Çipura (sparusaurata) ve levrek (dicentrarchus labrax) anaçlarında depo hormon kullanarak üremenin uyarılması, sentranizasyonu ve yumurta kalitesinin arttırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET ÇİPURA (Spams auraia) ve LEVREK (Dicentrarachus labrax) BALIKLARINDA DEPO HORMON KULLANARAK ÜREMENİN UYARILMASI, SENKRONİZASYONU ve YUMURTA KALİTESİNİN ARTTIRILMASI ARABACI, Muhammed Doktora Tezi,Su Ürünleri Anabilim Dalı Tez Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Haşmet ÇAĞIRGAN Nisan, 2000, 86 sayfa ÖZET Bu çalışmada, çipura Sparus aurata ve levrek Dicentrarachus labrax anaçlarında bir LHRH analoğunun [(B)D- Ser6, Pro9-Net], yağda su (S/Y) emilsiyonu kullanılarak ovulasyon ve yumurtlama uyarılmaya çalışılmış ve bu metodun yumurtlama profilleri, yumurtlama zamanı, günlük yumurta üretimi ve alınan yumurtalarda canlı, bozuk ve döllenmemiş yumurta oranlan üzerine etkileri belirlenmiştir.. Dişi çipura anaçlarına, Freund'un inkomplet adjuvant'ı ile emülsifıye edilmiş LHRHa'dan 30, 60, 90 ug/kg (vücut ağırlığı)dozlarında tek enjeksiyonla verildi. Hormon verilen deneme gruplarından enjeksiyondan 48-70 saat sonra yumurta alındı. Hormon verilen anaçlardan alman günlük ortalama canlı yumurta miktarı, 104 ile 183x1 02 adet/ kg arasında gerçekleşti. Yumurta kalitesi açısından deneme grupları ile kontrol grupları arasında farklılık bulunamadı. Bununla beraber hormon verilen deneme gruplarında yumurta verimi daha fazla idi (P<0.01). Deneme grupları arasında ise farklılık bulunmadı. Aynı metotla dişi levrek anaçlarına da 40, 80 ug/kg (vücut ağırlığı) dozlarında tek enjeksiyonla LHRHa verildi. Hormon verilen deneme gruplarından enjeksiyondan 69-70 saat sonra yumurta alındı. Hormon verilen anaçlardan alınan günlük ortalama canlı yumurta miktarı 91 ile 102xl02 adet/ kg arasında gerçekleşti. Yumurta kalitesi açısından deneme grupları ile kontrol grupları arasında farklılık bulunamadı. Bununla beraber hormon verilen deneme gruplarında yumurta verimi daha fazla idi (P<0.05). Deneme grupları arasında ise farklılık bulunmadı. Sonuç olarak, bu metot ve kullanılan LHRHa'nın, kuluçkahane şartlarında çipura ve levrek anaçlarında, yumurtalarda negatif bir etkiye neden olmaksızın yumurtlamanın uyarılmasında ve anaçlarda senkronizasyonun sağlanmasında başarılı olduğu Anahtar kelimeler; Spams aurata, Dicentrarchus labrax, üremenin uyarılması, LHRHa, emülsiyon, üremenin senkronizasyonu, yumurta kalitesi
VI ABSTRACT INDUCTION AND SYNCHRONISATION OF REPRODUCTION IN SEA BASS (Dicentrarchus labrax) AND SEA BREAM (Spams aurata) BROODSTOCKS BY USING LONG-ACTING LHRHa PREPARATION ARABACI, Muhammed Ph D in Aquaculture Product Supervisor. Ass. Prof. Haşmet ÇA?IRGAN ABSTRACT Ovulation and spawning were induced in gilthead sea bream, Spams aurata and sea bass Dicentrarachus labrax broodstocks using a Water in Oil (W/O) emulsion of [(B)D-Ser6, Pro9-Net], an agonist of LHRH, for determining the effects of this treatment on spawning profiles, the timing of spawning, daily egg production, and the rates of viable eggs, non- viable eggs and non- fertilised eggs. Gilthead sea bream females bearing yolky follicles were injected once with 30, 60, 90 ug/kg (body weight) of LHRHa emulsified with Freund's incomplete adjuvant. All treated females started to spawn after 48 to 70h. The mean daily production ofviable eggs ranged between 104xl02 and 183xl02 eggs/kg. The embryonic viability was equivalent to that of control fishes which exposed to the same environmental conditions with treatment fishes. There was, however, a significantly (PO.01) higher egg production in the LHRHa-treated fishes, but not among LHRHa- treated fishes. The same method was also applied to sea bass females bearing yolky follicles. Sea bass females were injected once with 40, 80 ug/kg (body weight) of LHRHa emulsified with Freund's incomplete adjuvant. All treated sea bass females started to spawn after 69 to 70 h. The mean daily production of viable eggs ranged between 91xl02 and 102xl02 eggs/kg. The embryonic viability was equivalent to that of control fishes which exposed to the same environmental conditions with treatment fishes. There was, however, a significantly (P<0.05) higher egg production in the LHRHa-treated fishes, but not among LHRHa-treated fishes. As a result of this research, LHRHa which is emulsified in Freund's incomplete adjuvant can be used succesfully for providing of synchronisation between broodstocks and for inducing ovulation and spawning in sea bass and sea bream without causing to negative effects on egg quality in hatcheries. Key words; Sparus aurata, Dicentrarchus labrax, induced spawning, LHRHa, emulsion, synchronisation of spawning, egg quality.
VI ABSTRACT INDUCTION AND SYNCHRONISATION OF REPRODUCTION IN SEA BASS (Dicentrarchus labrax) AND SEA BREAM (Spams aurata) BROODSTOCKS BY USING LONG-ACTING LHRHa PREPARATION ARABACI, Muhammed Ph D in Aquaculture Product Supervisor. Ass. Prof. Haşmet ÇA?IRGAN ABSTRACT Ovulation and spawning were induced in gilthead sea bream, Spams aurata and sea bass Dicentrarachus labrax broodstocks using a Water in Oil (W/O) emulsion of [(B)D-Ser6, Pro9-Net], an agonist of LHRH, for determining the effects of this treatment on spawning profiles, the timing of spawning, daily egg production, and the rates of viable eggs, non- viable eggs and non- fertilised eggs. Gilthead sea bream females bearing yolky follicles were injected once with 30, 60, 90 ug/kg (body weight) of LHRHa emulsified with Freund's incomplete adjuvant. All treated females started to spawn after 48 to 70h. The mean daily production ofviable eggs ranged between 104xl02 and 183xl02 eggs/kg. The embryonic viability was equivalent to that of control fishes which exposed to the same environmental conditions with treatment fishes. There was, however, a significantly (PO.01) higher egg production in the LHRHa-treated fishes, but not among LHRHa- treated fishes. The same method was also applied to sea bass females bearing yolky follicles. Sea bass females were injected once with 40, 80 ug/kg (body weight) of LHRHa emulsified with Freund's incomplete adjuvant. All treated sea bass females started to spawn after 69 to 70 h. The mean daily production of viable eggs ranged between 91xl02 and 102xl02 eggs/kg. The embryonic viability was equivalent to that of control fishes which exposed to the same environmental conditions with treatment fishes. There was, however, a significantly (P<0.05) higher egg production in the LHRHa-treated fishes, but not among LHRHa-treated fishes. As a result of this research, LHRHa which is emulsified in Freund's incomplete adjuvant can be used succesfully for providing of synchronisation between broodstocks and for inducing ovulation and spawning in sea bass and sea bream without causing to negative effects on egg quality in hatcheries. Key words; Sparus aurata, Dicentrarchus labrax, induced spawning, LHRHa, emulsion, synchronisation of spawning, egg quality.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Balıklar, Fishes, Hormonlar, Hormones, Levrek balığı, Sea bass, Senkronizasyon, Synchronization, Yumurta kalitesi, Egg quality, Çipura balığı, Seabream