Çanakkale Devlet Hastanesi'ne doğum yapmak için başvuran kadınların antenatal bakım alma durumlarının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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107 ÖZET Bu araştırma; Sağlık Bakanlığı Çanakkale Devlet Hastanesi Doğum Polikliniğine doğum yapmak üzere gelen kadınları^ antenatal bakım alma durumlarını ve antenatal bakım almayı etkileyen faktörleri incelemek amacı ile tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel olarak 1 Mayıs-30 Haziran 1997 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Kadınların sosyo-demografik ve doğurganlık özellikleri, antenatal bakım alma ile ilgili veriler, karşılıklı görüşme yoluyla uygulanan anket formuyla elde edilmiştir. Sonuçlar yüzdelik ve Ki kare (x2) testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan kadınların yaş ortalaması 26.3 1 ± 0.68 olarak saptanmıştır. Kadınların %19.0'unun 15-19 yaş grubunda, %15.0'inin 35-44 yaş grubunda oldukları belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan kadınların çoğunun (%46.0) ilkokul mezunu ve ev hanımı oldukları belirlenmiştir. Kadınların %39.0'unun gebelik süresince köy/kasabada, %32.0'sinin ilde yaşadıkları, %44.0'ünün ilk gebelik yaşının 15-19 yaş grubunda olduğu saptanmıştır. İlk gebelik yaş ortalaması 20.35±4.49 olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan kadınların, %27.0'sinin bir, %11.0'inin ise üç ve üzeri sayıda yaşayan çocukları olduğu, %22.0'sinin bir düşük yaptığı saptanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan kadınların %32.7'sinin son gebelik aralığı 12 ay ve daha kısa olduğu, %64.0'ünün gebeliklerini istediği ve %54.0'ünün son gebeliklerinden önce aile planlaması yöntemi kullanmadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden kadınların %83.0'ünün en az bir kez antenatal bakım aldıkları saptanmıştır. Gebeliğin ilk oniiü haftasında antenatal bakım almaya başlayan kadınların oranı %53.0, ilk antenatal bakım alma hafta ortalaması 12±8.15 olarak saptanmıştır. Antenatal bakım alan kadınların %13.2'sinin dört kez antenatal bakım aldığı, %44.6'sının sağlık ocağından, %13.2'sinin hastaneden, %38.6'sının ise özel hekimden bakım aldıkları saptanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan kadınların %71. Tinin kilosunun ölçüldüğü, %95.2'sinin kan basıncının ölçüldüğü, %55.4'üne idrar tahlili, %56.0'sına kan tahlili yapıldığı saptanmıştır.108 Araştırma sonuçlanna göre kadınların antenatal bakım alma durumuna;/ yaş, j \.\^' eğitim durumu, canlı doğum sayısı, yaşayan çocuk sayısı, kullanılan aile planlaması yönteminin etki ettiği saptanmıştır. Sonuçlar araştırma hipotezini destekleyici nitelikte bulunmuştur. Araştırmanın sonuçlan doğrultusunda kadınların sağılığının korunmasından antenatal bakım hizmetlerinin yaygınlaştırılmasının zorunlu olduğu, ana-çocuk sağlığı iyileştirme programlarına yer verilmesi gerektiği vurgulanmıştır. Bu nedenle, antenatal bakım hizmeti veren sağlık personelinin iyi eğitilmiş olması, bu hizmetlerden yararlanan kadınların oranının artırılması için çaba gösterilmesi, sağlık eğitiminin etkili şekilde kullanılması, antenatal bakımın niteliğinin artırılması için yeterli araç-gereç, fizik yapı ve eğitimli personelin sağlanması gerektiği önerilmiştir. -o v
109 SUMMARY This research being determinant sechonal, has done among the women who come to give a birth to the polycilinic of birth of the Ministry of Health Public Hospital of Çanakkale, in the aim of examining the situations of their taking antental care & the factors that effect to take the antenatal care, between May 1 -1997 and June 30.1997. Social demografic &fecundity chracteristics of women, the datums about taking antenatal care were acquired by research forms that they had applied by interview its results were evaluated by the tests of percentage and Ki-squire. The age avarage of the women who took partin the investigation has defined as 26.3 1±0.68. Its defined that the 19.0% of the women were in 15-19 age group, 15.0% of them were in 35-44 age group. It's defined that most of the women who took part in the investigation (40.0%) were graduated from, primary school Mouse wives. It's fixed that 39.0% of the women had lived in village & town, 32.0% of them had lived in the country during their pregnancy and 44.0% of women's first pregnance age is in 15-19 age group. The avarage of first pregnance age is defined as 20.35±4.49. It's determined that 27.0% of the women participated in the research have one and 11.0% of them have 3 or more alive children and that 22.0% of them had an abortion. It is fixed that the last pregnancy interval of the 32.7% of the women participated in the research is 12 months and shorter than this and that 64.0%, of them want their pregnancy and 54.0%, of them didn't use the family planning method before their last pregnancy. It is determined that 83.0% of the women agreed to participate in the research get antenatal care of least once. It is determined that the ratio of the women got antenatal care during the first twelve week of their pregnancy is 53.0% and the week avarage of getting antenatal care for the first time is 12±8.15. It is fixed that 13.2% of the women got antenatal care get it for four times and that 46.6% of these women get it from village clinic, 13.2% from hospital and 38.6% from a private doctor.110 It is detemined that 71.1% of the women participated in the research was weighed and that blood pressure of the 95.2%of them was measured and that to 55.4% of them urine analysis and to 56.6% of them blood analysis was made. According to the results of investigation it is determined that the women's age and education situation, number of alive births, number of living childs and family planning effect the situation of the women's antenatal care. The results are found in a quality of supporting the hypothesis. In the direction of the research results, it's pointed out that it's a must for the protection of the women health to become widespread of antenatal care duties and to give a place to the programs of mother and child health protection. For that reason, it's suggested that tha personnel who gives antenatal care duty, must be well educated and to increase the ratio of women who benefits from these service, the effort must be showed and to use the health education in an effective way, and to increase the quality of antenatal care, there must be provided enough materials, physic built and educated stuff.
109 SUMMARY This research being determinant sechonal, has done among the women who come to give a birth to the polycilinic of birth of the Ministry of Health Public Hospital of Çanakkale, in the aim of examining the situations of their taking antental care & the factors that effect to take the antenatal care, between May 1 -1997 and June 30.1997. Social demografic &fecundity chracteristics of women, the datums about taking antenatal care were acquired by research forms that they had applied by interview its results were evaluated by the tests of percentage and Ki-squire. The age avarage of the women who took partin the investigation has defined as 26.3 1±0.68. Its defined that the 19.0% of the women were in 15-19 age group, 15.0% of them were in 35-44 age group. It's defined that most of the women who took part in the investigation (40.0%) were graduated from, primary school Mouse wives. It's fixed that 39.0% of the women had lived in village & town, 32.0% of them had lived in the country during their pregnancy and 44.0% of women's first pregnance age is in 15-19 age group. The avarage of first pregnance age is defined as 20.35±4.49. It's determined that 27.0% of the women participated in the research have one and 11.0% of them have 3 or more alive children and that 22.0% of them had an abortion. It is fixed that the last pregnancy interval of the 32.7% of the women participated in the research is 12 months and shorter than this and that 64.0%, of them want their pregnancy and 54.0%, of them didn't use the family planning method before their last pregnancy. It is determined that 83.0% of the women agreed to participate in the research get antenatal care of least once. It is determined that the ratio of the women got antenatal care during the first twelve week of their pregnancy is 53.0% and the week avarage of getting antenatal care for the first time is 12±8.15. It is fixed that 13.2% of the women got antenatal care get it for four times and that 46.6% of these women get it from village clinic, 13.2% from hospital and 38.6% from a private doctor.110 It is detemined that 71.1% of the women participated in the research was weighed and that blood pressure of the 95.2%of them was measured and that to 55.4% of them urine analysis and to 56.6% of them blood analysis was made. According to the results of investigation it is determined that the women's age and education situation, number of alive births, number of living childs and family planning effect the situation of the women's antenatal care. The results are found in a quality of supporting the hypothesis. In the direction of the research results, it's pointed out that it's a must for the protection of the women health to become widespread of antenatal care duties and to give a place to the programs of mother and child health protection. For that reason, it's suggested that tha personnel who gives antenatal care duty, must be well educated and to increase the ratio of women who benefits from these service, the effort must be showed and to use the health education in an effective way, and to increase the quality of antenatal care, there must be provided enough materials, physic built and educated stuff.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gebelik, Pregnancy