EARN (European Academic and Research Network) üzerindeki listservler ve listelerin dağılımının optimizasyonu üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu çalışmada, bilgisayar ağları ve Avrupa Akademik ve Araştırma Kurumlan Bilgisayar Ağı (EARN) tanıtılarak, bu ağda bulunan servisciler -NETSERV, LIST- SERV, RELAY, TRICKLE hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. LISTSERV servis makinalarının esas amacı, ağ kullanıcılarına çeşitli konu larda forum ortamı sağlamak olmakla beraber, LISTSERVler aynı zamanda bir kütük serviscisi olarak da hizmet vermektedirler. Ağustos 1990 itibari ile EARN'de 50 adet LISTSERV servis makinesi bulunmaktadır ve bu servis makinalan ta rafından yönetilen 640 tane global liste vardır. Bu araştırmada, kullanımı oldukça yaygın bir servisci olan LISTSERVlerin ağda oluşturdukları trafiğin ölçülmesi amacıyla listelerdeki mesaj dağıtım mekanizması incelenmiştir. Ağda kullanılan dağıtım yönteminin yanısıra başka dağıtım algoritmaları geliştirilerek, karşılaş tırmalar yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kullanılan dağıtım mekanizmasının ağda minimum yük oluşturmak üzere tasarlandığı anlaşılmış, ancak durumu daha da iyileştirmek için öneriler geliştirilmiştir. 52
AN INVESTIGATION ON OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOCATION OF LISTSERVS AND LISTS ON EARN SUMMARY In this M.Sc thesis, information is given about the European Academic and Re search Network (EARN) and the servers EARN offers to the network users, - NET- SERV, LISTSERV, RELAY and TRICKLE, Altough the main purpose of LISTSERV server machines is to maintain a forum environment about several subjects to the network users, LISTSERVS also work as a file server. As August 1990, there are 50 working LISTSERV server machines and totally 640 global lists, that are being served by these server machines in EARN. In this research, in order to find out the network cost caused by the LISTSERV server machines, the method used for the distribution of the list messages among the members of a list, is examined. The method depends on an algorithm named DISTRIBUTE, and works between the "backbone" servers. In order to be able to make comparisons, besides the real method used now, some different distribution algiothms have been developed. The results obtained from all algorithms for the various lists on the network showed that altough the distribution method being used now is designed to cause minimum network cost, some improvements can still be made. 53
AN INVESTIGATION ON OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOCATION OF LISTSERVS AND LISTS ON EARN SUMMARY In this M.Sc thesis, information is given about the European Academic and Re search Network (EARN) and the servers EARN offers to the network users, - NET- SERV, LISTSERV, RELAY and TRICKLE, Altough the main purpose of LISTSERV server machines is to maintain a forum environment about several subjects to the network users, LISTSERVS also work as a file server. As August 1990, there are 50 working LISTSERV server machines and totally 640 global lists, that are being served by these server machines in EARN. In this research, in order to find out the network cost caused by the LISTSERV server machines, the method used for the distribution of the list messages among the members of a list, is examined. The method depends on an algorithm named DISTRIBUTE, and works between the "backbone" servers. In order to be able to make comparisons, besides the real method used now, some different distribution algiothms have been developed. The results obtained from all algorithms for the various lists on the network showed that altough the distribution method being used now is designed to cause minimum network cost, some improvements can still be made. 53
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, Bilgisayar ağları, Computer networks, EARN, EARN, Listserv, Listserv, Optimizasyon, Optimization