Filiz kırmanın bazı patates çeşitlerinde (S. tuberosum l. ) verim ve kaliteye etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET FlLÎZ KIRMANIN BÂZI PATATES ÇEŞİTLERİNDE (S.tuberosum L.) VERlM VE KALİTEYE ETKİSİ SARGIN, Emel Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Celal ÇALIŞKAN Eylfll 1997,49. sayfa Bu araştırma, Menemen dikim yerinde, 1996 yılında ve ana ürün dikim koşullarında, farklı filiz kırma sayılarının (I=Hiç filizi kırılmamış normal yumru, H=Bir defa filizi kırılmış yumrular, HNÖd defa filizi kırılmış yumrular, IV=Oç defa filizi kırılmış yumrular), değişik olumlu bazı patates çeşitlerinde (Resy, 81028/1, Sultan, Granola, Yayla kızı) verim komponentleri, verim ve kalite özellikleri Özerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre; genelde, filiz kırma sayıları arasındaki farklılıklar, ele alınan özelliklerde önemli çıkmıştır. Burada, en yüksek bitki boyları I no'lu filiz kırma muamelesinden ve en geç çıkış ve olum süreleri ise IV ve I no'lu filiz kırma muamelesine sahip yumrulardan elde edilen bitkilerde saptanmıştır. Bitki başına en yüksek yumru sayısı 5.66 ile m no'lu filiz kırma muamelesi, en yüksek tek yumruağırlığı 57,46 gr ile I ve en yüksek dekara yumru verimi (1370.8 kg/da) ise n no 'lu filiz kırma muamelesine sahip bitkilerden elde olunmuştur. Yine burada, kuru madde miktarları % 19.3-23.5 değerleri arasında yer alırken, nişasta miktarları ise % 11.7 - 13.6 değerlerine sahiptir. Verim komponentleri, verim ve kalite ele alındığında en iyi sonuçları, n ve m no'lu filiz kırma muameleleri getirmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Patates, Dormansi, Filizlenme, Filiz Kuma ve Verim
vn ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF DESPROUTJNG ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS IN CERTAIN POTATO CULTTVARS (S.tuberosum L.) SARGINEmel Msc in Field Crops Department Supervisor :Pro£ Dr.Celal ÇALIŞKAN September 1997, 49. pages This study was carried out to determine me effect of me time desprouting (I =Normal tuber not desprouted, II =One time desprouted tubersjn =Second time desprouted tubers, IV =Third time desprouted tubers) on the yield components and quality characteristics in some potato cuitivars (Resy,81028/l,Sul- tan,Granola,YayIakizi) with different maturity. The experiment was conducted under the main crop production conditions at Menemen in 1996. In general, the desprouting times have significantly affected the traits measured in the study. The highest plant height was obtained in (he treatment I the latest emergen and maturity dates were observed in the treatments IV and L The heighest number of tuber per plant (5.66) in the ?.'. treatment ID, the highest single tuber weight 57.46 g in the treatment I and the highest tuber yield (1370.8 kg/da) in the treatment H were obtained. At the same time,the values of dry matter coutant werevm between 19.3 - 23.5,% and the starch contents were between 11.7 -13.6%. When yield components and quality were considered, the best results were observed in the treatments II and IS of desprouting. Keywords: Potatoes, Dormancy, Sprounting, desprouting and Yield.
vn ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF DESPROUTJNG ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS IN CERTAIN POTATO CULTTVARS (S.tuberosum L.) SARGINEmel Msc in Field Crops Department Supervisor :Pro£ Dr.Celal ÇALIŞKAN September 1997, 49. pages This study was carried out to determine me effect of me time desprouting (I =Normal tuber not desprouted, II =One time desprouted tubersjn =Second time desprouted tubers, IV =Third time desprouted tubers) on the yield components and quality characteristics in some potato cuitivars (Resy,81028/l,Sul- tan,Granola,YayIakizi) with different maturity. The experiment was conducted under the main crop production conditions at Menemen in 1996. In general, the desprouting times have significantly affected the traits measured in the study. The highest plant height was obtained in (he treatment I the latest emergen and maturity dates were observed in the treatments IV and L The heighest number of tuber per plant (5.66) in the ?.'. treatment ID, the highest single tuber weight 57.46 g in the treatment I and the highest tuber yield (1370.8 kg/da) in the treatment H were obtained. At the same time,the values of dry matter coutant werevm between 19.3 - 23.5,% and the starch contents were between 11.7 -13.6%. When yield components and quality were considered, the best results were observed in the treatments II and IS of desprouting. Keywords: Potatoes, Dormancy, Sprounting, desprouting and Yield.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Filiz kırma, Desprouting, Patates, Potato, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops