Türkiye'de imal edilen bazı frezeli araçapa makinalarının yapısal özellikleri ile tarım tekniği yönünden durumlarının belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
32 6. ÖZET Ülkemizde son yıllarda frezeli araçapa makina imalatının arttığı görülmüştür, üretimin dolayısıyla satışın bu denli fazla olmasına karşın bu makinalar üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmamıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, bazı tip frezeli araçapa makinalar inin yapısal özellikleri ile tarım tekniği yönünden durumlarını ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada iki ayrı firmaya ait, üç sıralı frezeli araçapa makinaları kullanılmıştır. Denemeler 20 metrelik parsellerde, üç değişik kuyruk mili dönü sayısı ile Uç ayrı ilerleme hızında ve iki tekerrürle yapılmıştır. Kuyruk mili devirleri 490, 540 ve 590 d/d ilerleme hızları ise 0.5, 1.0 ve 1.5 m/s olarak seçilmiştir. Denemeler sonucunda dönme momenti, kuyruk mili, güç tüketimi, yakıt tüketimi ve toprak parçalanması incelenmiştir. Sabit ilerleme hızında, kuyruk mili dönü sayısının artması ile her iki makinada da, dönme momenti artmaktadır. Bu artış ilk iki devirde az, ama 590 d/d kuyruk mili devrinde moment artışının yükseldiği açıkça görülmektedir. Ancak 1.5 m/s ilerleme hızında ve 540 d/d kuyruk mili dönü sayısında elde edilen değerler iki kuyruk mili devrine nazaran en düşük değerdedir. Sabit kuyruk mili dönü sayısında, ilerleme hızının artması ile her iki makinada da, dönme momenti artmaktadır. Bu artış ilk iki ilerleme hızında az, ancak 1.5 m/s ilerleme hızında dönme momentinde belirgin bir şekilde artış gözlenmektedir.33 Güç tüketim değerleri moment değerleri ile doğal olarak benzemekte ve aynı değişim özelliği göstermektedir. Sabit kuyruk mili dönü sayısında ilerleme hızının artması ile aynı işlenen alanda, yakıt tüketimi azalmaktadır. İlerleme hızı sabit tutulduğunda kuyruk mili dönü sayısının artması ile her iki makinada da yakıt tüketimi artmıştır. İşlenmiş şeritlerden alınan toprak örnekleri önce havada kurutulmuş daha sonra laboratuvarda eleme işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Eleme işlemi sonucu frezeli araçapa makinalarının ortalama granül iriliği hesaplanmıştır. Buna göre sabit kuyruk mili devrinde ilerleme hızı arttıkça kesilen toprağın dilim uzunlukları büyümekte dolayısıyla ortalama granül iriliği artmaktadır. Aynı şekilde sabit ilerleme hızında kuyruk mili devrinin artması ile toprağın ortalama granül iriliği azalmaktadır. Dolayısıyla toprağın parçalanma etkisi artmaktadır. 590 d/d kuyruk mili dönü sayısında ve 1.5 m/s ilerleme hızında dönme momenti ve yakıt tüketimi daha fazla olduğundan bu dönü sayısı ve ilerleme hızı ekonomik olarak uygun değildir. Denemelerden elde edilen sonuçlara göre 540 d/d kuyruk mili dönü sayısı ve 1.0 m/s ilerleme hızı, dönme momenti yakıt tüketimi, toprak parçalanması ve tarım tekniği yönünden uygun görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlara göre, her iki frezeli araçapa makinasının arasında toprağı parçalanma yönünden önemli fark olmadığı, ancak A makinasının dönme momenti ve buna bağlı olarak güç gereksinimi fazla ve yakıt tüketimi az olduğu34 görülmüştür. Buna göre B makinasının A makinasına nazaran daha fazla uygun olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır
35. SUMMARY Lately it has been seen that in our country the production of row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment machines has increased. Although there has been an increase in their sales to this increase in production, a research has not been carried out on these machines, yet. The aim of this study was to determine the structural characteristics and performance of some kinds of row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment. In this study 3-row in row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment from two different firms and with 3-row were utilized. The tests were carried out at 20 meter parcels with 3 different pto revolution and 3 different working speed and 2 repeats. 490, 540 and 590 rev/min were chosen as the pto revolution, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m/sec were chosen as the working speed. As a result of these tests revolving moment, power consumption, fuel consumption and soil breakage were examined. At constant working speed, as the pto revolution is increased, for both machines revolving moment had increased. This increase was low at the first and second pto revolutions, but at 590 rev/min the increase in moment was higher. But the value obtained at 1.5 m/sec working speed and 540 rev/min were the lowest compared to the other two. At constant pto revolution, as the working speed is increased for both machines, revolving moment had increased. This was low at the first and second working speeds. But there was a sharp increase in the revolving moment at 1.5 m/sec36 working speed. Naturally power consumption value was similar to the moment value and showed the same variation character i s t i es. At constant pto revolution, as the working speed is increased for the same cultivated field, fuel consumption had decreased. At constant working speed, as the pto revolution is increased, for both machines, fuel consumption had increased. Soil samples obtained from cultivated lines were first dried at open air and then screened in the laboratory. At the end of screening procedure, average particle size of row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment machines was calculated soil particels were becoming larger and due to this average particle size had increased. In the same way, at the constant working speed, as the pto revolution is increased the average particle size of the soil had decreased. In turn the breakage effect of soil had increased. Since revolving moment and fuel consumption were higher at 590 rev/min and at 1.5 m/sec working speed were not found suitable economically. According to the results obtained from the tests, 540 rev/min as the pto revolution, and 1.0 m/sec working speed were found suitable revolving moment fuel consumption, soil breakage and field operations. As a result it has been seen that there was not an important difference between the two row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment machines. Although the revolving moment, power requirement and fuel consumption of machines A were higher. There was not an important difference between the two as the soil breakage had been considered. For that reason, It was concluded that machine B was more suitable than machine A. SİiîMTASYf^ I £f
35. SUMMARY Lately it has been seen that in our country the production of row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment machines has increased. Although there has been an increase in their sales to this increase in production, a research has not been carried out on these machines, yet. The aim of this study was to determine the structural characteristics and performance of some kinds of row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment. In this study 3-row in row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment from two different firms and with 3-row were utilized. The tests were carried out at 20 meter parcels with 3 different pto revolution and 3 different working speed and 2 repeats. 490, 540 and 590 rev/min were chosen as the pto revolution, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m/sec were chosen as the working speed. As a result of these tests revolving moment, power consumption, fuel consumption and soil breakage were examined. At constant working speed, as the pto revolution is increased, for both machines revolving moment had increased. This increase was low at the first and second pto revolutions, but at 590 rev/min the increase in moment was higher. But the value obtained at 1.5 m/sec working speed and 540 rev/min were the lowest compared to the other two. At constant pto revolution, as the working speed is increased for both machines, revolving moment had increased. This was low at the first and second working speeds. But there was a sharp increase in the revolving moment at 1.5 m/sec36 working speed. Naturally power consumption value was similar to the moment value and showed the same variation character i s t i es. At constant pto revolution, as the working speed is increased for the same cultivated field, fuel consumption had decreased. At constant working speed, as the pto revolution is increased, for both machines, fuel consumption had increased. Soil samples obtained from cultivated lines were first dried at open air and then screened in the laboratory. At the end of screening procedure, average particle size of row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment machines was calculated soil particels were becoming larger and due to this average particle size had increased. In the same way, at the constant working speed, as the pto revolution is increased the average particle size of the soil had decreased. In turn the breakage effect of soil had increased. Since revolving moment and fuel consumption were higher at 590 rev/min and at 1.5 m/sec working speed were not found suitable economically. According to the results obtained from the tests, 540 rev/min as the pto revolution, and 1.0 m/sec working speed were found suitable revolving moment fuel consumption, soil breakage and field operations. As a result it has been seen that there was not an important difference between the two row crop inter row rotovator with fertilizer attachment machines. Although the revolving moment, power requirement and fuel consumption of machines A were higher. There was not an important difference between the two as the soil breakage had been considered. For that reason, It was concluded that machine B was more suitable than machine A. SİiîMTASYf^ I £f
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Frezeler, Milling cutters, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery, Çapa makineleri, Hoe machinery