Konfeksiyon işletmelerinde verimliliği etkileyen faktörlerin önceliklerinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ill ÖZET KONFEKSİYON İŞLETMELERİNDE VERİMLİLİ?İ ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERİN ÖNCELİKLERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ GÜNER, Mücella Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç.Dr.M.Çetin ERDO?AN Ağustos, 1996, 144 sayfa Verimlilik emek, sermaye, hammadde ve enerjinin en yüksek üretime dönüştürülmesi anlamını taşır. Verimliliği etkileyen faktörler pek çoktur, ancak hiç birisi diğerlerinden bağımsız değildir. İşletmelerin verimlilik düzeyi işletme içi sosyal yapı, çevre, teknoloji, çalışanların moral, motivasyon düzeyi, ücreti, nitelikleri gibi faktörlerin karşılıklı etkileşimi sonucu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu araştırmada önce, konfeksiyon işletmelerinde verimliliği etkileyen faktörler tespit edilmiş, sınıflandırılmış, alt faktörleri çıkartılmıştır. Daha sonra izmir Bölgesinde büyük ve orta büyüklükle 32 adet işletme dolaşılarak bu işletmelerdeki müdür, şef, mühendis ve usta seviyesindeki kimselere aynı ve/veya farklı faktörleri kısaca açıklayan anket formları dağıtılmış ve bu faktörleri önem sırasına göre numaralandırmaları istenmiştir. Son olarak faktörler bu yöneticiler ve işletmelerin kullandığı hammaddeler bazında ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmeye tabii mftumuştur
IV ABSTRACT TO DETERMINE THE PRIORITY OF THE FACTORS WHICH AFFACT PRODUCTIVITY IN READY MADE SECTOR GÜNER, Mücella MSc in TextUe Eng. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr.M.Çetin ERDO?AN August 1996, 144 pages Productivity has the meaning that labour, capital, raw material and energy are converted into the uppermost production. The factors which affect productivity are quite a lot, however, none of them can be set apart from others. The productivity level of companies comes out by the factors affecting one another susch as the social structure of company, environment technology, the level of motivation and the high spirit, the wage, the qualifications of workers. In this research, first of all, the factors affecting the productivity in ready made suit workshops were fixed, classified and subfactors were found. Later by visiting 32 medium and large scale companies in the district of Izmir, the questionnaire forms which explain the same and/or different factors briefly were distiributed to the managers, the chiefs, the engineers, the foremen in these companies. They were asked to rearrenge (that is to give numbers to) the factors according to their importance. Lastly, the factors were applied to evaluating separately in terms of the raw materials which the managers and the companies had used.
IV ABSTRACT TO DETERMINE THE PRIORITY OF THE FACTORS WHICH AFFACT PRODUCTIVITY IN READY MADE SECTOR GÜNER, Mücella MSc in TextUe Eng. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr.M.Çetin ERDO?AN August 1996, 144 pages Productivity has the meaning that labour, capital, raw material and energy are converted into the uppermost production. The factors which affect productivity are quite a lot, however, none of them can be set apart from others. The productivity level of companies comes out by the factors affecting one another susch as the social structure of company, environment technology, the level of motivation and the high spirit, the wage, the qualifications of workers. In this research, first of all, the factors affecting the productivity in ready made suit workshops were fixed, classified and subfactors were found. Later by visiting 32 medium and large scale companies in the district of Izmir, the questionnaire forms which explain the same and/or different factors briefly were distiributed to the managers, the chiefs, the engineers, the foremen in these companies. They were asked to rearrenge (that is to give numbers to) the factors according to their importance. Lastly, the factors were applied to evaluating separately in terms of the raw materials which the managers and the companies had used.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, Hazır giyim endüstrisi, Ready made wear industry, Tekstil işletmeleri, Textile enterprises