Distal arkus aorta patolojilerinde konvansiyonel bilgisayarlı tomografi sonuçlarının ameliyat bulguları ile karşılaştırılması
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Amaç: Distal arkus aort patolojilerinde uygulanacak cerrahi teknik büyük ölçüde preoperatif tanıya bağlıdır. Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT), kolay uygulanabilmesi, spesifite ve sensitivitesinin yüksek olması nedeniyle tanıda en sık olarak kullanılan yöntemlerden biridir. Çalışmamızda distal arkus aort patolojisi olan olgularda opaklı konvansiyonel BT sonuçları ile ameliyat bulguları retrospektif olarak karşılaştırılarak BT'nin tanıdaki ve uygulanacak ameliyat tekniğinin belirlenmesindeki değeri saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Materyal ve Metod: 1994 - 2001 yılları arasında yaş ortalamaları 51.8 + 13 olan 33 olgu (28'i erkek, 5'i kadın) ameliyat edildi. Bilgisayarlı tomografide tespit edilen distal arkus aort patolojileri akut veya kronik tip III disseksiyon ve anevrizma olarak üçe ayrılmıştır. Bilgisayarlı tomografide buna ek olarak rüptür varlığı ve subklavyan arterin lezyona dahil olup olmadığı da araştırılmış ve sonuçlar operasyon bulguları ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Bilgisayarlı tomografide saptanan patolojilerin operatif bulgularla karşılaştırılması sonucunda akut tip III disseksiyonlu 5 olgunun tümünde doğru tanı (pozitif tahmin değeri %100, sensitivite %100); kronik tip III disseksiyonlu 11 olgunun 9'unda doğru tanı (pozitif tahmin değeri %81.81, sensitivite %90); anevrizmalı 19 olgunun 16'sında doğru tanı (pozitif tahmin değeri %94.12, sensitivite %88.89); rüptür belirlenen 3 olgunun tümünde doğru tanı (sensitivite %100, geçerlik %100) konulduğu saptandı. Bilgisayarlı tomografi bulgularının ameliyat tekniğinin (HSA veya SAFB) belirlenmesinde etkisi olmadı. Bilgisayarlı tomografide subklavyan tutuluş saptanan 2 olgu dışında, 5 olguya daha subklavyan arter proksimalinden klemp konulmak zorunda kalındı. Bilgisayarlı tomografinin klemp yerini ve subklavyan arter tutuluşunu belirlemedeki sensitivitesi %28.5, geçerliği ise %22.2 olarak saptandı. Sonuç: Konvansiyonel opaklı BT, distal arkus aort patolojilerinde tanının konması ve rüptür varlığının saptanmasında oldukça etkili iken, subklavyan arter tutuluşu ve buna bağlı olarak klemp seviyesinin belirlenmesinde ise çok duyarlı bir teknik değildir.
Background: Operative technique used in repair of distal aortic arch diseases is selected mostly on the basis of preoperative diagnosis. Computed tomography (CT) is an effective method in diagnosis because of its easy availability with high specificity and sensitivity rates. Present study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic reliability and predictive value of CT in determination of operation technique by retrospective comparative analysis of operative findings with results of conventional CT in patients with distal aortic disease. Methods: Thirty-three patients (mean age 51.8 + 13 years, male 28 and female 5) underwent distal aortic arch operations between 1994 and 2001. Distal aortic diseases diagnosed in CT were grouped as acute type III dissection, chronic type III dissection, and aneurysms. Besides pathological classification, the involvement of left subclavian artery and whether the rupture was present or not were also investigated and compared with the operative findings. Results: Acute type III dissection reported in CT analyses of 5 patients was also confirmed in operations with positive-predictive value and sensitivity of 100%. Chronic type III dissection diagnosed in 9 patients with CT was detected surgically in 11 patients with positive-predictive value of 81.81% and sensitivity of 90%. Aneurysm diagnosed in 19 patients, was confirmed surgically in 16 patients with pozitive-predictive value of 94.12% and sensitivity of 88.89%. The rupture diagnosed in 3 patients was also confirmed surgically in all patients. Computerized tomography findings were not predictive in determination of operation technique. Besides 2 patients detected in CT, cross-clamping had to be performed proximal to subclavian artery in additional 5 patients. Sensitivity and accuracy of CT in detecting the left subclavian artery involvement were 28.5% and 22.2%, respectively. Conclusion: The conventional CT is a very effective technique in diagnosis of distal aortic arch diseases and in the detection of rupture, whereas it is not sensitive to show subclavian artery involvement. Therefore, the operative strategy should not be based on the CT findings.
Background: Operative technique used in repair of distal aortic arch diseases is selected mostly on the basis of preoperative diagnosis. Computed tomography (CT) is an effective method in diagnosis because of its easy availability with high specificity and sensitivity rates. Present study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic reliability and predictive value of CT in determination of operation technique by retrospective comparative analysis of operative findings with results of conventional CT in patients with distal aortic disease. Methods: Thirty-three patients (mean age 51.8 + 13 years, male 28 and female 5) underwent distal aortic arch operations between 1994 and 2001. Distal aortic diseases diagnosed in CT were grouped as acute type III dissection, chronic type III dissection, and aneurysms. Besides pathological classification, the involvement of left subclavian artery and whether the rupture was present or not were also investigated and compared with the operative findings. Results: Acute type III dissection reported in CT analyses of 5 patients was also confirmed in operations with positive-predictive value and sensitivity of 100%. Chronic type III dissection diagnosed in 9 patients with CT was detected surgically in 11 patients with positive-predictive value of 81.81% and sensitivity of 90%. Aneurysm diagnosed in 19 patients, was confirmed surgically in 16 patients with pozitive-predictive value of 94.12% and sensitivity of 88.89%. The rupture diagnosed in 3 patients was also confirmed surgically in all patients. Computerized tomography findings were not predictive in determination of operation technique. Besides 2 patients detected in CT, cross-clamping had to be performed proximal to subclavian artery in additional 5 patients. Sensitivity and accuracy of CT in detecting the left subclavian artery involvement were 28.5% and 22.2%, respectively. Conclusion: The conventional CT is a very effective technique in diagnosis of distal aortic arch diseases and in the detection of rupture, whereas it is not sensitive to show subclavian artery involvement. Therefore, the operative strategy should not be based on the CT findings.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, Kalp ve Kalp Damar Sistemi
Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri