Monolitik zirkonya materyalinin fizikokimyasal başarılarının istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Monolitik zirkonya materyali son yıllarda klinik endikasyon çeşitliliğinin artması ile ve materyal bilimindeki gelişmelerin sayesinde protetik diş hekimliğinde restorasyon materyalleri arasında oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu tez çalışmasında, iki farklı yöntem ile renklendirilmiş stabilize edici oksit ve faz içeriği değişkenlik gösteren monolitik zirkonya materyallerinde, çeşitli yüzey bitirme işlemleri, kimyasal yaşlandırma ve renklendirici ajan uygulamalarını takiben görülebilecek olası renk değişikliği, yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve temas açısı farklılıklarını in-vitro olarak incelemek amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: %4-6 Y2O3 içerikli (Vita YZ HT, Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Almanya) ve %9,32 Y2O3 içerikli (CopraSmile, Whitepeaks Dental Solutions GmbH&Co, Essen, Almanya) renkli ve renksiz translüsent zirkonya bloklardan 144 adet disk şeklinde örnek (1.2 mm Ø ± 0.2 mm) kazıma yöntemi ile hazırlandı. Renksiz bloklardan kazınan örneklere renklendirme sıvısı ile sinterlenme öncesinde internal renklendirme yapıldı. Örneklere ağız içi okluzal aşındırmayı taklit eden bir pürüzlendirme işlemi sonrasında glaze, ağız içi polisaj kiti (NTI, NTI-Kahla GmbH Rotary Dental Instruments, Kahla, Almanya) ve polisaj pastası içeren ağız içi polisaj seti (OptraFine, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechstenstein) ile yüzey bitirme işlemleri uygulandı (n=12). Ardından, örneklere pH değeri 2,4 olan %4’lük asetik asit çözeltisinde kimyasal yıpratma işlemi termostatik çalkalama cihazında (4080 Incubator Shaker, Herasau, İsviçre) 18 saat boyunca 80°C’ye kadar kademeli sıcaklık artışı ile uygulandı. Son aşamada, 2 gr granül kahve (Nescafe Classic, Nestle, İstanbul, Türkiye) ve 200 ml kaynar su ile renklendirici ajan karışımı hazırlandı ve örnekler 7 gün boyunca bu karışımda bekletildi. Tüm örneklerin başlangıçta, yüzey bitirme işlemi sonrasında, yaşlandırma sonrasında yüzey pürüzlülükleri manuel profilometre yardımıyla (Sj 201, Mitutoyo Corp, Kawasaki, Japonya), temas açıları ise temas açısı mikroskobu ile (Krüss GmbH, Hamburg, Almanya) ölçüldü. ΔE hesaplaması için gereken L, a, b değerleri de Vita Easyshade Spektrofotometre (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Almanya) ile başlangıçta, yüzey bitirme işlemi sonrasında, yaşlandırma sonrasında ve renklendirici ajan sonrasında ölçüldü. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0.(IBM Corp. Released 2017, Armonk, NY) paket programında tamamlandı. Bulgular: 3Y-TZP translüsent bloklardan elde edilen 72 adet örneğin başlangıç temas açısı ölçümlerinde ortalama ve standart sapma 39,21±5,88 derecedir. 5Y-PSZ translüsent bloklardan elde edilen örneklerin başlangıç temas açısı ölçümlerinin ortalaması ve standart sapma 36,21±6,79 derecedir. Gruplar 3: 3Y-TZP, 5: 5Y-PSZ, Ö: Önceden renkli (preshaded), S: Sonradan renklendirilen (sinterlenme öncesi renklendirilen) bleach blok, G: Glaze, AP: Ağız içi parlatma kiti ve PP: Polisaj pastası içeren polisaj seti olarak kodlandırılmıştır. 3 Ö G, 3 Ö AP, 3 Ö PP, 3 S G, 3 S AP, 3 S PP, 5 Ö G, 5 Ö AP, 5 Ö PP, 5 S G, 5 S AP ve 5 S PP temas açı ortalama ve standart sapma değerleri sırasıyla 37,17±5,81, 41,67±4,46, 53,42±6,80, 31,75±5,93, 45,58±7,80, 47,42±3,32, 34,08±6,22, 38,83±7,16, 43,92±6,29, 28,33±6,30, 33,17±8,18 ve 43,42±6,10 derecedir. 3 Ö G, 3 Ö AP, 3 Ö PP, 3 S G, 3 S AP, 3 S PP, 5 Ö G, 5 Ö AP, 5 Ö PP, 5 S G, 5 S AP ve 5 S PP Ra değerleri ortalama ve standart sapma değerleri sırasıyla 1,31±0,29, 0,84±0,21, 0,77±0,28, 1,44±0,36, 0,95±0,34, 0,60±0,21, 1,29±0,22, 0,71±0,18, 0,81±0,25, 1,13±0,24, 0,86±0,25 ve 0,96±0,27 şeklindedir. Ayrıca, ΔE1 değerleri tüm gruplarda eşik değerin altındadır. ΔE6 değerleri ise eşik değeri aşmıştır; her grupta en düşük değerler AP, en yüksek değerler PP grubundadır. Sonuç: Düşük yttrium içerikli, yüksek yttrium içerikli, önceden ve sonradan renklendirilmiş glaze uygulaması gruplarının hepsinde (3 Ö, 3 S, 5 Ö, 5 S) temas açısı değerleri azalmıştır. Kimyasal yaşlandırma sonrasında tüm grupların temas açılarında artış vardır. Düşük yttrium içerikli, yüksek yttrium içerikli, önceden ve sonradan renklendirilmiş glaze uygulanan grupların tümünün (3 Ö, 3 S, 5 Ö, 5 S) Ra değerleri, ağız içi polisaj kiti (AP) ve polisaj pastası içerikli polisaj seti (PP) gruplarına göre daha yüksektir. Kimyasal yaşlandırma sonrasında tüm gruplarda Ra değerleri artmıştır. Yüzey bitirme işlemi ve kimyasal yaşlandırmanın oluşturduğu renk değişimi değerleri eşik değerin altındadır ancak kahve renklendirmesi sonrasında tüm kübik zirkonya gruplarında değerler eşik değerin üzerine çıkmıştır.
Purpose: Monolithic zirconia has a very important place among restoration materials in prosthetic dentistry, owing to the increase in the variety of clinical indications and developments in material science in recent years. This PhD thesis aims to investigate the color stability, surface roughness and contact angle differences that can be observed after various surface finishing methods, chemical aging (acid corrosion) and coloring agent applications in preshaded and internally shaded monolithic zirconia materials whose Y2O3 and cubic phase content vary. Method: Disc-shaped samples (1.2 mm Ø ± 0.2 mm) (n=144) were prepared by subtractive milling of preshaded and bleach monolithic zirconia blocks with 4-6% Y2O3 content (Vita YZ HT, Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany) (n=72) and 9.32% Y2O3 content (CopraSmile, Whitepeaks Dental Solutions GmbH&Co, Essen, Germany) (n=72). The samples milled from the bleach blocks were internally shaded with the coloring liquid and sintered. In order to symbolise the intraoral occlusal grinding process, Z-Cut (NTI-Kahla GmbH Rotary Dental Instruments, Kahla, Germany) diamond burs were used. Then, various surface finishing&polishing methods including glaze, intraoral polishing kit (NTI, NTI-Kahla GmbH Rotary Dental Instruments, Kahla, Germany) and intraoral polishing set with a diamond paste (OptraFine, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechstenstein) were applied 12 samples of each 4 subgroups. All samples were aged chemically in a 4% acetic acid solution (pH=2.4) for 18 hours in a thermostatic shaking device (4080 Incubator Shaker, Herasau, Switzerland). The temperature was gradually increased up to 80°C. Following this step, a coloring agent coffee solution (2 g of granulated coffee (Nescafe Classic, Nestle, Istanbul, Turkey) and 200 ml of boiling water), was prepared and the samples were kept in this mixture for 7 days. Surface roughness and contact angles of all samples at the beginning, after surface finishing and after chemical aging was measured by a manual profilometer (Sj 201, Mitutoyo Corp, Kawasaki, Japan) and contact angle goniometer microscope (Krüss GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). The L, a, and b values were measured at the beginning and after each step of surface polishing, chemical aging and coloring agent application with the help of Vita Easyshade Spectrophotometer (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany). The ΔE values were calculated according to the formula. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was completed with IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0.(IBM Corp. Released 2017, Armonk, NY) program. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the initial contact angle measurements of 72 samples obtained from 3Y-TZP translucent blocks were 39.21±5.88 degrees. The mean and standard deviation of the initial contact angle measurements of the samples obtained from the 5Y-PSZ translucent blocks were 36.21±6.79 degrees. The sub-groups were given codes as %3: 3Y-TZP, %5: 5Y-PSZ, Ö: Preshaded, S: Bleach, G: Glaze, AP: Intraoral polish kit, PP: Intraoral polish set containing polishing paste. The mean and standard deviation of contact angle values of 3 Ö G, 3 Ö AP, 3 Ö PP, 3 SG, 3 S AP, 3 S PP, 5 Ö G, 5 Ö AP, 5 Ö PP, 5 SG, 5 S AP and 5 S PP groups are 37.17±5.81, 41.67±4.46, 53.42±6.80, 31.75±5.93, 45.58±7.80, 47.42±3.32, 34.08±6.22, 38.83±7.16, 43.92±6.29, 28.33±6.30, 33.17±8.18 and 43.42±6.10 degrees, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of Ra values of 3 Ö G, 3 Ö AP, 3 Ö PP, 3 SG, 3 S AP, 3 S PP, 5 Ö G, 5 Ö AP, 5 Ö PP, 5 SG, 5 S AP and 5 S PP groups are 1.31±0.29, 0.84±0.21, 0.77±0.28, 1.44±0.36, 0.95±0.34, 0.60±0.21, 1.29±0.22, 0.71±0.18, 0.81±0.25, 1.13±0.24, 0.86±0.25, and 0.96±0.27, respectively. ΔE1 values are below the threshold value, but after the coffee agent, the ΔE6 values exceeded the threshold value in all groups. Among the ΔE6 groups, the lowest ΔE1 values were observed in AP groups, whereas the PP groups exhibited the highest values in all groups. Conclusion: Contact angle values decreased in all groups of glaze application with low yttrium content, high yttrium content, pre-shaded and internal shaded specimens (3 Ö, 3 S, 5 Ö, 5 S). After chemical aging, the contact angles were increased in all groups. Ra values of all (3 Ö, 3 S, 5 Ö, 5 S) glazed groups with low yttrium content, high yttrium content, pre-shaded and internal shaded is higher when compared to the intraoral polishing kit (AP) and polishing set with polishing paste (PP) groups. The Ra values increased in all groups after chemical aging. ΔE values after surface finishing and chemical aging were below the threshold value, but ΔE6 values after the chemical aging and coloring agent exceeded the threshold value in all cubic zirconia groups.
Purpose: Monolithic zirconia has a very important place among restoration materials in prosthetic dentistry, owing to the increase in the variety of clinical indications and developments in material science in recent years. This PhD thesis aims to investigate the color stability, surface roughness and contact angle differences that can be observed after various surface finishing methods, chemical aging (acid corrosion) and coloring agent applications in preshaded and internally shaded monolithic zirconia materials whose Y2O3 and cubic phase content vary. Method: Disc-shaped samples (1.2 mm Ø ± 0.2 mm) (n=144) were prepared by subtractive milling of preshaded and bleach monolithic zirconia blocks with 4-6% Y2O3 content (Vita YZ HT, Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany) (n=72) and 9.32% Y2O3 content (CopraSmile, Whitepeaks Dental Solutions GmbH&Co, Essen, Germany) (n=72). The samples milled from the bleach blocks were internally shaded with the coloring liquid and sintered. In order to symbolise the intraoral occlusal grinding process, Z-Cut (NTI-Kahla GmbH Rotary Dental Instruments, Kahla, Germany) diamond burs were used. Then, various surface finishing&polishing methods including glaze, intraoral polishing kit (NTI, NTI-Kahla GmbH Rotary Dental Instruments, Kahla, Germany) and intraoral polishing set with a diamond paste (OptraFine, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechstenstein) were applied 12 samples of each 4 subgroups. All samples were aged chemically in a 4% acetic acid solution (pH=2.4) for 18 hours in a thermostatic shaking device (4080 Incubator Shaker, Herasau, Switzerland). The temperature was gradually increased up to 80°C. Following this step, a coloring agent coffee solution (2 g of granulated coffee (Nescafe Classic, Nestle, Istanbul, Turkey) and 200 ml of boiling water), was prepared and the samples were kept in this mixture for 7 days. Surface roughness and contact angles of all samples at the beginning, after surface finishing and after chemical aging was measured by a manual profilometer (Sj 201, Mitutoyo Corp, Kawasaki, Japan) and contact angle goniometer microscope (Krüss GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). The L, a, and b values were measured at the beginning and after each step of surface polishing, chemical aging and coloring agent application with the help of Vita Easyshade Spectrophotometer (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany). The ΔE values were calculated according to the formula. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was completed with IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0.(IBM Corp. Released 2017, Armonk, NY) program. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the initial contact angle measurements of 72 samples obtained from 3Y-TZP translucent blocks were 39.21±5.88 degrees. The mean and standard deviation of the initial contact angle measurements of the samples obtained from the 5Y-PSZ translucent blocks were 36.21±6.79 degrees. The sub-groups were given codes as %3: 3Y-TZP, %5: 5Y-PSZ, Ö: Preshaded, S: Bleach, G: Glaze, AP: Intraoral polish kit, PP: Intraoral polish set containing polishing paste. The mean and standard deviation of contact angle values of 3 Ö G, 3 Ö AP, 3 Ö PP, 3 SG, 3 S AP, 3 S PP, 5 Ö G, 5 Ö AP, 5 Ö PP, 5 SG, 5 S AP and 5 S PP groups are 37.17±5.81, 41.67±4.46, 53.42±6.80, 31.75±5.93, 45.58±7.80, 47.42±3.32, 34.08±6.22, 38.83±7.16, 43.92±6.29, 28.33±6.30, 33.17±8.18 and 43.42±6.10 degrees, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of Ra values of 3 Ö G, 3 Ö AP, 3 Ö PP, 3 SG, 3 S AP, 3 S PP, 5 Ö G, 5 Ö AP, 5 Ö PP, 5 SG, 5 S AP and 5 S PP groups are 1.31±0.29, 0.84±0.21, 0.77±0.28, 1.44±0.36, 0.95±0.34, 0.60±0.21, 1.29±0.22, 0.71±0.18, 0.81±0.25, 1.13±0.24, 0.86±0.25, and 0.96±0.27, respectively. ΔE1 values are below the threshold value, but after the coffee agent, the ΔE6 values exceeded the threshold value in all groups. Among the ΔE6 groups, the lowest ΔE1 values were observed in AP groups, whereas the PP groups exhibited the highest values in all groups. Conclusion: Contact angle values decreased in all groups of glaze application with low yttrium content, high yttrium content, pre-shaded and internal shaded specimens (3 Ö, 3 S, 5 Ö, 5 S). After chemical aging, the contact angles were increased in all groups. Ra values of all (3 Ö, 3 S, 5 Ö, 5 S) glazed groups with low yttrium content, high yttrium content, pre-shaded and internal shaded is higher when compared to the intraoral polishing kit (AP) and polishing set with polishing paste (PP) groups. The Ra values increased in all groups after chemical aging. ΔE values after surface finishing and chemical aging were below the threshold value, but ΔE6 values after the chemical aging and coloring agent exceeded the threshold value in all cubic zirconia groups.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Islanabilirlik, Renk Stabilitesi, Yüzey Özellikleri, Yttria Stabilize Tetragonal Zirkonya, Bitirme ve Polisaj, Wettability, Color Stability, Surface Properties, Yttria Stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia, Dental Finishing and Polishing