Bazı sanayi domatesi çeşitlerinin Macrosiphum euphorbiae(Thom. )(Hom. : Aphididae)'nin mevsimsel populasyon yoğunluğuna etkisi üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Ülkemizde sanayi domatesi üretimi ülke ekonomisinde oldukça önemli "bir yer tutmakta olup M. euphorbiae "bu bitkinin önemli bir zararlısıdır. Yaprakbitinin mevsimsel populasyon dalgalanmasına çeşitlerin etkisinin incelenmesinin hem ilaçlama zamanının tespiti gibi, direk uygulamaya yönelik olacağı gibi hem de bu tip çalışmalara temel olacağı düşünülmüştür. Bu çalışma 1 Haziran-25 Ağustos 1990 tarihleri arasında Yenişehir (Bursa)* de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Denemede 15 sanayi domates çeşidi kullanilmistır. Çeşitlerde M. Euphorbiae' nin populasyon değişim eğrileri incelendiğinde 11 çeşitte populayonun 20 Temmuz* da maksimuma ulaştığı görülmektedir. Bunlar, Arno VSB, 0. Majerado, Colorado, B.C. ^ajjerado, B. Harvest, FR.44.SS, Mexico, Huavo Hax., Peto 86, R. Huntel, R. Stone çeşitleridir. Royal Ball çeşidinde 8 Haziran, KG-63-7 ve Rock Exp. çeşidinde 15 Haziran tarihinde, Royal Chico çeşidinde ise 3 Ağustos tarihinde maksimuma ulaşmıştır» Cetvel 3 incelendiğinde 8 Haziran' da bütün çeşitlerin BZE*ni aştığı görülmektedir. Cetvel 6 incelendiğinde 29 Haziran* da yapılan sayım sonucu sadece E. Harvest, KG-63-7 ve Huavo Max. çeşitlerinin EZE'ni aştığı görülmüştür
SOHEARY THE INVESTIGATIONS OK THE EFFECT. OF THE SOKE PROCESSING TOMATO VARIETIES OK TKB SEASONAL POPULATIONS DENSITY OF Hacrosihum euphorbiae (Thorn.) (Aphididae) In our country, the production of processing tomato has an important role in the national economy and Macros ipham euphorbiae is one of the pests of this crop. It was thought that studying of the effect of the varieties on the seasonal population fluctations of the aphid could he useful for practical aplications such as determining of the treatment time and also provided the fundamental information for works released. This study was conducted in Bursa (Yenişehir) from 1.06.1990 to 25.08.1990. The different 15 varieties of processing tomato were used in this trial. As it was studied the population curves of the varieties in fable 3» The population of M. euphorbias was reached to the maximum point in 11 varieties on the 20th July. These varieties were called as Arno VFN, C. Ha^erado, Colorado, B.C. Majerado, E. Harvest, FR.44.SS, Mexico, Nuavo Max., Peto 86, R. Huntel, R. Stone. It was seen that the Qf M. euphorbiae was in the highest point
SOHEARY THE INVESTIGATIONS OK THE EFFECT. OF THE SOKE PROCESSING TOMATO VARIETIES OK TKB SEASONAL POPULATIONS DENSITY OF Hacrosihum euphorbiae (Thorn.) (Aphididae) In our country, the production of processing tomato has an important role in the national economy and Macros ipham euphorbiae is one of the pests of this crop. It was thought that studying of the effect of the varieties on the seasonal population fluctations of the aphid could he useful for practical aplications such as determining of the treatment time and also provided the fundamental information for works released. This study was conducted in Bursa (Yenişehir) from 1.06.1990 to 25.08.1990. The different 15 varieties of processing tomato were used in this trial. As it was studied the population curves of the varieties in fable 3» The population of M. euphorbias was reached to the maximum point in 11 varieties on the 20th July. These varieties were called as Arno VFN, C. Ha^erado, Colorado, B.C. Majerado, E. Harvest, FR.44.SS, Mexico, Nuavo Max., Peto 86, R. Huntel, R. Stone. It was seen that the Qf M. euphorbiae was in the highest point
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Bursa-Yenişehir, Bursa-Yenişehir, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Sanayi domatesi, Processing tomato, Yaprak biti, Aphid