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Bu makale, varlığı yeradı, kişiadı, kökadı, vb. dilin çok eski dönemlerinde kalıplaşmış kelime tiplerinden hareketle tespit edilmiş olan renk adı+mAn sistemini konu edinmektedir. Araştırma, Türkçenin eski çağlarında, renk adlarının üzerine {+mAn} ekinin getirilmesiyle söz konusu rengin en tipik tonunu bildiren yeni renk isimlerinin yapıldığını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Türk dilinin konuşulduğu çeşitli coğrafyalarda, farklı sözcük tipleri olarak karşılaşılan akman, alaman, alman, arman, bozman, çakman, çalman, gökmen, karaman, kırman, kuman, sarman, toraman gibi söz konusu sistemin halkaları olan sözcükler, abece sırasıyla, anlam ve yapı çerçevesinde incelenmişlerdir. Makalede, sistemin bir parçası olarak görev yapan {+mAn} eki üzerinde de durulmuştur. Araştırmacıların Kaşgarlı Mahmud’un Türkmen kök adıyla ilgili aktarmış olduğu bir efsaneden yola çıkarak ekin ‘benzeyen’ anlamına geldiğini ileri sürüp onu Hint-Avrupa, özellikle İranî dillere bağlamaları tekrar değerlendirilmiş; sonuçta, ekin eklendiği isimlere/sıfatlara ‘benzetme, gibi’ anlamları vermediği, aksine abartarak onlara ‘çok’ anlamı kattığı kanaatine ulaşılmıştır. Gerek bu durum ve gerekse {+mAn} ekinin Türkçedeki eskiliği ve yaygınlığı dikkate alındığında ekin başka bir dilden alıntı olduğu yönündeki yaygın kanaatin temelsiz olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
This article is concerned with the system of name of colour+mAn which was determined by departing from the word types, such as toponym, ethnonym, anthroponym, etc., the existence of which became stereotyped in the ancient times of the language. The research points out that in the ancient times of Turkish, new systems of colours informing the most typical hue of the so-called colour were produced by adding the suffix “+mAn” to the names of colours. In the various geographies where Turkish was spoken, the words that were the chains of theso-called system such as akman, alaman, alman, arman, bozman, çakman, çalman, gökmen, karaman, kırman, kuman, sarman, toraman were alphabetically examined in the framework of their meanings and structures. In the essay, the main focus is the suffix “+mAn” serving as a part of the system. The fact that the researches put forward by departing from a legend Kaşgarlı Mahmut narrated as regards the name “Turkmen tribe” that the suffix meant ‘alike’ andthat they attributed this suffix to Indo-European languages, espacially the languages of Iranian origins was re-evaluated and as a result, it was concluded that the suffix did not give the names/adjectives, to which it was attached, the meaning of ‘likening, like’, on the contrary it exaggerated them and added the meaning of ‘very’. When both this situation and the ancientness and prevalence of the suffix “+mAn” in the Turkish language were taken into account, it was concluded that the common opinion that the suffix was transferred from another language was unfounded.
This article is concerned with the system of name of colour+mAn which was determined by departing from the word types, such as toponym, ethnonym, anthroponym, etc., the existence of which became stereotyped in the ancient times of the language. The research points out that in the ancient times of Turkish, new systems of colours informing the most typical hue of the so-called colour were produced by adding the suffix “+mAn” to the names of colours. In the various geographies where Turkish was spoken, the words that were the chains of theso-called system such as akman, alaman, alman, arman, bozman, çakman, çalman, gökmen, karaman, kırman, kuman, sarman, toraman were alphabetically examined in the framework of their meanings and structures. In the essay, the main focus is the suffix “+mAn” serving as a part of the system. The fact that the researches put forward by departing from a legend Kaşgarlı Mahmut narrated as regards the name “Turkmen tribe” that the suffix meant ‘alike’ andthat they attributed this suffix to Indo-European languages, espacially the languages of Iranian origins was re-evaluated and as a result, it was concluded that the suffix did not give the names/adjectives, to which it was attached, the meaning of ‘likening, like’, on the contrary it exaggerated them and added the meaning of ‘very’. When both this situation and the ancientness and prevalence of the suffix “+mAn” in the Turkish language were taken into account, it was concluded that the common opinion that the suffix was transferred from another language was unfounded.
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Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi
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