Metanolün formaldehide oksidasyonunda seçimlilik analizi ve uygun reaksiyon koşullarının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışmada aktif kısmı V O içeren alkali metal sülfat promoter*!! katalizörler üzerinde metanolün formaldehide gaz evresinde katalitik oksidasyonu, sabit yataklı izotermal çalışan bir tübüler reaktörde incelenmiştir. Hazırlanan katalizörler içerisinde en uygun katalizörün %20 V O, %15 K SO, %65 Silikajel bileşimindeki katalizör olduğu görülmüştür.Bu katalizörle reaktör tasarımına etki eden parametrelerden dört tanesi incelenmiştir. Bunlar, katalizör miktarı, reaktör sıcaklığı, malar hava debisi ve molar metanol debisidir. Katalizör miktarı 0.5 ile 3g,reaktör sıcaklığı 150 ile 350° C hava debisi 0.123 ile 1.0762 mol/h »metanol debisi 0.0588 ile 0.0957 mol/h aralığında değiştirilmiştir. Her deney setinde diğer* parametreler sabit değerlerde tutularak ?o parametrenin formaldehide dönüşmeyi nasıl etkilediği araştırılmıştır. - 45 -
SUMMARY The Catalytic gas phase oxidation methanol into formaldehyde over catalysts with V O as the active agent and alkalimetal sulphate as promoters was studied in a fixed bed isotex-mal tiibiilax* reactor. The catalyst with a composition of 20 % V O,15 % K SO 2 5 2 4 65 % Silicagel was found as the most suitable catalyst among the catalysts which were studied. Four* parameter's affecting the design of the reactor were investigated with this catalyst.These parameters were catalyst amount ^reactor temperature, molar flow rate of air, molar flow rate of methanol and the ranges were 0.5-3g for the catalyst amount,150-350 "C for the x-eaction temperature »0.123-1.062 mol/h for the flow rate of air and 0.0588-0.0957 mol/h for the flow rate of methanol.The effect of each parameter* on x*eaction x*ate was investigated keeping the othex* parameters cor*starit at a certain value. 46
SUMMARY The Catalytic gas phase oxidation methanol into formaldehyde over catalysts with V O as the active agent and alkalimetal sulphate as promoters was studied in a fixed bed isotex-mal tiibiilax* reactor. The catalyst with a composition of 20 % V O,15 % K SO 2 5 2 4 65 % Silicagel was found as the most suitable catalyst among the catalysts which were studied. Four* parameter's affecting the design of the reactor were investigated with this catalyst.These parameters were catalyst amount ^reactor temperature, molar flow rate of air, molar flow rate of methanol and the ranges were 0.5-3g for the catalyst amount,150-350 "C for the x-eaction temperature »0.123-1.062 mol/h for the flow rate of air and 0.0588-0.0957 mol/h for the flow rate of methanol.The effect of each parameter* on x*eaction x*ate was investigated keeping the othex* parameters cor*starit at a certain value. 46
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Formaldehit, Formaldehyde, Metanol, Methanol, Oksitlenme, Oxidation