Zeytin kızılkurdu (Lasioptera berlesiana paoli dip: cecidomyiidae)'nun tanınması, İzmir İli'ndeki yayılışı, biyolojisi ve doğal düşmanları üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET ZEYTİN KIZILKURDU [Lasioptera berlesiana Paoli (Dipt.: Cecidomyiidae)]'NUN TANINMASI, İZMİR İLİNDEKİ YAYILIŞI, BİYOLOJİSİ VE DOĞAL DÜŞMANLARI ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR HEPDURGUN, Bahriye Doktora Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Prof. Dr. Feyzi ÖNDER 1998, sayfa Bu çalışma 1995-1997 yıllan arasında İzmir ilinde yürütülmüştür. Lasioptera berlesiana Paoli 'nın tanımıyla ilgili çalışmalar laboratuvarda sürdürülmüştür. Biyolojisiyle ilgili olan kısmı ise Bornova ve Urla'da doğa koşullarında izlenmiştir. L. berlesiana 'nın değişik biyolojik dönemlerinin süreleriyle, yumurta ve larva dönemlerinin populasyon dalgalanmaları, İzmir ilindeki yayılışı ve doğal düşmanları saptanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda L. berlesiana 'nın survey yapılan tüm alanlarda bulunduğu ve yoğunluğunun tamamen Zeytin sineği [Bacterocera oleae Gmel. (Dipt.: Tephritidae)]'ne bağlı olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Bornova ve Urla'da 1996 yılında 3 döl, 1997 yılında 4 döl verdiği saptanmıştır. Ergin ömrünün 1-3 gün, yumurtanın açılma süresinin 1-2 gün, larva süresinin 9-13 gün, kokon örme süresinin 1-2 gün, pupa süresinin 8-12 gün ve E/D oranı' nın 1/2 olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca L. berlesiana' nm Macrophoma dalmatica (Thüm.) (Deutero- mycetes) fungusunu taşımadığı saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmada ayrıca larva-pupa parazitoidi olarak Platygaster sp. (Hym.: Platygasteridae) de bulunmuştur. L. berlesiana ile bulaşık olan zeytin tanelerinin erken dökülmesi, salamuralık ve yağlık özelliğini tamamen kaybetmesi nedeniyle önemli ürün kayıplarına neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Zeytin, Cecidomyiidae, Zeytin kızılkurdu, Lasioptera berlesiana
VI ABSTRACT Investigations on the description, distribution, biology and natural enemies of the olive gall midges [Lasioptera berlesiana Paoli (Dipt: Cecidomyiidae)] in Izmir (Turkey) HEPDURGUN, Bahriye Ph.D. Thesis; Plant Protection Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Feyzi ÖNDER 1998, pages This research was carried out within the years of 1995-1997 in İzmir. Description studies of the insect was studied under laboratory conditions whereas its biology were conducted in Bornova and Urla under field conditions. In addition, duration of the biological stages of this insect, the population fluctutations of the eggs and larvae and the distribution of the insect around İzmir were determined. As for the result of the surveys, it was found that L. berlesiana was exist in all the survey areas conducted. The population density of the insect was entirely subjected to the population density of olive fruit fly [Bactrocera oleae Gmel. (Dipt: Tephritidae)]. L. berlesiana produced 3 generations in 1996 and 4 generations in 1977, both in Bomova and Urla. The adult life duration is 1-3 days. Incubation period of the egg was found to be 1-2 days. Larval stage lasted 9-13 days. Formation of cocoon and pupal life were determined to be 1-2 and 8-12 days, respectively. Male/female ratio was 1:2. Pkttygaster sp. (Hym.: Platygasteridae) was determined to be larvae-pupae parasite of the insect. It has been also found that L. berlesiana was not a vector of the fungus, Macrophoma dalmatica (Deuteromycetes). As for the result, it was found that L. berlesiana is the reason of the crop losses of economic importance by causing early droping of the fruits, reduces the oil and pickling pecularities of the olive fruits. Key words: Olive, Cecidomyiidae, olive gall midges, Lasioptera berlesiana.
VI ABSTRACT Investigations on the description, distribution, biology and natural enemies of the olive gall midges [Lasioptera berlesiana Paoli (Dipt: Cecidomyiidae)] in Izmir (Turkey) HEPDURGUN, Bahriye Ph.D. Thesis; Plant Protection Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Feyzi ÖNDER 1998, pages This research was carried out within the years of 1995-1997 in İzmir. Description studies of the insect was studied under laboratory conditions whereas its biology were conducted in Bornova and Urla under field conditions. In addition, duration of the biological stages of this insect, the population fluctutations of the eggs and larvae and the distribution of the insect around İzmir were determined. As for the result of the surveys, it was found that L. berlesiana was exist in all the survey areas conducted. The population density of the insect was entirely subjected to the population density of olive fruit fly [Bactrocera oleae Gmel. (Dipt: Tephritidae)]. L. berlesiana produced 3 generations in 1996 and 4 generations in 1977, both in Bomova and Urla. The adult life duration is 1-3 days. Incubation period of the egg was found to be 1-2 days. Larval stage lasted 9-13 days. Formation of cocoon and pupal life were determined to be 1-2 and 8-12 days, respectively. Male/female ratio was 1:2. Pkttygaster sp. (Hym.: Platygasteridae) was determined to be larvae-pupae parasite of the insect. It has been also found that L. berlesiana was not a vector of the fungus, Macrophoma dalmatica (Deuteromycetes). As for the result, it was found that L. berlesiana is the reason of the crop losses of economic importance by causing early droping of the fruits, reduces the oil and pickling pecularities of the olive fruits. Key words: Olive, Cecidomyiidae, olive gall midges, Lasioptera berlesiana.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki parazitleri, Plant parasites, Biyolojik mücadele, Biological control, Biyolojik mücadele, Biological control, Cecidomyiidae, Cecidomyiidae, Zeytin, Olive, İzmir, Izmir