Nucleus dorsalis, nucleus lumbaris precerebellaris ve nucleus sacralis precerebellaris: Hücresel mimari ve nörokimyasal içerikleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İnsan omuriliğinde nucleus dorsalis (D), T1(2)-L2(3) segmentleri boyunca, nucleus lumbaris precerebellaris (LPrCb) L1-L5 segmentleri boyunca ve nucleus sacralis precerebellaris (SPrCb) S1-Co1 segmentleri boyunca uzanan ve cerebellum'a projekte olan yuvarlak veya oval şekilli nucleus'lardır. Bu araştırma kapsamında; %10 formalin ile fikse edilmiş ve %30 sukroz ile kriyoproteksiyonu yapılmış insan erkek T1-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5 ve Co1 omurilik segmentlerinden Nissl ve NADPH-d histokimyasal boyaması için 50 µm kalınlığında, kalbindin (Cb), kalretinin (Cr), parvalbumin (Pv), kolin asetil transferaz (ChAT), kokain ve amfetaminle düzenlenen transkript (CART), nöronal nükleer protein (NeuN), glutamik asit dekarboksilaz 65/67 (GAD 65/67), substans P (SP), serotonin (5-HT) ve enkefalin (ENK) immunohistokimyasal boyamaları için 30 µm kalınlığında transvers kesitler alındı. Elde edilen kesitlere ilgili boyama protokollerinin uygulanmasının ardından nucleus'ların hücresel mimari ve immunoreaktivite değerlendirmeleri yapıldı. Image J programı kullanılarak yapılan analizin sonucunda yaklaşık ortalama yüzey alanı D için 0,084 mm2, LPrCb için 0,116 mm2 ve SPrCb için 0,118 mm2 olarak ölçüldü. Nöron yoğunlukları, D için ortalama 400 ± 120, LPrCb için 220 ± 100 ve SPrCb için 190 ± 50 nöron/mm2 olarak bulundu. Araştırılan on bir adet nörokimyasal içeriğin üç nucleus'ta da bulunduğu görüldü. Bu tez çalışması insan omuriliğinde D'nin, LPrCb'nin ve SPrCb'nin ilk detaylı hücresel mimari ve nörokimyasal içerik araştırmasıdır. Bu nedenle elde edilen bulguların literatüre önemli bir katkı sağladığı düşüncesindeyiz
The dorsal nucleus (D) is located in T1(2)-L2(3) segments, lumbar precerebellar nucleus (LPrCb) in L1-L5 segments, and sacral precerebellar nucleus in S1-Co1 segments in the human spinal cord. These nuclei, which have a round or oval shape, project to the cerebellum. T1-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5, and Co1 human male spinal cord segments fixed with 10% formalin and cryoprotected with 30% sucrose were transversely cut at a thickness of 50 µm for Nissl and NADPH-d histochemical stainings. Sections were transversely cut at a thickness of 30 µm for calbindin (Cb), calretinin (Cr), parvalbumin (Pv), glutamate decarboxylase 65/67 (GAD 65/67), cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CART), neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), substance P (SP), serotonin (5-HT) and enkephalin (ENK) immunohistochemical stainings. Following the relevant staining protocols to the obtained sections, cytoarchitecture and immunoreactivity of neurons in these nuclei were examined. As result of the analysis using the Image J program, the approximate average surface area was measured as 0.084 mm2 for D, 0.116 mm2 for LPrCb and 0.118 mm2 for SPrCb. The average neuron densities were 400 ± 120 for D, 220 ± 100 for LPrCb, and 190 ± 50 neurons/1 mm2 for SPrCb. In all of these three nuclei, the eleven neurochemical markers investigated were detected. This thesis is the first detailed investigation of the cytoarchitecture and chemoarchitecture of D, LPrCb, and SPrCb in the human spinal cord. Therefore, we believe the obtained findings will significantly contribute to the literature.
The dorsal nucleus (D) is located in T1(2)-L2(3) segments, lumbar precerebellar nucleus (LPrCb) in L1-L5 segments, and sacral precerebellar nucleus in S1-Co1 segments in the human spinal cord. These nuclei, which have a round or oval shape, project to the cerebellum. T1-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5, and Co1 human male spinal cord segments fixed with 10% formalin and cryoprotected with 30% sucrose were transversely cut at a thickness of 50 µm for Nissl and NADPH-d histochemical stainings. Sections were transversely cut at a thickness of 30 µm for calbindin (Cb), calretinin (Cr), parvalbumin (Pv), glutamate decarboxylase 65/67 (GAD 65/67), cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CART), neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), substance P (SP), serotonin (5-HT) and enkephalin (ENK) immunohistochemical stainings. Following the relevant staining protocols to the obtained sections, cytoarchitecture and immunoreactivity of neurons in these nuclei were examined. As result of the analysis using the Image J program, the approximate average surface area was measured as 0.084 mm2 for D, 0.116 mm2 for LPrCb and 0.118 mm2 for SPrCb. The average neuron densities were 400 ± 120 for D, 220 ± 100 for LPrCb, and 190 ± 50 neurons/1 mm2 for SPrCb. In all of these three nuclei, the eleven neurochemical markers investigated were detected. This thesis is the first detailed investigation of the cytoarchitecture and chemoarchitecture of D, LPrCb, and SPrCb in the human spinal cord. Therefore, we believe the obtained findings will significantly contribute to the literature.
02.02.2023 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anatomi, Anatomy, Histokimya, Histochemistry, Medulla spinalis, ; İmmünohistokimya, Immunohistochemistry