Yumuşak doku sarkomlarının neoadjuvan tedavi yanıtının değerlendirilmesinde recıst kriterlerinin dinamik mr bulguları ile karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Yumuşak doku sarkomlarında tedaviye yanıtı saptamada dinamik MRG ve RECIST'in değerinin belirlenmesi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda histopatolojik olarak yumuşak doku sarkomu tanısı olan ve neoadjuvan tedavi almış 48 hasta dinamik MRG ile değerlendirildi. MR sekansları T1A (Aksiel&Koronal/Sagittal), STIR (Sagittal/Koronal), T2A (yağ baskılı, aksiyel), postkontrast T1A (yağ baskılı), FLASH (700,sagittal) dinamik sekanslarından oluşmaktaydı. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrası görüntülerde kitle uzun çapı karşılaştırılarak RECIST'e göre ( ≥ %30 küçülme iyi yanıt; < %30 küçülme kötü yanıt) iyi ve kötü yanıtlar belirlendi. Neoadjuvan tedavi sonrası dinamik MRG bulgularına göre iyi ve kötü yanıtlar belirlendi. Operasyon sonrası histopatolojik değerlendirmede ≥ %90 nekroz oranı 'iyi yanıt', < %90 nekroz oranı 'kötü yanıt' kabul edildi. DMRG ve RECIST yanıtları uyumluluk açısından histopatolojik yanıt ile karşılaştırıldı. İstatistiksel yöntem olarak Cohen's Kappa katsayısı kullanıldı. Bulgular: Kırksekiz hastadan 26'sı histopatolojik olarak iyi yanıt idi. RECIST ile iyi yanıt alan 11 hastanın tamamı histopatolojik olarak iyi yanıt, kötü yanıt alan 37 hastanın 22'si histopatolojik olarak kötü yanıt idi. RECIST'in iyi yanıta sensitivitesi %42, spesifitesi %100, Cohen's Kappa katsayısı 0,402 bulundu. Dinamik MRG ile iyi yanıt alan 20 hastanın 17'si histopatolojik olarak iyi yanıt, kötü yanıt alan 28 hastanın 19'u histopatolojik olarak kötü yanıt idi. DMRG'nin iyi yanıta sensitivitesi %65, spesifitesi %86, Cohen's Kappa katsayısı 0,507 bulundu. Sonuç: Yumuşak doku sarkomlarında neoadjuvan tedaviye yanıtı belirlemede dinamik MRG'de erken dönem -özellikle 30. saniye- substraksiyon görüntüleri önemli yer tutmaktadır. Kitle uzun çapında ≥ %30 küçülme iyi yanıt değerlendirmesi açısından yardımcı olabilir.
Purpose: To determine the value of RECIST and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI for assessment of the response of soft-tissue sarcomas to neoadjuvant therapy. Materials and Methods: 48 patients with pathologically proven soft tissue sarcoma were evaluated before and after neoadjuvant therapy with dynamic enhancement MRI. The protocole used in MRI included T1W, T2W and STIR pre-contrast sequences; contrast enhanced dynamic FLASH and late static post-contrast T1W sequences. Before and after the therapy, longest diameter of the tumor was measured. Good response was defined as a 30% or more decrease and bad response was defined as a < 30% decrease, no change or increase in size. Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of the tumor was evaluated and the response was determined either good or bad. Histopathologic good response was defined as more than or equal to 90% necrosis, and bad response was defined as less than 90% necrosis. Sensitivity, specificity, and Cohen's kappa coefficient of RECIST and DCE MRI were calculated with pathologic response as the reference standard. Results: Based on histopathology, there were 26 good responders. All of the 11 good responders according to RECIST were good responders and 22 of the 37 bad responders according to RECIST were bad responders according to histopathology. 17 of the 20 good responders according to DCE MRI were good responders and 19 of the 28 bad responders according to DCE MRI were bad responders according to histopathology. Sensitivity for a good response of RECIST versus DCE MRI was 42% versus 65%, respectively; specifity for a good response of RECIST versus DCE MRI was 100% versus 86%, respectively; and Cohen's kappa coefficient of RECIST versus DCE MRI was 0.507 (P < 0.0001) versus 0.402 (P < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: Early postcontrast subtraction images (especially the first 30 seconds) of DCE MRI have a critical role in determining the response of soft tissue sarcomas to neoadjuvant therapy. ≥ 30% decrease in longest tumor diameter may be helpful to determine the good response.
Purpose: To determine the value of RECIST and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI for assessment of the response of soft-tissue sarcomas to neoadjuvant therapy. Materials and Methods: 48 patients with pathologically proven soft tissue sarcoma were evaluated before and after neoadjuvant therapy with dynamic enhancement MRI. The protocole used in MRI included T1W, T2W and STIR pre-contrast sequences; contrast enhanced dynamic FLASH and late static post-contrast T1W sequences. Before and after the therapy, longest diameter of the tumor was measured. Good response was defined as a 30% or more decrease and bad response was defined as a < 30% decrease, no change or increase in size. Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of the tumor was evaluated and the response was determined either good or bad. Histopathologic good response was defined as more than or equal to 90% necrosis, and bad response was defined as less than 90% necrosis. Sensitivity, specificity, and Cohen's kappa coefficient of RECIST and DCE MRI were calculated with pathologic response as the reference standard. Results: Based on histopathology, there were 26 good responders. All of the 11 good responders according to RECIST were good responders and 22 of the 37 bad responders according to RECIST were bad responders according to histopathology. 17 of the 20 good responders according to DCE MRI were good responders and 19 of the 28 bad responders according to DCE MRI were bad responders according to histopathology. Sensitivity for a good response of RECIST versus DCE MRI was 42% versus 65%, respectively; specifity for a good response of RECIST versus DCE MRI was 100% versus 86%, respectively; and Cohen's kappa coefficient of RECIST versus DCE MRI was 0.507 (P < 0.0001) versus 0.402 (P < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: Early postcontrast subtraction images (especially the first 30 seconds) of DCE MRI have a critical role in determining the response of soft tissue sarcomas to neoadjuvant therapy. ≥ 30% decrease in longest tumor diameter may be helpful to determine the good response.