Studies on evaluation of mercury by atomic absorption and fluorescence spectrometry

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Ege Üniversitesi

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VI ÖZET CİVANIN ATOMİK ABSORPSİYON VE FLORESANS SPEKTROMETRİK YÖNTEMLERLE TAYİNİ ÜZERİNE ÇALIŞMALAR GOULDING, Şahande Doktora Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof.Dr. Emür HENDEN Ağustos 1996, 112 sayfa Hat üstü kolonda ön deriştirme yaparak Flow Enjeksiyon-Atomik Absorbsiyon spektrofotometrik civa tayini için kolon dolgu maddesi olarak ilk kez yün kullanımı incelendi. Yün kolon, organik ve anorganik civanın nanogram düzeyde tayinine uygulandı. Otomatik Atomik Floresans Spektrometrik Civa tayini yöntemi ile örnek bozundurma teknikleri incelendi. Mikrodalga veya klasik etüvde kullanılan PTFE kaplı bomba örnek bozma yöntemlerinin civa tayininde düşük verime neden olduğu kanıtlandı ve klasik yaş yakma yöntemi tercih edildi. Ege bölgesinden toplanan tütün örneklerinin. civa derişimlerinin 30-159 ng/g düzeyinde olduğu belirlendi. Bitki ve toprak örneklerinin analizleri Denizli bölgesinin,sınır değerleri aşmamakla birlikte, civa ile kirlendiğini gösterdi. Zakkum ve zeytin yaprağı biomonitör olarak önerildi. Kirliliğin yaz aylarında arttığı gözlendi. Aliağa-Bozköy hurda çelik sanayi bölgesinde toprak ve bitki analizleri derinlik, fabrikaya uzaklık ve mevsimlere göre yapıldı. Bu etkenlerle civa derişimi arasında doğrudan ilişki bulunamadı. Bölge toprağı için ters altın suyu ile örnek bozma yöntemi uygun bulundu.IX Moss samples grown in Izmir city and natural moss samples collected around coal fired power plants in this area have shown mercury pollution. The method was also shown to be applicable for mercury analysis in blood samples. Mercury level was found to be high in some patient's blood. In order to understand the accuracy of the method. The method was applied to standard reference sediment and standard reference fish homogenate samples. Moreover we have joined an international analytical performance study for mercury analysis in sediment and fish samples. From the results, it was announced that the classical wet decomposition methods used were excellent for both samples. We have been classified among the l.Grup laboratories with this work
vuı ABSTRACT STUDIES ON EVALUATION OF MERCURY BY ATOMIC ABSORPTION AND FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETRY GOULDING, Şahande PhD Thesis, Chemistry Department Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Emür HENDEN August 1996, 112 page Wool column was used for the first time for "Flow-Injection On-Line Preconcentration-Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption" determination of mercury. The method was found to be appropriate for mercury determination at nanogram level. Sample decomposition techniques for the determination of mercury was evaluated using an "Automated cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometer". Clossed vessel with PTFE cups, either for microwave ovens or classical ovens, were found to give low recoveries for mercury and the classical acid digestion techniques were preferred. The mercury levels of tobacco leaves collected from Aegean Region varried between 30-159 ng Hg/g sample. Analysis of leaves samples collected from Denizli show different pollution in the city. The pollution increased during summer. Nerium oleander and olive tree leaves have been suggested as biomonitor of mercury. Mercury pollution in the Aliağa-Bozköy area, where scrap iron factories situated, were studied by analysing soil and plant samples, with respect to the depth of soil sampling, distance from the factory and the season of sampling. No correlation could be found between these parameters and mercury concentration. Decomposition of the soil with reversed aqua regia were found to be suitable for mercury analysis.IX Moss samples grown in Izmir city and natural moss samples collected around coal fired power plants in this area have shown mercury pollution. The method was also shown to be applicable for mercury analysis in blood samples. Mercury level was found to be high in some patient's blood. In order to understand the accuracy of the method. The method was applied to standard reference sediment and standard reference fish homogenate samples. Moreover we have joined an international analytical performance study for mercury analysis in sediment and fish samples. From the results, it was announced that the classical wet decomposition methods used were excellent for both samples. We have been classified among the l.Grup laboratories with this work.


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Kimya, Chemistry, Atomik flüoresans spektrometri, Atomic fluorescence spectrometry, Atomik soğurma spektrometri, Atomic absorption spectrometry, Cıva, Mercury


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