Toprak yüzeyine verilen azotlu gübrenin, laboratuvar şartlarında su erozyonu ile kaybı üzerine çalışmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
44 ÖZET Gediz Havzasının tarım yapılan topraklarından farklı özelliklere sahip 6 adet toprak örneği seçilmiş ve bu topraklar 0-25 cm. üst toprak katmanından alınarak laboratuvara getirilmiştir. 8 mm.'lik elekten geçi rilip 50 3İ00 3İ5 cm.'lik %9 eğimli parsellere yerleştirilen toprak örnek leri üzerine 20 kg/N hesabı ile parsel yüzeyine homojen olarak elle %33' lük Amonyum Nitrat (NH NO ) serpme olarak uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra or talama intensitesi 6,5 cm/h olan, 1 saat süre ile yağışa tabi tutulan top rak örneklerinden, her 10 dakikada bir alınan yüzey akış ve toprak kayıp larında total-N tayinleri yapılmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle toprak örneklerinin bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal analizleri yapılmıştır. Toprak özellikleri ile yüzey akış ve toprak ka- yıplarıyla meydana gelen total azot kayıpları arasındaki ilişki ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada kullandığımız 1 ve 5 no'lu toprak örneklerinde, 1 saat uygulanan yağmurlama sonucu herhengi bir yüzey akış sözkonusu olmadığın dan total azot kaybı da olmamıştır. 1 no'lu toprak örneği kum bünyeli bir örnektir ve bütün yağmur suyunu infiltre etmiştir. 5 no'lu toprak örneği ise organik maddece çok zengin bir örnektir ve tüm yağmur suyunu bünyesinde toplamıştır. 2 no'lu toprak örneğinde, tanık parsele göre, azot uygulaması ya pılan parselde %64,3'lük daha fazla bir kayıp sözkonusudur. Bu da uygu lanan azotun %2,15'lik kısmının erozyonla yıkandığını göstermektedir. 3 no'lu toprak örneğinde tanık parsele göre, azot uygulanan parsel de %107,2'lik daha çok kayıp oluşmuştur. Bu değer atılan azotun %3.76'lık kısmının erozyonla taşındığının göstergesidir.45 4 no'lu toprak örneğindeki total azot kaybı, diğer örneklere göre en fazla olmuştur ve toprağa uygulanan azotun %8,48'lik kısmı erozyonla taşınmıştır. Yani tanık parsele göre %211,8'lik daha fazla kaybın olduğu saptanmıştır. 6 no'lu toprak örneğinde ise toprağa uygulanan azot' un %2,36'lık kısmı erozyonla kaybolmuştur. Bu da tanık parsele göre gübre uygulaması yapılan parselde % 157,8' lik daha fazla total azot kaybı gerçekleştiğini göstermektedir
46 SUMMARY Six Soil Samples, representing the arable lands, have been taken from several parts of Gediz District at the deph of 0-25 cm. and brought to the laboratory. Soil samples have been seeved through 8 mm and given to the plots which are at slope of 9% and dimension of 50x100x15 cm. and 20 kg pure N/da İn the from of Amonium Nitrate 33% (NH NO ) were added by spreading it homogenously, These plots have been treated with a rain fall for one hour at the intensity of avarage d.5 cm/h and every 10 minutes periods total N1 analysis have been done by surface flow and soil loss. Physical and chemical analysis of soil samples have been done first. Relation between total N loss and surface flow, soil loss, phisicial and chemical properties have been browght into light. Since there was not any surface flow with the 1 and 5 numbered soil samples, total N-loss could not be detected. Because the soil sample No 1 has a texture of sand it filitrated the rainfall given. On the other hand, since the soil sample No 5 has a high content of organic material, retained the whole rain-fall given. With the soil sample ' No:2, N loss have been found as 64.3% between the treated with N and untreated plots. This indicates that 2.15% of applied N was Lossd' by erosion. With the soil sample of No:3, N loss have been found as 107.2% between the treated with N and untreated plots. This shows erosion has caused a loss of 3.76% with the N treated plots.47 The highest N loss was appeared with the soil sample of 4 and 8.48% of given N has been lost by erosion. In another word, N loss has been more at the rate of 211.8% according to untreated plot. As come to soil sample of 6, 2.36% of given N has been lost by- erosion. This inticates that 157.8% more N loss have been observed with treated plot according to the untreated plot.
46 SUMMARY Six Soil Samples, representing the arable lands, have been taken from several parts of Gediz District at the deph of 0-25 cm. and brought to the laboratory. Soil samples have been seeved through 8 mm and given to the plots which are at slope of 9% and dimension of 50x100x15 cm. and 20 kg pure N/da İn the from of Amonium Nitrate 33% (NH NO ) were added by spreading it homogenously, These plots have been treated with a rain fall for one hour at the intensity of avarage d.5 cm/h and every 10 minutes periods total N1 analysis have been done by surface flow and soil loss. Physical and chemical analysis of soil samples have been done first. Relation between total N loss and surface flow, soil loss, phisicial and chemical properties have been browght into light. Since there was not any surface flow with the 1 and 5 numbered soil samples, total N-loss could not be detected. Because the soil sample No 1 has a texture of sand it filitrated the rainfall given. On the other hand, since the soil sample No 5 has a high content of organic material, retained the whole rain-fall given. With the soil sample ' No:2, N loss have been found as 64.3% between the treated with N and untreated plots. This indicates that 2.15% of applied N was Lossd' by erosion. With the soil sample of No:3, N loss have been found as 107.2% between the treated with N and untreated plots. This shows erosion has caused a loss of 3.76% with the N treated plots.47 The highest N loss was appeared with the soil sample of 4 and 8.48% of given N has been lost by erosion. In another word, N loss has been more at the rate of 211.8% according to untreated plot. As come to soil sample of 6, 2.36% of given N has been lost by- erosion. This inticates that 157.8% more N loss have been observed with treated plot according to the untreated plot.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Azotlu gübreler, Nitrogen fertilizers, Erozyon, Erosion, Su, Water, Toprak, Soil