İzmir ilinde attelabidae (coleoptera) familyası türleri, tanınmaları, konukçuları ve yayılışları üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET 1908-1989 Yalları arasında yapılan bu çalışmada İzmir ili ve ilçelerinde bulunan Attelabidae familyasına bağlı türler, tanınmalara, yayılışları ve konukçularının saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç için silkme, gözlem ve kültüre alma metotları uygulanmış ve ilgili literatür incelenmiştir. Çalışmalar sonucunda İzmir ve ilçelerinde Attelabidae fa milyasına ait bir altfarailya (Rhynchitinae) ve 5 cinse bağlı toplam 17 tür sap tanınış tır. Bunlar: Rhynchites 1 o do si Voss, R. tro.janus Gyll., R. smyrnensis Desbr., R.bacchus (I.), R. plpanteus Kryn., R. auratus (Scop.),R. purpur eip ennis Voss.R.lenaeus jj'st., Involvulus hun/raricus Hbst., Coenorrhinus cribripennis (Desbr.), Ç.. aequatus (L. ), C.aeneovirens (Marslı.), C_. permanicus.(llbst.). £. crjbrum (Hesbr. ), Pselaphorhynchites tomentosus (Gyll.), Auletobius politus (Serv. ) ve A. pub esc ens (Kiesw. ) ' dır. Söz konu su türlerden £. aeneovirens» in Türkiye'de bulunduğu ilk defa bu çalışmayla saptanmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, İzmir ilinde saptanmış olan Attelabidae familyasına bağlı cins ve türlerin teşhis anahtarları yapılmış,ilgili taksonların sinonimleri ve genel özellikleri verilmiştir.încelenen türlerin dünyada ve Türkiye'deki yayılışları, konukçuları hakkında literatüre dayalı bilgiler de verilmiştir. Örnekler genellikle terk edilmiş meyve bahçeleri, yol kenarları ve orman sınırlarında bulunan çalı ve ağaçlar üzerinden toplanmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirmelere göre; saptanmış olan 17 tür arasında gerek yayılış ve gerekse toplanan miktarlarına göre £. aequatust Ac politus, I. hun^aricus. R. ff iganteus. R. lenaeus ve Rc purpur eip ennis ' in İzmir ilindeki en yaygın türler olduğu anlaşılmıştır
90 SUMMARY STUDIES OH. TB3MORPHOL0GXQ AL. CHARACTERISTICS, HOST PIAÎITS AMD DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE SPECIES OP ATTEXABIDAE (COLEOPTERA) II IZMIR PROYIHCE (TURKEY) This study was carried out at Izmir province (Turkey) "between 1988-^1989 and it was aimed to clarify the species of family Attelabidae.with their distributions and host plants. During the studies direct observations, shaking of branches and rearing cultures were allowed as methods while searching the literature strictly. As the result totally 17 species, namely Rliynchites lode si Yoss, R. tro.janus Gyll,, R. smyrnensis Desbr.f R. giganteus Kryn.,R. auratns (Scop.), R. bacchus (L.), R. purpur eip ennis Voss,Re lenaeusi ]?st«, Coenorrhinus cribripennis (Desbr. ), C_. aeqtiatus (1. ), £, crib rum (Desbr, ), C. germanicus (Hbst.),Ç_. aeneovirens (Marsh.), Invclvulus hungarjeus (Hbst.), P s elapho rhy nehi t es tomento sus (Gyll.), Auletobius politus (Serv,)» A. pub esc ens (Kiesw.) belong to 5 different genera of the subfamily Rhynchitinae were found, p_. aeneovirens has been found as a new record for Turkish fauna. By this study general morphological characteristics, synonyms and keys to genera and species both were given in the text. Informa tions about their additional distributions and hosts which were gathered from the literature. The specimens in the present study were generally collected from the bushes and trees in the neglected fruit orchards, the road-sides and around the forest. According to the findings obtained, it was observed that C_" aeajmtus.A.. politus. I. hungaricus, R. gigaatetis, R. lenaeus and R. purpur eip ennis were the most wide-spread species in Izmir province, from the standpoint of both their distributions and total collected amounts.
90 SUMMARY STUDIES OH. TB3MORPHOL0GXQ AL. CHARACTERISTICS, HOST PIAÎITS AMD DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE SPECIES OP ATTEXABIDAE (COLEOPTERA) II IZMIR PROYIHCE (TURKEY) This study was carried out at Izmir province (Turkey) "between 1988-^1989 and it was aimed to clarify the species of family Attelabidae.with their distributions and host plants. During the studies direct observations, shaking of branches and rearing cultures were allowed as methods while searching the literature strictly. As the result totally 17 species, namely Rliynchites lode si Yoss, R. tro.janus Gyll,, R. smyrnensis Desbr.f R. giganteus Kryn.,R. auratns (Scop.), R. bacchus (L.), R. purpur eip ennis Voss,Re lenaeusi ]?st«, Coenorrhinus cribripennis (Desbr. ), C_. aeqtiatus (1. ), £, crib rum (Desbr, ), C. germanicus (Hbst.),Ç_. aeneovirens (Marsh.), Invclvulus hungarjeus (Hbst.), P s elapho rhy nehi t es tomento sus (Gyll.), Auletobius politus (Serv,)» A. pub esc ens (Kiesw.) belong to 5 different genera of the subfamily Rhynchitinae were found, p_. aeneovirens has been found as a new record for Turkish fauna. By this study general morphological characteristics, synonyms and keys to genera and species both were given in the text. Informa tions about their additional distributions and hosts which were gathered from the literature. The specimens in the present study were generally collected from the bushes and trees in the neglected fruit orchards, the road-sides and around the forest. According to the findings obtained, it was observed that C_" aeajmtus.A.. politus. I. hungaricus, R. gigaatetis, R. lenaeus and R. purpur eip ennis were the most wide-spread species in Izmir province, from the standpoint of both their distributions and total collected amounts.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Zooloji, Zoology, Attelabidae, Attelabidae, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Entomoloji, Entomology, İzmir, Izmir