Vulvar sikatrisyel pemfigoid: Bir çocukolgu
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Vulvar sikatrisyel pemfigoid, büllöz pemfigoidin çocukluk çağında görülen, izole ve lokalize vulvar tutulumla karakterize nadir bir varyantıdır. Vulvar mukozada sikatris bırakarak iyileşen eroziv alanlar hastalığın tipik klinik bulgusudur. Hastalarda oküler tutulum vulvar hastalığa eşlik edebilmekte ya da izlemde gelişebilmektedir. Lezyonların histopatolojik incelemesinde subepidermal bül oluşumu, direkt immunfloresan incelemede ise bazal membranda linear Ig G ve C3 birikimi gözlenir. Ayırıcı tanıda liken skleroz ve cinsel istismar öncelikle akılda bulundurulacak hastalıklardır. Topikal ve sistemik steroidler, dapson başlıca tedavi seçenekleridir. İzlemde, oküler tutulum açısından oftalmolojik muayene ve takip altı ayda bir tekrarlanmalıdır. Burada on bir yaşında bir kız çocuğunda izole vulvar sikatrisyel pemfigoid gelişimi klinik ve histopatolojik bulgularıyla birlikte sunulmaktadır. (Türkderm 2014; 48: 51-3)
Vulvar cicatricial pemphigoid is a rare variant of bullous pemphigoid, which is characterized by isolated and localized vulvar involvement, observed in childhood. The typical clinical finding is erosive lesions of the vulva healing with scar formation. Ocular involvement may be associated with vulvar disease or may develop during the follow-up. On histopathologic examination of the lesions, subepidermal blister and on direct immunofluorescence study, linear deposition of Ig G and C3 are observed. The differential diagnosis includes lichen sclerosus and, sexual abuse should be considered at first. Topical and systemic steroids and dapsone are the main treatment options. Ophthalmological examination and follow-up should be repeated on every six months for ocular involvement. Here, we report development of vulvar cicatricial pemphigoid in an 11-year-old girl with clinical and histopathological findings. (Turkderm 2014; 48: 51-3)
Vulvar cicatricial pemphigoid is a rare variant of bullous pemphigoid, which is characterized by isolated and localized vulvar involvement, observed in childhood. The typical clinical finding is erosive lesions of the vulva healing with scar formation. Ocular involvement may be associated with vulvar disease or may develop during the follow-up. On histopathologic examination of the lesions, subepidermal blister and on direct immunofluorescence study, linear deposition of Ig G and C3 are observed. The differential diagnosis includes lichen sclerosus and, sexual abuse should be considered at first. Topical and systemic steroids and dapsone are the main treatment options. Ophthalmological examination and follow-up should be repeated on every six months for ocular involvement. Here, we report development of vulvar cicatricial pemphigoid in an 11-year-old girl with clinical and histopathological findings. (Turkderm 2014; 48: 51-3)
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Türkderm-Deri Hastalıkları ve Frengi Arşivi
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