Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı asistan eğitimi için iletişim program tasarımı ve uygulaması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu araştırmada uzmanlık eğitimi için iletişim becerileri programı tasarlanarak uygulandıktan sonra asistanların bilgi ve beceri düzeyleri değerlendirilmiştir. EÜTF îç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı'nda görevli 10 asistan ile araştırma yürütülmüştür. Asistanların başarısını değerlendirmek için basan düzeyi testi ve OSCE uygulanmıştır. Programı değerlendirmek için oturum değerlendirme ve program değerlendirme formları kullanılmıştır. Değerlendirmede başarı testi puan ortalaması 43. 10± 10.30 olarak bulunmuştur. OSCE'de genel ortalamalarda anamnez alma becerileri istasyonunda geçme notunun altında, kötü haber verme ve zor hasta ile görüşme istasyonlarında geçme notunun üzerinde puan alınmıştır. Oturum değerlendirmelerinde Temel İletişim Becerileri, Hasta-Hekim İletişimi ve Görüşme Becerileri oturumları için en yüksek ortalamalar eğiticinin hazırlığı, sunumu ve aktif katılıma cesaretlendirmesi konularına verilmiştir. Kötü Haber Verme oturumunda ise oturumun amaç ve hedeflerinin belirtilmesi, içerikle uyumu ve bilişsel açıdan yeterliliği en yüksek ortalamaları almıştır. Programı değerlendirmede asistanların düşünceleri içerik, yöntem, araç-gereç ve beceri kazandırma açısından olumlu bulunmuştur. Araştırmanın sonucuna göre bu program geliştirildikten sonra uzmanlık eğitiminde kullanılabilir. 86
SUMMARY In this research, after the communication skills programme was planned and carried out, assistant doctors' knowledge and skill levels were evaluated. This research was conducted with ten assistant doctors who work at Internal Medicine Department of Ege University Faculty of Medicine. Final written test and OSCE were used to assess assistant doctors' achievement. Asistant doctors' views on applied on programme were taken by using the session evaluation and programme evaluation forms to evaluate programme. Mean of the written test was found 43.10Ü0.30. Considering OSCE, mean scores of the stations "interviewing with difficult patient" and "breaking bad news" were found higher than the passing mark whereas the mean score was under the passing mark for "history taking" station. At the session evaluation, for sessions of "Basic Communication Skills", "Physician-Patient Communication" and "History Taking Skills", the highest means were given on the items of "preparing of trainer", "presentation", and "encouraging active participation". For the Breaking Bad News session, the highest mean scores were given on the items of "expalining of the session's goal and objectives", "relevancy with the content", and "sufficiency of cognitive aspect". Assistant doctors stated their views on the programme as constructive and beneficial on the aspects of the content, instructional method, instructional material, and gaining skills. According to the result of this research, after improving of the programme, it could be used in the residency training. 87
SUMMARY In this research, after the communication skills programme was planned and carried out, assistant doctors' knowledge and skill levels were evaluated. This research was conducted with ten assistant doctors who work at Internal Medicine Department of Ege University Faculty of Medicine. Final written test and OSCE were used to assess assistant doctors' achievement. Asistant doctors' views on applied on programme were taken by using the session evaluation and programme evaluation forms to evaluate programme. Mean of the written test was found 43.10Ü0.30. Considering OSCE, mean scores of the stations "interviewing with difficult patient" and "breaking bad news" were found higher than the passing mark whereas the mean score was under the passing mark for "history taking" station. At the session evaluation, for sessions of "Basic Communication Skills", "Physician-Patient Communication" and "History Taking Skills", the highest means were given on the items of "preparing of trainer", "presentation", and "encouraging active participation". For the Breaking Bad News session, the highest mean scores were given on the items of "expalining of the session's goal and objectives", "relevancy with the content", and "sufficiency of cognitive aspect". Assistant doctors stated their views on the programme as constructive and beneficial on the aspects of the content, instructional method, instructional material, and gaining skills. According to the result of this research, after improving of the programme, it could be used in the residency training. 87
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training