Çocukluk çağı kanserlerinde geç dönem solunum komplikasyonlarının değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Son 30 yılda çocuk-adölesan kanserlerinin birçok tipinde uzun sağ kalım oranları %80-85?lere ulaşmıştır. Sağ kalım oranlarında iyileşmelere paralel olarak geç dönemde hayat kalitesini bozabilecek % 25-30 oranında sistemik komplikasyonlar gelişebilmektedir. Etkilenen sistemlerin içerisinde solunum sistemi de büyük önem taşır. Solunum sistemi komplikasyonlarının oluşmasında; maliynite tipi, tanı yaşı, önceden bilinen solunum sistemi hastalığı, tanıda solunum sistemi tutulumunun varlığı yanı sıra, özellikle hastaya uygulanan kemoterapi, torakal/pulmoner uygulanan radyoterapi ve cerrahi uygulamaların etkili olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle kanserli çocuklarda geç dönemde gelişecek solunum komplikasyonlarını belirlemek için EUTF Çocuk Onkoloji B.D. tarafından sağaltımı tamamlanan, en az 3 yıldır remisyonda izlemde olan 7 yaş ve üzerindeki 50 olgu ve yaşları uyumlu solunum problemi olmayan 40 kontrol olgusunda, dikkatli anamnez ( çevresel etmen sorgulaması), fizik bakı, akciğer grafisi ve solunum fonksiyon testlerinin (SFT) (spirometri-DLCO) değerlendirilmesi ile oluşan patolojilerin belirlenmesidir. Daha sonra solunum komlikasyonu açısından riski yüksek olanların sıkı izlem gerekliliği yönünden bilgilendirilmesi ve solunum birimlerince izlemlere yönlendirilmesidir. Olgu grubunu 16 Akut lösemi (14 Akut lenfoblastik lösemi( ALL),2 akut myeloblastik lösemi (AML ), 15 lenfoma (8 non Hodgkin lenfoma ( NHL), 7 Hodgkin hastalığı ( HH), 10 kemik ve yumuşak doku tümörü(K-YD tm), 4(santral sinir sistemi tümörü) SSS Tm ve 5 diğer solid tümörler oluşturdu.kontrol grubu ise solunum sistemi yönünden bilinen hastalığı olmayan, tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinden ve çocuk sağlığı polikliniğne başvuran solunum problemi olmayan sağlıklı gönüllerinden 40 çocuk-adölesan ve genç erişkinden oluştu. Yaşayan olgularımızda SFT bozukluğu %52 oaranda olup ( 24 KHYB, % 14 DB, % 14 kombine bozukluk) kontrol grubundan ( % 22,5) anlamlı olarak fazla bulundu (p:0.007). Yaşayan kanserli olgularda geç dönemde solunum komplikasyonları gelişiminde; 2 yaş altında kanser tanısı alma RB ve KHYH riskini, K-YD tm. tanılı olgular KHYH riskini ve yüksek doz alkilleyici ajan kullanımı RB, DB ve KHYH riskini arttırmaktadır. Pulmoner/ torakal uygulanan RT?nin de SFT? bozukluk riskini arttırdığı saptandı. İzlem sürelerinin SFT?de değişken bozukluklara neden olabileceği belirlendi. Beş ila 10 yıllık süreçte anlamlı DLCO düşüklüğü dışında diğer SFT?de düşüklüklerin olduğu, ancak 10 yıldan sonra ilerleyen yaşa paralel iyi veya kötü değişebileceği gözlendi. Sonuç olarak; kanser tanısı ile sağaltım alan, uzun sağkalım elde edilen çocuk ve adolesan çağdaki olguların geç dönemde solunum komplikasyonları açısından fizik bakı, solunum fonksiyon testleri, akciğer grafisi gibi temel kontrolleri yapılarak dikkatle izlemi, ileride akciğer fibrozisine kadar gidebilecek ciddi sorunlara yol açabileceği akılda tutularak olguların bilgilendirilmeleri ve uygun disiplinlere yönlendirilmeleri gereklidir. Bunun yanında solunum komplikasyonu açısından risk altında olan bu bireylerin, solunum sistemine zarar veren enfeksiyonlar, sigara içimi(aktif/pasif) ve diğer çevresel faktörlerden korunmaları yönünden de bilgilendirilmesi gereklidir
In the last 30 years, survival rates in childhood and adolescent cancers have reached 80-85%. Beside the increased survival rates systemic complications that can impair the quality of life have been seen in 25-30%. Respiratory system is one of the severely affected systems. Cancers type, diagnostic age, previously known pulmonary disorders, pulmonary and thoracic metastasis at diagnosis and type of treatment modality (chemotheraphy, pulmonary/ thoracic radiotheraphy(RT) and surgery) are all affective in pulmonary complications. In this study, we examined the pulmonary complications of 50 cancer patients whose treatment had been completed and were in remission for at least 3 years and who were over 7 years old. In the control group, 40 healthy and within the same age range patients were evaulated in Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Oncology. We asked about their environmental factors, carried out their physical examination, chest X-ray and pulmonary function tests(PFT) (spyrometric, DLCO) to the patient group. In the control group, chest X-rays were not taken unless necessary. Later we planned to direct high risk patients due to pulmonary disorders to the chest department. In the study group there were 16 acute leukemias (14 acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL), 2 acute myeloblastic leukemias (AML), 15 lymphomas (8 non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL), 7 Hodgkin diseases (HD), 10 bone and soft tissue sarcomas 4 central nervous system tumors and five other solid tumorsIn the surviving patients the disorder of PFT were found to be 52%, (24% small airway disease, 14 % diffusion disorders(DD) and 14% combined disorder(CD) and in the control group the disorders of PFT were seen to be 22,5%. The difference is really significant (p:0,007). We found out that; İn the surviving cancer patients in late period; as factors which increased the risk of pulmonary complications; Being diagnosed with cancer at under 2 years of age, increased ris of restrictive disorders(RD) and SAD. Bone and soft tissue sarcoma increased the risk of small airway disease and receiving high doses of alkilating agents increases the risk of RD. Also pulmonary/thoracic RT increases the risk of impaired PFT. Follow up time can cause variable impaired PFT. In 5-10 years follow up period the decrease in DLCO, was found to be more significant than the other PFT?s. However after the years paralel to the increase in age PFT values get better or worse. As a result, the childhood and adolescent survivors have to be followed up with complete physical examination, PFT, chest X-ray, regarding late term pulmonary complications. Patients who have severe lung damage such as pulmonary fibrosis should be followed up by depea of chest department. In addition, these individuals who have high risk for pulmonary complications should be informed about pulmonary infections, active-passive smoking and other invoremental factors
In the last 30 years, survival rates in childhood and adolescent cancers have reached 80-85%. Beside the increased survival rates systemic complications that can impair the quality of life have been seen in 25-30%. Respiratory system is one of the severely affected systems. Cancers type, diagnostic age, previously known pulmonary disorders, pulmonary and thoracic metastasis at diagnosis and type of treatment modality (chemotheraphy, pulmonary/ thoracic radiotheraphy(RT) and surgery) are all affective in pulmonary complications. In this study, we examined the pulmonary complications of 50 cancer patients whose treatment had been completed and were in remission for at least 3 years and who were over 7 years old. In the control group, 40 healthy and within the same age range patients were evaulated in Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Oncology. We asked about their environmental factors, carried out their physical examination, chest X-ray and pulmonary function tests(PFT) (spyrometric, DLCO) to the patient group. In the control group, chest X-rays were not taken unless necessary. Later we planned to direct high risk patients due to pulmonary disorders to the chest department. In the study group there were 16 acute leukemias (14 acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL), 2 acute myeloblastic leukemias (AML), 15 lymphomas (8 non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL), 7 Hodgkin diseases (HD), 10 bone and soft tissue sarcomas 4 central nervous system tumors and five other solid tumorsIn the surviving patients the disorder of PFT were found to be 52%, (24% small airway disease, 14 % diffusion disorders(DD) and 14% combined disorder(CD) and in the control group the disorders of PFT were seen to be 22,5%. The difference is really significant (p:0,007). We found out that; İn the surviving cancer patients in late period; as factors which increased the risk of pulmonary complications; Being diagnosed with cancer at under 2 years of age, increased ris of restrictive disorders(RD) and SAD. Bone and soft tissue sarcoma increased the risk of small airway disease and receiving high doses of alkilating agents increases the risk of RD. Also pulmonary/thoracic RT increases the risk of impaired PFT. Follow up time can cause variable impaired PFT. In 5-10 years follow up period the decrease in DLCO, was found to be more significant than the other PFT?s. However after the years paralel to the increase in age PFT values get better or worse. As a result, the childhood and adolescent survivors have to be followed up with complete physical examination, PFT, chest X-ray, regarding late term pulmonary complications. Patients who have severe lung damage such as pulmonary fibrosis should be followed up by depea of chest department. In addition, these individuals who have high risk for pulmonary complications should be informed about pulmonary infections, active-passive smoking and other invoremental factors
Anahtar Kelimeler
Onkoloji, Oncology, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, Child Health and Diseases, Komplikasyonlar, Complications, Neoplazmlar, Neoplasms, Solunum, Respiration, Solunum fonksiyon testleri, Respiratory function tests, Solunum yetmezliği, Respiratory insufficiency, Çocuklar, Children