Çilek yetiştiriciliğinde farklı malç materyallerinin bitki gelişimi, verim ve kaliteye etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ÖZET ÇİLEK YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE FARKLI MALÇ MATERYALLERİNİN BİTKİ GELİŞİMİ, VERİM VE KALİTEYE ETKİLERİ SOLMAZ, Ebru Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçe Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi; Doç. Dr Ayşe GÜL Eylül 1997, Çilek (ev. Chandler) yetiştiriciliğinde farklı malç materyallerinin ve malçlama zamanının bitki gelişimi, verim ve kaliteye etkilerinin incelendiği bu çalışma 14.08.1996 - 15.07.1997 tarihleri arasında Emiralem'de 26.40 x 5 x 1.80 m boyutlarındaki yüksek plastik tünelde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Malç materyali olarak siyah, beyaz ve altı siyah üstü beyaz polietilen ile buğday samanı kullanılmış ve malçlama 14.08.1996 (dikim) ve 23.01.1997 olmak üzere iki farklı tarihte yapılmıştır. Deneme 4 tekrarlı olarak Tesadüf Blokları deneme desenine uygun şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Bitki gelişimini belirlemek üzere, üretimin sona erdirildiği (15.7.1997) tarihte ölçülen gövde eni, yaprak sayısı, kardeş sayısı, gövde kuru ağırlığı ve kök uzunluğu üzerine malç serim zamanı ve malç materyallerinin gerek basit gerekse interaksiyon etkilerinin istatistiki önemde olmadığı saptanmıştır. Gövde uzunluğu ve kök yaş ağırlığı malç materyaline bağlı olarak değişmiş ve saman malçm plastik malçlara göre gövde uzunluğunu ile kök yaş ağırlığını azalttığı görülmüştür. Gövde yaş ağırlığı üzerine ise malç serim zamanı etkili bulunmuş ve malçlamanın dikimde yapılması Ocak ayında yapılan malçlamaya göre gövde yaş ağırlığını arttırmıştır. Malç serim zamanı ve malç materyallerinin verim üzerine etkisi incelendiğinde, toplam verim yönünden uygulamalar birbirinden farksız bulunmuş iken erkenci verim üzerine malç serim zamanı ve malç materyallerinin basit ve interaksiyon etkilerinin istatistiki önemde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Dikimde serilen siyah polietilen malç erkenci verimi arttırmıştır. 1. kalite meyve oram malçlamanın dikimde yapılması ile artmıştır. Beyaz ve altı siyah üstü beyaz polietilen malç 1.kalite meyve oranını siyah ve saman malca göre arttırmıştır. Meyve kalitesi ile ilgili olarak hasat edilen meyvelerde belirlenen toplam suda çözünebilir maddeler, toplam kuru madde, titre edilebilir asitlik, meyve suyu pH'sı vemeyve eti sertliği üzerine uygulamaların etkisi titre edilebilir asitlik dışında istatistik! önemde olmamıştır. Titre edilebilir asitliğin kullanılan male materyaline bağlı olarak değiştiği ve saman malçın titre edilebilir asitliği polietilen malçlara göre azalttığı saptanmıştır
VI ABSTRACT EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MULCHING MATERIALS ON PLANT GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF STRAWBERRY SOLMAZ, Ebru MSc in Agriculture Eng Supervisor; Assoc Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜL September 1997, Present research work was planned to study the effect of different kind and time of mulching on plant growth, yield and quality of strawberry during the year 1 996- 1997. Studies were carried out at Emiralem in 26.40* 5* 1.8m size plastic tunnel. Black, white, black-white polyethylene along with wheat straw was used as mulching material on 14.08.1996 and 23.01.1997. Experiment was designed according to randomized block design. At the end of harvesting season the values for stem width, leave number, stem dry weight and root lengt along with mulch spreading time and material interaction were not found statistically significant. Stem length and fresh root weight was effected by mulching material and straw mulch was responsible for decreased stem lenght and root fresh weight. Time of mulch spreading effected the stem fresh weight and more increase was noted when mulching was done at the time of plantation as compare to other date. A view of the data regarding material and time of mulch spreading indicated that treatments were not found different from each other while results were significant incase of early varieties with respect to time of spreading and mulching material. Spreading at the time of plantation resulted in increased yield and 1 st quality fruit numbers. White, black- white mulch gone more 1st quality fruits as compare to black polyethylene and straw mulching. From quality point of view, total soluble solids, total dry matter, pH of fruit juice and fruit flesh firmness was not effected sinificantly except titratable acidity. Titratable acidity was changed with the mulching material and a more decrease in titratable acidity was noted with wheat straw as compare to polyethylene mulch.
VI ABSTRACT EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MULCHING MATERIALS ON PLANT GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF STRAWBERRY SOLMAZ, Ebru MSc in Agriculture Eng Supervisor; Assoc Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜL September 1997, Present research work was planned to study the effect of different kind and time of mulching on plant growth, yield and quality of strawberry during the year 1 996- 1997. Studies were carried out at Emiralem in 26.40* 5* 1.8m size plastic tunnel. Black, white, black-white polyethylene along with wheat straw was used as mulching material on 14.08.1996 and 23.01.1997. Experiment was designed according to randomized block design. At the end of harvesting season the values for stem width, leave number, stem dry weight and root lengt along with mulch spreading time and material interaction were not found statistically significant. Stem length and fresh root weight was effected by mulching material and straw mulch was responsible for decreased stem lenght and root fresh weight. Time of mulch spreading effected the stem fresh weight and more increase was noted when mulching was done at the time of plantation as compare to other date. A view of the data regarding material and time of mulch spreading indicated that treatments were not found different from each other while results were significant incase of early varieties with respect to time of spreading and mulching material. Spreading at the time of plantation resulted in increased yield and 1 st quality fruit numbers. White, black- white mulch gone more 1st quality fruits as compare to black polyethylene and straw mulching. From quality point of view, total soluble solids, total dry matter, pH of fruit juice and fruit flesh firmness was not effected sinificantly except titratable acidity. Titratable acidity was changed with the mulching material and a more decrease in titratable acidity was noted with wheat straw as compare to polyethylene mulch.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Bitki gelişimi, Plant development, Malçlar, Mulches, Çilek, Strawberry