Irak Türkmen şairi Felekoğlu ve şiirleri üzerine bir inceleme
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
"Irak Türkmen Şairi Felekoğlu ve Şiirleri üzerinde Bir İnceleme" adlı bu doktora tez çalışması, Telafer'in önde gelen şairlerinden biri olan Felekoğlu'nun 245 şiirinin derlenmesi, şekil ve muhteva incelemesinden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünün başlığı "Irak Türkmenleri ve Irak Türkmen Edebiyatı" şeklindedir. Burada, önce Irak Türkmenlerinin genel durumu, tarihi, coğrafyası ve, nufüsu hakkında kısaca bilgi verilmiştir. Daha sonra, Irak Türkmen edebiyatının klasik ve çağdaş dönemleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Türkmen edebiyatında yaşanan değişimler ve söz konusu olan akımlar hakkında da bilgi sunulmuştur. "Felekoğlu" başlıklı Birinci bölümde, Felekoğlu'nun hayatı, edebî kişiliği, dili ve üslubu hakkında bilgi verilmiş, hakkında yapılan çalışmalar, (kitap, makale, köşe yazısı, tezler) tanıtılmıştır. İkince bölümün ana başlığı "İnceleme"dir. Felekoğlu'nun şiirlerinde geçen dinî ve tasavvufî unsurlar, toplumla ilgili unsurlar, insanla ilgili ögeler ve son olarak tabiata ait ögeler, şiirlerden hareketle incelenmiştir. Tezin Üçüncü bölümü "Metinler" başlığını taşımaktadır. Bu bölümde, Felekoğlu'nun şiirleri, yayınlanmış ve yayınlanmamış, kendi el yazısıyla kaydettiği şiirler bir araya getirilerek verilmiştir. Metinler; beyit nazım birimiyle yazılmış olanlardan oluşan şiirler, dörtlüklerden meydana gelen şiirler ve hoyratlar olarak sıralanmıştır. Sonuç kısmında tezi yazarken elde edilen bilgi ve bulgulardan yola çıkılarak genel bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Kaynaklar'da, Felekoğlu hakkında yazılmış Arapça ve Türkmence makaleler, gazete ve dergi yazıları ile yapılmış akademik çalışmaların künyeleri verilmiştir. Ayrıca, Felekoğlu'nu tanıyan insanlardan görüşebildiklerimiz de "Kaynak Kişiler" başlığı altında tanıtılmıştır.
The PhD research titled (The Iraqi Turkman Poet Falakoglu and a review of his Poetry) by the poet Falakoglu, whose one of the greatest poets of Tal-Afar, includes a compilation of 245 of his poems and a review of them in terms of form and content. In Part One titled (Iraqi Turkmen and Iraqi Turkmen Literature), we briefly described the general status of the Turkmens of Iraq, their history, the geographical location in which they were inhabited and their population in Iraq. The periods of classic and modern Turkmani literature were highlighted, and information was given about the changes and trends that occurred in those compositions. In Section One titled (Falakoglu), we discussed the life of Falakoglu, his literary personality, language, style, and his writings (books, articles, writings and theses). In Section Two titled (The Review), we focused on the religious and mystical elements in Falakoglu's poems, as well as the factors related to society, and elements related to human beings, and finally; the elements related to nature. Section Three of the Thesis is titled "The Texts". In this Section, Falakoglu's published and unpublished notices and handwritten pieces are presented. These texts, which include written poems, are arranged and consist of poetic verses, systems and poems consisting of Rubaiyat and the Hoyrat. In the Conclusion of the Thesis, a general evaluation was presented based on the information and results obtained as a result of writing the thesis. In the References section, references were made to articles written in Arabic and Turkmani, as well as publications in magazines, newspapers and academic literature disseminated on the poet Falakoglu. In addition to mentioning the "Personal References" that we were able to conduct personal interviews with.
The PhD research titled (The Iraqi Turkman Poet Falakoglu and a review of his Poetry) by the poet Falakoglu, whose one of the greatest poets of Tal-Afar, includes a compilation of 245 of his poems and a review of them in terms of form and content. In Part One titled (Iraqi Turkmen and Iraqi Turkmen Literature), we briefly described the general status of the Turkmens of Iraq, their history, the geographical location in which they were inhabited and their population in Iraq. The periods of classic and modern Turkmani literature were highlighted, and information was given about the changes and trends that occurred in those compositions. In Section One titled (Falakoglu), we discussed the life of Falakoglu, his literary personality, language, style, and his writings (books, articles, writings and theses). In Section Two titled (The Review), we focused on the religious and mystical elements in Falakoglu's poems, as well as the factors related to society, and elements related to human beings, and finally; the elements related to nature. Section Three of the Thesis is titled "The Texts". In this Section, Falakoglu's published and unpublished notices and handwritten pieces are presented. These texts, which include written poems, are arranged and consist of poetic verses, systems and poems consisting of Rubaiyat and the Hoyrat. In the Conclusion of the Thesis, a general evaluation was presented based on the information and results obtained as a result of writing the thesis. In the References section, references were made to articles written in Arabic and Turkmani, as well as publications in magazines, newspapers and academic literature disseminated on the poet Falakoglu. In addition to mentioning the "Personal References" that we were able to conduct personal interviews with.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Telafer, Felekoğlu, Irak Türkmenleri, Irak Türkmen Edebiyatı, Şiir, Tahlil, Tal Afar, Falakoglu, Turkmen of Iraq, Iraqi Turkmen Literature, Poetry, Interpretation