Sıvı kurutuculu iklimlendirme sistemi teorik analizi ve deneysel incelenmesi
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Ege üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde içten soğutmalı ve adyabatik sıvı kurutuculu iklimlendirme sistemlerinin performansı üzerine deneysel ve sayısal çalımalar yapılmıştır. Bu iki sistemin çalıma prensipleri incelenmiş ve optimum iklimlendirme şartları tespit edilmeye çalışılmıtır.Sıvı kurutuculu iklimlendirme sistemleri basit olarak kurutucu, rejeneratör ve yardımcı ısı değiştiriciden oluşmaktadır. Kurutucuya giren nemli havadaki su buharı, sıvı kurutucu vasıtasıyla emilir ve seyreltik hale gelir. Konsantrasyonu azalmış sıvı kurutucu çözeltisinin, rejeneratörde akan sıcak su vasıtasıyla derişikliği arttırılır ve kurutucuya, etkin bir şekilde tekrar kullanılmak üzere geri gönderilir. Sıvı kurutucunun yaratmış olduğu korozyon problemini çözmek için kurutucu içindeki plaka duvarları epoksi ile kaplanmıştır. Deneyler sonucunda epoksi kaplamanın plaka duvarlarını sıvı kurutucunun korozif etkisinden koruduğu görülmüştür. Karşılaştırmalar sonucunda içten soğutmalı sistemlerin adyabatik sistemlere göre daha etkin ve verimli olduğu performans indekslerine bakılarak görülmüştür.
In this thesis, experimental and numerical studies have been performed on the performance of liquid desiccant internally cooled and adiabatic air conditioning systems. Working principles of these two systems have been investigated and it is endevaoured to obtain the optimum air conditioning conditions for these systems.Liquid desiccant air conditioning systems basically consist of a dehumidifier, a regenerator and an auxiliary heat exchanger. Inherent water vapor in the moist air passing through the demudifier is absorbed by the liquid desiccant and becomes diluted. The liquid dessicant which is less concantrated becomes concentrated by means of hot water flowing through the tubed in the regenerator and sent back to the dehumidifier for an effetive reutilization. In order to overcome the corrosion problem occured by the liquid dessicant, plate walls in the dehumidifier are coated with an epoxy. After experimental studies, it is observed that epoxy coatings covering the plate walls protect the dehumifier from the jeopardizing corrosive effect of the liquid desiccant. And also, it is seen that internally cooled dehumidifiers are more effective and efficient than that of adiabatic ones in terms of performance indexes obtained from the numerical and experimental studies.
In this thesis, experimental and numerical studies have been performed on the performance of liquid desiccant internally cooled and adiabatic air conditioning systems. Working principles of these two systems have been investigated and it is endevaoured to obtain the optimum air conditioning conditions for these systems.Liquid desiccant air conditioning systems basically consist of a dehumidifier, a regenerator and an auxiliary heat exchanger. Inherent water vapor in the moist air passing through the demudifier is absorbed by the liquid desiccant and becomes diluted. The liquid dessicant which is less concantrated becomes concentrated by means of hot water flowing through the tubed in the regenerator and sent back to the dehumidifier for an effetive reutilization. In order to overcome the corrosion problem occured by the liquid dessicant, plate walls in the dehumidifier are coated with an epoxy. After experimental studies, it is observed that epoxy coatings covering the plate walls protect the dehumifier from the jeopardizing corrosive effect of the liquid desiccant. And also, it is seen that internally cooled dehumidifiers are more effective and efficient than that of adiabatic ones in terms of performance indexes obtained from the numerical and experimental studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Isı Ve Kütle Transferi, İklimlendirme Sistemi, Plakalı Isı Değiştirici, Sıvı Kurutucu, Heat And Mass Transfer, Air Conditioning System, Plate Type Heat Exchanger, Liquid Dessicant