Küresel güç denkleminde Rusya ve Rus Avrasyacılığının Kafkasya pratiği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
"Büyük Rusya" hareketi İvan Grozni ile başlayıp, II. Petro dönemi ile Rus tarihi, felsefi ve siyasi zihniyetine kazınmış, günümüze kadar Rusya önderleri tarafından takip ve teşvik edilmiştir. Slavofilizm ve Panslavizm gibi Çarlık imparatorluğuna ait dünya hâkimiyeti fikriyatı, Sovyetler Birliği döneminde -aslında aynı özleme hitap eden- Rus komünizmi ile yer değiştirerek kesintiye uğramış olsa da Rusya Federasyonu'nun kurulmasından kısa bir süre sonra bu fikriyat, daha da muhkem argümanlarla, Avrasyacılık adıyla yeniden zuhur etmiştir. Çarların fetihleri ve Batı'dan alarak evirdikleri ve benimsedikleri felsefi, siyasi fikirler, Sovyetler döneminde rejimin uyguladığı idari, coğrafi ve kültürel yapılanmalar, günümüzde ise RF'nin uyguladığı pragmatik dış politika, esasen "Büyük Rusya" tutkusuna hizmet etmiş ve etmektedir. Bu tutku uğruna istila edilen toprak mensuplarının yaşamakta oldukları travmalar ve serüvenler ise günümüzde, dondurulmuş büyük sorunlar mahiyetindedir. Bu sorunlar bölgelerde, her otorite boşluğunda çatışmaya dönüşebilmektedir. Öte yandan günümüzde, tekel küresel güç olarak konumunu kaybetmek istemeyen ABD ile Rusya'nın nüfuz rekabeti ise Rusya'nın hükümranlığını henüz elde ettiği "yakın çevresinin" ve jeopolitik, jeostratejik konumu sebebiyle Kafkasya'nın, önemini artırmıştır. Zengin enerji kaynakları ve transit geçitleri olan Kafkasya'nın bu önemli avantajlarından ötürü, bölgenin kontrolü için küresel güçler arasında çekişme alanı olma durumu sürmektedir. Günümüzde fiilen bağımsız hale gelmiş ya da özerklik statüsü elde etmiş Kafkas ülkeleri, tekrar soykırımlara maruz kalmamaları ve ya toprak bütünlüğünü korumaları için Rusya ile "ileri düzeyde", daha dengeli ilişkiler geliştirmek zorundadırlar. Biz bu tez çalışmasında, Rusya'nın emperyalist amaçları doğrultusunda, ülke içindeki siyasetini, yayılmacı dış politikasını ve günümüze kadar Kafkasya'da gerçekleştirmiş olduğu istila hareketlerini tarihi süreç içerisinde inceledik. Bu çerçevede Rus tarihi-felsefi düşünce yapımı olan Avrasyacı teorinin, Rus emperyalist ilerleyişine olan katkısını da ele aldık.
The ''Great Russia'' movement stretches back to the period of Ivan Grozny, which was then pursued and engraved into Russian historical, philosophical and political mentality by Peter II. This idea is being followed and encouraged by Russian leaders even today. The World domination theories like Slavophilism and Pan-slavism were created within the period of Tsarist Russia, which were then replaced and interrupted by the idea of Russian communism(which was actually loyal to the same idea) during the Soviet Union. After the formation of Russian Federation, this idea was reborn by a more effective argument under the name Eurasianism. The conquests of russian Tsars; adopted and reconciled western philosophical and political ideas; managerial, geographical and cultural formations implemented during the Soviet Union and the pragmatic foreign policy of Russian Federation have all mainly served and are still serving to the "Great Russia" dreams. The trauma and distress the native people have been facing after the invasions for the sake of ''Great Russia'' passion are among the big problems which still remain frozen. These problems can be still transformed into conflicts in every case of authority gaps in these regions. On the other hand, the competition for the global influence between Russian Federation and the USA who do not want to loose the monopoly on global power status, increases importance of Caucasus (where Russia still has its sovereignty) and the countries neighboring Russian borders. Energy riches of Caucasus and the region's potential role as a transit venue increases the region's geopolitical significance, which is still one of the focal points of the global Powers. Countries in the region which became independent or autonomous nowadays, have to develop far more balanced relations with Russia in order to protect their territorial integrity and avoid being again subjected to genocide. In this Thesis we have examined Russia's invasions of Caucasus, Russia's imperialist ambitions, and it's expansionist domestic and foreign policy carried out with this purpose throughout history. In this contexts, we have also examined how the Eurasianism Theory – a Russian historical and philosophical thought contributed to the progression of Russia's imperialist goals throughout history.
The ''Great Russia'' movement stretches back to the period of Ivan Grozny, which was then pursued and engraved into Russian historical, philosophical and political mentality by Peter II. This idea is being followed and encouraged by Russian leaders even today. The World domination theories like Slavophilism and Pan-slavism were created within the period of Tsarist Russia, which were then replaced and interrupted by the idea of Russian communism(which was actually loyal to the same idea) during the Soviet Union. After the formation of Russian Federation, this idea was reborn by a more effective argument under the name Eurasianism. The conquests of russian Tsars; adopted and reconciled western philosophical and political ideas; managerial, geographical and cultural formations implemented during the Soviet Union and the pragmatic foreign policy of Russian Federation have all mainly served and are still serving to the "Great Russia" dreams. The trauma and distress the native people have been facing after the invasions for the sake of ''Great Russia'' passion are among the big problems which still remain frozen. These problems can be still transformed into conflicts in every case of authority gaps in these regions. On the other hand, the competition for the global influence between Russian Federation and the USA who do not want to loose the monopoly on global power status, increases importance of Caucasus (where Russia still has its sovereignty) and the countries neighboring Russian borders. Energy riches of Caucasus and the region's potential role as a transit venue increases the region's geopolitical significance, which is still one of the focal points of the global Powers. Countries in the region which became independent or autonomous nowadays, have to develop far more balanced relations with Russia in order to protect their territorial integrity and avoid being again subjected to genocide. In this Thesis we have examined Russia's invasions of Caucasus, Russia's imperialist ambitions, and it's expansionist domestic and foreign policy carried out with this purpose throughout history. In this contexts, we have also examined how the Eurasianism Theory – a Russian historical and philosophical thought contributed to the progression of Russia's imperialist goals throughout history.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Avrasyacılık, Rusya, Kafkasya, Çarlık, SSCB, Rusya Federasyonu, Eurasianism, Russia, Caucasus, Tsarist, Soviet Union, R. Federation