Çocukları immun yetmezlik tanısı ile hastanede yatan annelerde spiritüel iyi oluşun anksiyeteye etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Yaşam, zorlu bir döngüdür. Bu döngü, hastalık ve bu sebeple hastaneye yatmak, stres faktörlerine maruz kalmak, ölüm gibi durumlar bireylerin kontrol edemediği ve anksiyete düzeylerini arttıran ancak baş etmek zorunda kaldıkları süreçlerdir. Bireyler karmaşa yaşadıkları böyle dönemlerden kişisel deneyimleri, maneviyatları, ahlaki ve kültürel değerleri aracılığıyla hayata ve döngüsüne yeni anlamlar yükleyerek çıkmaktadırlar. Dolayısıyla, insanın sınırlarını zorlayan deneyimlerle baş etmesinde değerleri ve inançları önem teşkil etmektedir. Spiritüel boyut da bu değer ve inançların alt ögelerinden birisidir. Bu çalışma, immun yetmezlik tanısı ile hastanede yatan çocukların annelerinde spiritüel iyi oluşun anksiyeteye etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmış tanımlayıcı bir çalışmadır.
Araştırma, İzmir Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi Çocuk Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı İmmunoloji Servisi’nde 1 Ağustos 2019 - 31 Aralık 2019 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırma, bu tarihler arasında, immun yetmezlik tanısı ile hastanede yatan çocukların, çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden anneleri ile yapılmıştır. Araştırma 144 anne ile gerçekleştirilmiştir (N=156).
Veriler; “Birey Tanıtım Formu (BTF), Üç-Faktörlü Spiritüel İyi Oluş Ölçeği (SİOÖ), Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği (BAÖ)” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden annelerden “Bilgilendirilmiş Gönüllü Olur Formu” ile yazılı onam alınmıştır. Elde edilen veriler ‘’Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 21’’ programı kullanılarak tanımlayıcı analizler, ‘’Bağımsız Gruplarda T testi’’, ‘’Tek Yönlü Varyans analizi’’, ‘’Kruskal Wallis Varyans analizi’’, ‘’Mann-Whithney U testi’’, korelasyon analizleri yapılarak değerlendirildi.
Annelerin Spiritüel İyi Oluş Ölçeği ve Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği puan ortalamaları arasındaki ilişki negatif yönde düşük düzeyde anlamlı bulunmuştur (p=0.018, r=-0.197). Spiritüel iyi oluşları yüksek olan annelerin anksiyete düzeyleri düşük, spiritüel iyi oluşları düşük olan annelerin anksiyete düzeyleri yüksek olarak saptanmıştır.
Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, immun yetmezlik tanısı ile hastanede yatan çocukların annelerinin anksiyete düzeyleri yüksek olduğunda maneviyatlarından destek aldıkları belirlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla maneviyatın annelerin anksiyeteleri üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır. Annelerin spiritüel ihtiyaçlarının dikkate alınarak manevi tanılamanın yapılması ve bu doğrultuda manevi destek sağlanmasının tedavi sürecine olumlu yansıyacağı ve hastanede kalma süresini kısaltma noktasında etkisi olacağı düşünülmektedir.
Life is a difficult cycle. This cycle, illness and conditions such as hospitalization, exposure to stress factors, death are processes that individuals cannot control and increase their anxiety levels but have to cope. Individuals emerge from such periods in which they experience turmoil by attributing new meanings to their life and cycle through their personal experiences, spirituality, moral and cultural values. Therefore, human values and beliefs are important in dealing with experiences that push their limits. Spiritual dimension is one of the sub-components of these values and beliefs. This study is a descriptive study conducted to examine the effect of spiritual well-being on anxiety in mothers of children hospitalized with a diagnosis of immunodeficiency.The research was conducted in İzmir Ege University Hospital Pediatric Diseases Department Immunology Service between August 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. This study is a descriptive study conducted to examine the effect of spiritual well-being on anxiety in mothers of children hospitalized with a diagnosis of immunodeficiency. Data; It was collected using “Individual Information Form (BTF), Three-Factor Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SCQ), Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI). Written consent was obtained from the mothers who agreed to participate in the study with the “Informed Volunteer Consent Form”. The data obtained are descriptive analysis using the program "Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 21", "T test in Independent Groups", "" One-Way Variance Analysis "," "Kruskal Wallis Variance Analysis", "" Mann-Whithney U test '' was evaluated by making correlation analyzes. The relationship between the mothers' SIOÖ and BAI mean scores was found to be negatively and slightly significant (p = 0.018, r = -0.197). It was found that mothers with high spiritual well-being had low anxiety levels and mothers with low spiritual well-being had high anxiety levels. According to the results obtained from the study, it was determined that the mothers of the children hospitalized with the diagnosis of immunodeficiency received support from their spirituality when their anxiety levels were high. Therefore, spirituality was found to have a positive effect on mothers' anxiety. It is thought that making a spiritual diagnosis considering the spiritual needs of mothers and providing spiritual support in this direction will have a positive effect on the treatment process and will have an effect on the point of shortening the duration of hospital stay.
Life is a difficult cycle. This cycle, illness and conditions such as hospitalization, exposure to stress factors, death are processes that individuals cannot control and increase their anxiety levels but have to cope. Individuals emerge from such periods in which they experience turmoil by attributing new meanings to their life and cycle through their personal experiences, spirituality, moral and cultural values. Therefore, human values and beliefs are important in dealing with experiences that push their limits. Spiritual dimension is one of the sub-components of these values and beliefs. This study is a descriptive study conducted to examine the effect of spiritual well-being on anxiety in mothers of children hospitalized with a diagnosis of immunodeficiency.The research was conducted in İzmir Ege University Hospital Pediatric Diseases Department Immunology Service between August 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. This study is a descriptive study conducted to examine the effect of spiritual well-being on anxiety in mothers of children hospitalized with a diagnosis of immunodeficiency. Data; It was collected using “Individual Information Form (BTF), Three-Factor Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SCQ), Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI). Written consent was obtained from the mothers who agreed to participate in the study with the “Informed Volunteer Consent Form”. The data obtained are descriptive analysis using the program "Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 21", "T test in Independent Groups", "" One-Way Variance Analysis "," "Kruskal Wallis Variance Analysis", "" Mann-Whithney U test '' was evaluated by making correlation analyzes. The relationship between the mothers' SIOÖ and BAI mean scores was found to be negatively and slightly significant (p = 0.018, r = -0.197). It was found that mothers with high spiritual well-being had low anxiety levels and mothers with low spiritual well-being had high anxiety levels. According to the results obtained from the study, it was determined that the mothers of the children hospitalized with the diagnosis of immunodeficiency received support from their spirituality when their anxiety levels were high. Therefore, spirituality was found to have a positive effect on mothers' anxiety. It is thought that making a spiritual diagnosis considering the spiritual needs of mothers and providing spiritual support in this direction will have a positive effect on the treatment process and will have an effect on the point of shortening the duration of hospital stay.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anksiyete, İmmun Yetmezlik, Hastalık, Hemşirelik, Anxiety, Immune Deficiency, Disease, Nursing