Akut myeloid lösemi tanısı ile takip edilen hastaların febril nötropenik ataklarının tek merkezli ve geriye dönük değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hematolojik malignitelerde; hastalığın kendisi, nötropenik süreç ve uygulanan kemoterapi protokolleri nedeni ile bu hastaların enfeksiyonlara duyarlılıkları artmaktadır. Bu hastalarda tek semptom ateş olabildiği için nötropenik hastalarda ateş aksi ispat edilene kadar enfeksiyon ile ilişkili kabul edilir. FEN ataklarının acil olarak değerlendirilip uygun antibiyotik tedavisinin hızlıca başlanması standart yaklaşımdır. Araştırmamıza Ocak 2012 ve Ocak 2016 tarihleri arasında Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi erişkin Hematoloji Kliniğinde yatarak tedavi gören 155 erişkin AML tanılı hasta alındı. Çalışmamızda bu hastalarda kemoterapiye bağlı gelişen 337 FEN atağı; infeksiyon kategorileri, izole edilen patojen mikroorganizmalar, mortalite oranları açısından geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Olgularımızın %84.52'si (131 kişi) AML, %12.90'ı (20 kişi) MDS'den AML'ye dönüşüm ve %2.58'i (4 kişi) bifenotipik lösemi tanılıdır. Hastaların %43.92'sinde (148 kişi) ateşe eşlik eden patolojik muayene bulgusuna rastlanmıştır. En sık muayene bulgusunun %26.35 (39 kişi) ile ral-ronküs-hipoksi olduğu görülmüştür. FEN ataklarının %73.89'unda (249 kişi) klinik ve/veya mikrobiyolojik olarak kanıtlanmış enfeksiyon odağı saptanmıştır. En sık saptanan enfeksiyon odağının akciğer olduğu görülmüştür (%41.5). Ayrıca hastaların %63.5'inde (214 kişi) santral venöz kateter mevcuttu. Bunların %38.78'inde (83 tanesinde) kateter kültürlerinde üreme saptanmıştır. FEN ataklarının %54.90'ında (185 kişi) kültür pozitifliği saptanmıştır. Kan kx pozitifliği % 31.4 (106 adet) olarak saptanmıştır. Hastaların %45.10'unda herhangi bir etken izole edilememiştir. Etken izole edilenlerin %48.66'sı bakteri, %2.67'si mantardır. Bakteri izole edilenlerin %62.16'sı gram-negatif, %54.05'i gram-pozitif bakteridir. İzole edilen mikroorganizmaların en sık %37.30 ile KNS ve %36.21 ile E.coli olduğu görülmüştür. Hastaların %32.94'ü (111 kişi) sigara kullandığı kaydedilmiştir. Sigara içilme durumuna göre akciğer enfeksiyonu varlığı arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde, yapılan analize göre sigara içenlerde akciğer enfeksiyon sıklığının daha fazla olduğu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p: 0.007). Hastanemizde FEN ataklarının %27'si (91 kişi) exitusla (ex) sonuçlanmıştır. Toplam 155 hastanın 91'i ex olmuştur (%58.70). AML tanısı olanların 72'si (%24.8'i) ex olmuşken MDS'den AML'ye dönüşüm olan hastaların 19'u (%40.4'ü) ex olmuştur. Tanı ile mortalite arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (p: 0.033). Hastaların ek hastalıklarının varlığı ile mortalite durumları kıyaslanmıştır. Ek hastlıkları bulunan hastalarda mortalite daha yüksek saptanmıştır. Yapılan analizde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki söz konusudur (p: 0.018). Yaş ile mortalite arasındaki ilişki incelenmiş ve yaş arttıkça mortalitede artış olduğu, yapılan analizde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p: 0.000). Saptanan enfeksiyon alanı ile mortalite arasındaki ilişki incelenmiş; buna göre %40.71 ile en çok akciğer enfeksiyonu görülen hastaların ex oldukları görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, her kliniğin kendi enfeksiyon etkenlerini inceleyerek; ampirik antibiyotik tedavi politiklarını belirlemeleri, gerekli enfeksiyon kontrol önlemlerini almaları ve FEN ataklarında sürecin daha doğru yönetilmesine katkı sağlayabilir.
The susceptibility of patients with hematological malignancies to infections is increased due to several reasons including disease itself, neutropenia and the applied chemotherapy protocols. Since fever may be the only symptom in neutropenic patients, it is presumed to be associated with infection until otherwise proven. The standard approach is the rapid evaluation of FEN (febrile neutropenic) episodes and initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment. Between January 2012 and January 2016, we studied 155 adult patients with AML who were treated at the Adult Hematology Clinic of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital. In our study, we retrospectively evaluated 337 chemotherapy-related FEN episodes in terms of infection categories, isolated pathogenic microorganisms and mortality rates. 84.52% (131 patients) of our cases were diagnosed with AML and 12.90% (20 patients) were diagnosed with MDS to AML transformation and 2.58% (4 patients) with biphenotypic leukemia. 43.92% (148 patients) of the patients had pathological examination findings accompanying the fever. The most frequent examination findings were found to be rale-rhonchus-hypoxia with a rate of 26.35% (39 patients). 73.89% (249 subjects) of the FEN episodes had clinically and / or microbiologically proven infection centers. The most frequent infection center was found to be lungs (41.5%). There were also central venous catheters in 63.5% of the patients (214 patients) and 38.78% (83 patients) of these patients had positive growth in catheter culture. Culture positivity was detected in 54.90% (185 patients) of the FEN episodes. Blood culture positivity ratio was 31.4% (106 samples). No agent has been isolated in 45.10% of the patients. 48.66% of the isolated agents were bacteria and 2.67% were fungus. 62.16% of the bacteria isolated were gram-negative and 54.05% were gram-positive bacteria. The most frequently isolated microorganisms were found to be coagulase negative staphylococcus with 37.30% and E. coli with 36.21%. 32.94% of the patients (111 patients) were recorded as smokers. When the correlation between smoking status and presence of lung infection was studied, it was found statistically significant that the incidence of lung infection was higher in smokers according to the analysis made (p: 0.007). In our hospital, 27% of the FEN episodes (91 people) died (exitus). Of the total 155 patients, 91 were exitus (58.70%). 72 of the patients diagnosed with AML (24.8%) and 19 of the patients diagnosed with MDS to AML transformation (40.4%) died. There was a statistically significant correlation between diagnosis and mortality (p: 0.033). The presence of additional diseases of the patients and the mortality cases were compared. Mortality was higher in patients with additional diseases. There was a statistically significant correlation in the analysis (p: 0.018). The correlation between age and mortality has been studied and mortality was found to increase as the age increased, statistically significant in the analysis performed (p: 0.000). The correlation between the detected infection site and mortality was studied; according to which most frequently the patients with the lung infection were found to be exitus with 40.71%. When we take a look at our study and the similar studies in the literature, we can reach the conclusion that each clinic may contribute to the more accurate management of the FEN episode process by examining its own infectious agents, identifying empirical antibiotic treatment policies and taking the necessary infection control measures.
The susceptibility of patients with hematological malignancies to infections is increased due to several reasons including disease itself, neutropenia and the applied chemotherapy protocols. Since fever may be the only symptom in neutropenic patients, it is presumed to be associated with infection until otherwise proven. The standard approach is the rapid evaluation of FEN (febrile neutropenic) episodes and initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment. Between January 2012 and January 2016, we studied 155 adult patients with AML who were treated at the Adult Hematology Clinic of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital. In our study, we retrospectively evaluated 337 chemotherapy-related FEN episodes in terms of infection categories, isolated pathogenic microorganisms and mortality rates. 84.52% (131 patients) of our cases were diagnosed with AML and 12.90% (20 patients) were diagnosed with MDS to AML transformation and 2.58% (4 patients) with biphenotypic leukemia. 43.92% (148 patients) of the patients had pathological examination findings accompanying the fever. The most frequent examination findings were found to be rale-rhonchus-hypoxia with a rate of 26.35% (39 patients). 73.89% (249 subjects) of the FEN episodes had clinically and / or microbiologically proven infection centers. The most frequent infection center was found to be lungs (41.5%). There were also central venous catheters in 63.5% of the patients (214 patients) and 38.78% (83 patients) of these patients had positive growth in catheter culture. Culture positivity was detected in 54.90% (185 patients) of the FEN episodes. Blood culture positivity ratio was 31.4% (106 samples). No agent has been isolated in 45.10% of the patients. 48.66% of the isolated agents were bacteria and 2.67% were fungus. 62.16% of the bacteria isolated were gram-negative and 54.05% were gram-positive bacteria. The most frequently isolated microorganisms were found to be coagulase negative staphylococcus with 37.30% and E. coli with 36.21%. 32.94% of the patients (111 patients) were recorded as smokers. When the correlation between smoking status and presence of lung infection was studied, it was found statistically significant that the incidence of lung infection was higher in smokers according to the analysis made (p: 0.007). In our hospital, 27% of the FEN episodes (91 people) died (exitus). Of the total 155 patients, 91 were exitus (58.70%). 72 of the patients diagnosed with AML (24.8%) and 19 of the patients diagnosed with MDS to AML transformation (40.4%) died. There was a statistically significant correlation between diagnosis and mortality (p: 0.033). The presence of additional diseases of the patients and the mortality cases were compared. Mortality was higher in patients with additional diseases. There was a statistically significant correlation in the analysis (p: 0.018). The correlation between age and mortality has been studied and mortality was found to increase as the age increased, statistically significant in the analysis performed (p: 0.000). The correlation between the detected infection site and mortality was studied; according to which most frequently the patients with the lung infection were found to be exitus with 40.71%. When we take a look at our study and the similar studies in the literature, we can reach the conclusion that each clinic may contribute to the more accurate management of the FEN episode process by examining its own infectious agents, identifying empirical antibiotic treatment policies and taking the necessary infection control measures.