Türkiye'nin yağlı tohumlar üretimi, sorunları ve çözüm önerileri üzerine bir inceleme
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET TÜRKİYE» NİN YAĞLI TOHUMLAR ÜRETİMİ, SORUNLARI VE ÇÖZÜM ÖNERİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME KOÇ, Bayram Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi, Doç. Dr. Güven ÖZERİN Temmuz 1998, 125 sayfa Türkiye, dünyada üretimi yapılan yağlı tohumların büyük bir bölümünü yetiştirebilecek uygun ekolojik koşullara sahip olduğunu yetiştirdiği on yağlı tohum türü ile göstermiştir. Türkiye' de yağlı tohum üretiminde kullanılabilecek potansiyel tarım alanlarının yeterince olduğu belirtilmesine rağmen, uygulanan politikalar sonucu daha çok ayçiçeği ve pamuğun yan ürünü olan çiğit üretiminde önemli artışlar olmuş, diğer sekiz yağlı tohum türünün üretiminde arzulanan gelişme sağlanamamıştır. Bu sebeple yağlı tohumların üretimlerine yönelik olarak kalkınma planlan çerçevesinde öngörülen ve yapılan uygulamaların niteliği ve hangi düzeyde olduğu, sorunlarının nerelerden kaynaklandığını belirlemek amacıyla. Türkiye' nin yağlı tohumlar üretimi, sorunları ve çözüm önerileri üzerine bir inceleme yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede yağlı tohum üretimi, tüketimi, ihracatı ve ithalatı; yağlı tohum işleme sanayiinin durumu, bitkisel yağ üretimi, tüketimi, ihracatı ve ithalatı incelenip, yağlı tohumlar üretiminin gelecekte ne düzeyde olacağı yapılan trendler ile tahmin edilmiştir. Bunun sonucu Türkiye' nin gerek yağlı tohum gerekse bitkisel yağ açısından karşılaşacağı sorunlara çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir
VI ABSTRACT A STUDY ABOUT TURKISH OIL SEEDS PRODUCTION PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS KOÇ, Bayram MSc in Agriculture Eng. Supervisor: Assoc. Doç. Dr. Güven ÖZERİN July 1998, 125 pages Turkey produce ten species of oil seeds that showed it suitable ecological condition to produce most of world productioi of oil seeds. Despite Turkey has enough potentional agriculture land that can be used in oil seeds production. As a result of applie< policies, significant increases are seen in production of cotton see< which is biproduct of sunflower and cotton. Expecte< developments haven't been seen in the production of other eigh species of oil seeds. So, a research has been carried out ovei Turkey's production of oil seeds, its matters and proposals oJ solutions in order to determine the quality of foreseen and carried out applications in the framework of development plans foi production of oil seeds, levels of applications and source oi problems. In this respect, the study examined production of oil seed, its consumption, its import and export; the situation of industry working on oil seeds, production of vegetal oil, its consumption. it's import and export. Also, the future levels of production of oil seeds are anticipated with trends. Consequensely, solutions have been suggested for problems both in respect of oil seeds and vegetal oil. The most significant problem in oil seeds is in sufficiency of sunflower seeds which are majorly raw materials of oil industry.
VI ABSTRACT A STUDY ABOUT TURKISH OIL SEEDS PRODUCTION PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS KOÇ, Bayram MSc in Agriculture Eng. Supervisor: Assoc. Doç. Dr. Güven ÖZERİN July 1998, 125 pages Turkey produce ten species of oil seeds that showed it suitable ecological condition to produce most of world productioi of oil seeds. Despite Turkey has enough potentional agriculture land that can be used in oil seeds production. As a result of applie< policies, significant increases are seen in production of cotton see< which is biproduct of sunflower and cotton. Expecte< developments haven't been seen in the production of other eigh species of oil seeds. So, a research has been carried out ovei Turkey's production of oil seeds, its matters and proposals oJ solutions in order to determine the quality of foreseen and carried out applications in the framework of development plans foi production of oil seeds, levels of applications and source oi problems. In this respect, the study examined production of oil seed, its consumption, its import and export; the situation of industry working on oil seeds, production of vegetal oil, its consumption. it's import and export. Also, the future levels of production of oil seeds are anticipated with trends. Consequensely, solutions have been suggested for problems both in respect of oil seeds and vegetal oil. The most significant problem in oil seeds is in sufficiency of sunflower seeds which are majorly raw materials of oil industry.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Tarım ekonomisi, Agricultural economy, Tohum üretimi, Seed production, Yağlı tohumlar, Oilseeds