Fiziksel planlama yönünden İzmir ve Frankfurt kent mezarlıklarının karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET FİZİKSEL PLANLAMA YÖNÜNDEN İZMİR VE FRANKFURT KENT MEZARLIKLARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI AKTAN, Nurdan Güneş Yüksek Lisans Tezi Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı Danışman: Prof. Dr. Bülent Özkan Haziran 1999, 183 Sayfa Tarih boyunca mezarlıklar, toplumların sosyo-kültürel yapılarına bağlı olarak ölü gömme gelenekleri ve dini inançları ile yaşadıkları yörenin yerşekilleri ve bitki örtüsü gibi fiziksel özellikleri çerçevesinde biçimlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada mezarlık kavramı ve mezarlıkların işlevlerinden başlanarak mezarlıkların ortaya çıkışı, Türklerde ve gelişmiş batı toplumlarında mezarlıkların tarihi gelişimi ile mezarlık planlaması ve tasarımı sırasında göz önünde bulundurulması gereken hususlar belirtilmiştir ve fiziki planlama yönünden Türkiye'deki mezarlıklar ileVI gelişmiş batı toplumlanndaki mezarlıklar arasındaki farklılıklar İzmir ve Frankfurt kentleri örnek alınarak araştırılıp bu farklılıkların nedenleri ortaya konmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda mezarlıkların kentsel alanda yeşil lekeler olarak kent ekosistemini iyileştirici işlevi, iki kentin mezarlıklarının en büyük ortak özelliği olarak saptanmıştır. Ancak İzmir mezarlık alanları planlama aşamaları izlenmeden belirlenmekte ve ilerde imara açılacak alanlar olarak düşünülmektedir. Bilinçli hazırlanmış tasarımlardan yoksun oldukları, %80'i mezar parselleriyle dolduruldukları, donatı elemanları yönünden yetersiz oldukları ve bakımları düzenli yapılmadığı için İzmir mezarlıkları özel günler dışında kent sakinlerinin uğramaktan kaçındıkları ölüler kenti olarak algılanmaktadır. Oysa Frankfurt mezarlıkları kent sakinlerine rekreasyon alam ve yaban hayatı için yaşam ortamı olacak şekilde kent yeşil kuşağı içinde planlanmıştır ve mezar parsellerinin oranının %30'u geçmemesine özen gösterilerek hazırlanmış, orijinal tasarımlan ve düzenli yapılan bakımlarıyla günlük hayatın bir parçası durumundadır. ANAHTAR SÖZCÜKLER: Gömü gelenekleri, mezarlık, mezarlık planlaması, mezarlık tasarımı, İzmir, Frankfurt
vn ABSTRACT The Comparison of the Cemeteries in Izmir and Frankfurt in terms of Landscape Planning AKTAN, Nurdan Güneş MSc Thesis Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Landscape Architecture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bülent ÖZKAN June 1999, 183 pages Since ancient times graveyards have been shaped with burial traditions and religions in connection with the social and cultural structures of the societies and physical conditions of the region such as geology and vegetation. In this study, beginning with the concept of the cemetery and the functions of cemeteries, the birth of cemeteries, the development of cemeteries in time in Turkish society and in the developed western societies have been studied along with the principles which should be kept in mind during cemetery planning and cemetery design, and the differences between cemeteries in Turkey and those in developed westernvra societies have been searched in terms of landscape planning taking those in Izmir and Frankfurt as samples. At the end of the study, the functioning of cemeteries as green spots to improve the city ecosystem has been discerned as the most remarkable common characteristic of the cemeteries of both cities. However, the spaces for the cemeteries in Izmir have been determined without following the cemetery planning steps, and they are considered as potential housing or industrial construction areas. As they do not conform to any consciously prepared design, 80% of them have been filled with graves, they do not have enough city furniture and their maintenance has been neglected; Izmir cemeteries have been perceived as cities for dead people. Unlike Izmir cemeteries, Frankfurt cemeteries have been planned as a part of the green zone of the city to be recreation areas for city dwellers and habitat for wild life. They have been a part of daily life by preserving their original designs prepared carefully in a way the graves do not occupy more than 30% of the cemeteries, and their maintenance has been done regularly. Keywords: burial customs, cemetery, graveyard, cemetery planning, cemetery design, Izmir, Frankfurt
vn ABSTRACT The Comparison of the Cemeteries in Izmir and Frankfurt in terms of Landscape Planning AKTAN, Nurdan Güneş MSc Thesis Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Landscape Architecture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bülent ÖZKAN June 1999, 183 pages Since ancient times graveyards have been shaped with burial traditions and religions in connection with the social and cultural structures of the societies and physical conditions of the region such as geology and vegetation. In this study, beginning with the concept of the cemetery and the functions of cemeteries, the birth of cemeteries, the development of cemeteries in time in Turkish society and in the developed western societies have been studied along with the principles which should be kept in mind during cemetery planning and cemetery design, and the differences between cemeteries in Turkey and those in developed westernvra societies have been searched in terms of landscape planning taking those in Izmir and Frankfurt as samples. At the end of the study, the functioning of cemeteries as green spots to improve the city ecosystem has been discerned as the most remarkable common characteristic of the cemeteries of both cities. However, the spaces for the cemeteries in Izmir have been determined without following the cemetery planning steps, and they are considered as potential housing or industrial construction areas. As they do not conform to any consciously prepared design, 80% of them have been filled with graves, they do not have enough city furniture and their maintenance has been neglected; Izmir cemeteries have been perceived as cities for dead people. Unlike Izmir cemeteries, Frankfurt cemeteries have been planned as a part of the green zone of the city to be recreation areas for city dwellers and habitat for wild life. They have been a part of daily life by preserving their original designs prepared carefully in a way the graves do not occupy more than 30% of the cemeteries, and their maintenance has been done regularly. Keywords: burial customs, cemetery, graveyard, cemetery planning, cemetery design, Izmir, Frankfurt
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture, Almanya-Frankfurt, Almanya-Frankfurt, Fiziksel planlama, Physical planning, Mezarlıklar, Cemeteries, İzmir, Izmir