLn), which have been many interesting catalytic properties extensively investigated and were found to be extremely stable. In spite of these studies on NHC ligands, o-alkoxyaryl substituted NHC or precursors were not reported. Due to their potential hemilabile behaviour, this study focused on the synthesis of NHC complexes (IV) with pendant alkoxy group at the ort/îo-position of the aryl substituent, which attached to the N atoms of the imidazolidine ring.X N --N J4 Ar Ar Ar Y^^OR ML" [ Y-ML" N' N N ^^N \ \ \ \ Ar At At At [ II III IV Most of the transition metal NHC complexes with imidazolidin moiety (II) can be prepared by using one of the three reactions, which are summarized in the Scheme in the steps h, i,j. But the introduction of the OR group to the target complexes IV is not as simple as it appears to be. For example, the cleavage of C=C bond of the electron-rich olefin (ero, 5) by electrophilic reagents is the frequently used method for the synthesis of NHC complexes (step i). However, this procedure has some shortcomings: (i) the olefins are generally very sensitive to air and moisture and decompose on standing, (ii) the only olefin with OMe substituent at the o-position of the aryl ring was reported to be very sluggish in its reactions. For these reasons ero method (step /) was not pursued in this study. In particular two methods (steps h and/) have been explored. As shown in the Scheme, the iV^V-disubstituted ethylenediamines 3 are versatile building blocks for the synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds. They find use for the synthesis of NHC precursors such as the salt (4), ero (5) and NHC.CHC13 (6). The choice of ethylenediamine 3 is critical for the preparation of the precursors 4 and 6: the first method (step c) is applicable to a variety of ethylenediamines, but the resulting salts (X = CI", Br") tend to crystallise with two moles of water, which theXI cause ring cleavage at deprotonation step. On the other hand, PFö" salts are free of H2O, but they are rather inert towards deprotonation reactions, too. However, it was observed that the presence of the OEt substituent changes the picture and the resultant salt behaves differently. Ar ^NH.HBr -NRHBr \ Ar c Ar NH NH \ Ar Ar / Xr HC(OEt), Ar / M -1 CNH* l Ar 4 (NaH, KOBu^, f_ NHPC/ Ar R°aiyl HC(OEl), Ar CHCI3,g _ - CHCİ3, g' e cijCCHo Ar rV \ Ar Ar a: a-fOMeJCeH, b: 2,4-(OMe)2C6H3 c: 2,4,6-(OMe)3C6H2 d: ^OMeJCgH, e: 2-(OEt)C6H" Scheme The second method (step e) involves the condensation products of ethylenediamines and chloral. The resultant compounds "masked NHC, which are abbreviated as NHC.CHCI3", are stable and are used as versatile intermediates for the preparation of transition metal NHC complexes (7) and thiones (8). Although, the condensation reaction isXII limited to certain ethylenediamines (e.g., R = Me, R = 4-OMe). The use of NHC.CHCI3 as NHC precursor has several advantages: (i) once prepared 6 may be easily handled and stored in air. (ii) the desired product is obtained usually in high yield and in pure state. New compounds of Rh(I) and Pd(II) were synthesized by thermal CHCI3 elimination procedure, as illustrated in step j. The multiplicities and the relative intensities of the comparison of the shifts in 1-7 with each other allowed the assignment of all signals. It may be concluded that, despite their structural simplicity, synthesis of the NHC complexes with bulky and electron donating OR substituents in general is not straightforward. However, the latent carbene is easily released in boiling toluene. Thus, 6 has a potenially broad application area. Keywords: masked JV-heterocyclic carbene, a-elimination, imidazolinium salts, hemilabile carbene complexes, palladium, rhodium.
IX ABSTRACT U-BIS(2-ALKOXYARYL)IMTOAZOLmiNE-2-YLIDENE COMPLEXES OF PLATINUM METALS M. Emin GÜNAY Ph. D. Thesis in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bekir ÇETİNKAYA 26.04.2004, 132 pages This thesis consists of three parts. The first part is a concise review on JV-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands such as I and II and their complexes (IH, NHC-MLn). In part 2 the experimental details were explained. In part 3 the synthesis and characterization of NHC complexes bearing o-alkoxy substituent on the aryl ring of N atoms of imidazolidin moiety were presented. Recently, NHC complexes (NHC-MLn), which have been many interesting catalytic properties extensively investigated and were found to be extremely stable. In spite of these studies on NHC ligands, o-alkoxyaryl substituted NHC or precursors were not reported. Due to their potential hemilabile behaviour, this study focused on the synthesis of NHC complexes (IV) with pendant alkoxy group at the ort/îo-position of the aryl substituent, which attached to the N atoms of the imidazolidine ring.X N --N J4 Ar Ar Ar Y^^OR ML" [ Y-ML" N' N N ^^N \ \ \ \ Ar At At At [ II III IV Most of the transition metal NHC complexes with imidazolidin moiety (II) can be prepared by using one of the three reactions, which are summarized in the Scheme in the steps h, i,j. But the introduction of the OR group to the target complexes IV is not as simple as it appears to be. For example, the cleavage of C=C bond of the electron-rich olefin (ero, 5) by electrophilic reagents is the frequently used method for the synthesis of NHC complexes (step i). However, this procedure has some shortcomings: (i) the olefins are generally very sensitive to air and moisture and decompose on standing, (ii) the only olefin with OMe substituent at the o-position of the aryl ring was reported to be very sluggish in its reactions. For these reasons ero method (step /) was not pursued in this study. In particular two methods (steps h and/) have been explored. As shown in the Scheme, the iV^V-disubstituted ethylenediamines 3 are versatile building blocks for the synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds. They find use for the synthesis of NHC precursors such as the salt (4), ero (5) and NHC.CHC13 (6). The choice of ethylenediamine 3 is critical for the preparation of the precursors 4 and 6: the first method (step c) is applicable to a variety of ethylenediamines, but the resulting salts (X = CI", Br") tend to crystallise with two moles of water, which theXI cause ring cleavage at deprotonation step. On the other hand, PFö" salts are free of H2O, but they are rather inert towards deprotonation reactions, too. However, it was observed that the presence of the OEt substituent changes the picture and the resultant salt behaves differently. Ar ^NH.HBr -NRHBr \ Ar c Ar NH NH \ Ar Ar / Xr HC(OEt), Ar / M -1 CNH* l Ar 4 (NaH, KOBu^, f_ NHPC/ Ar R°aiyl HC(OEl), Ar CHCI3,g _ - CHCİ3, g' e cijCCHo Ar rV \ Ar Ar a: a-fOMeJCeH, b: 2,4-(OMe)2C6H3 c: 2,4,6-(OMe)3C6H2 d: ^OMeJCgH, e: 2-(OEt)C6H" Scheme The second method (step e) involves the condensation products of ethylenediamines and chloral. The resultant compounds "masked NHC, which are abbreviated as NHC.CHCI3", are stable and are used as versatile intermediates for the preparation of transition metal NHC complexes (7) and thiones (8). Although, the condensation reaction isXII limited to certain ethylenediamines (e.g., R = Me, R = 4-OMe). The use of NHC.CHCI3 as NHC precursor has several advantages: (i) once prepared 6 may be easily handled and stored in air. (ii) the desired product is obtained usually in high yield and in pure state. New compounds of Rh(I) and Pd(II) were synthesized by thermal CHCI3 elimination procedure, as illustrated in step j. The multiplicities and the relative intensities of the comparison of the shifts in 1-7 with each other allowed the assignment of all signals. It may be concluded that, despite their structural simplicity, synthesis of the NHC complexes with bulky and electron donating OR substituents in general is not straightforward. However, the latent carbene is easily released in boiling toluene. Thus, 6 has a potenially broad application area. Keywords: masked JV-heterocyclic carbene, a-elimination, imidazolinium salts, hemilabile carbene complexes, palladium, rhodium.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry