Sarılop incir çeliklerinin farklı boyuttaki torba ve ortam koşullarında köklenme ve gelişme durumları üzerine araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET SARILOP İNCİR ÇELİKLERİNİN FARKLI BOYUTTAKİ TORBA VE ORTAM KOŞULLARINDA KÖKLENME VE GELİŞME DURUMLARI ÜZERİNE ARAŞTIRMALAR YEŞİLYURT ER, Aysel Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ali ÜNAL Şubat 1999, 44 sayfa Bu çalışma, Türkiye ekonomisinde büyük önemi olan incirin, Sarılop çeşidinin odun uç çeliklerinin, farklı ortamlar ve uygulamalarda köklenme yüzdelerini, sürgün gelişmelerini incelemek amacıyla iki dönemde (1997 Nisan- Aralık ve 1998 Mart- Aralık) yapılmıştır. Ortam olarak, ilk yıl arazi koşulları ve farklı büyüklükteki iki tip torba kullanılmış (40x20 cm ve 30x15 cm boyutlarında); ikinci yıl ise kum; kum+perlit ve perlit ortamlarında 1500 ppm IBA uygulaması yapılmıştır. 1997 yılındaki çalışmada küçük ve büyük boy torbalardaki köklenmeler istatistiki açıdan birbirlerinden farklı bulunmamış (sırasıyla %42; %40), ancak arazideki çeliklerde köklenme oranı oldukça düşük bulunmuştur (%27). Sürgün ve kök gelişmesi açısından iyi sonuçlar, arazi koşullarından sağlanmıştır. 1998 yılındaki çalışmada en iyi köklenme kum+perlit ortamından alınmıştır (%43). Diğer ortamlardaki köklenmelerde istatistiki açıdan farklılık yoktur. En yüksek sürgün uzunluğu (17.5 cm), en yüksek yaş kök ağırlığı (42.3 g) perlit ortamındaki hormon uygulamayan (kontrol) çeliklerden elde edilmiştir. Hormon uygulamasıyla, kontrol grubu çeliklerden alınan sonuçlar çok farklı olmamıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: İncir, çelik, farklı ortamlar, torba, köklenme yüzdesi, gelişme
VII ABSTRACT STUDIES ON HARDWOOD APICAL FIG CUTTINGS OF CV SARILOP ROOTED AND DEVELOPED IN DIFFERENT MEDIA AND DIFFERENT BAG SIZES YEŞİLYURT ER, Aysel MSC in, Horticulture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ali ÜNAL February 1 999, 44 pages The aim of this study is to research the rooting of hardwood cuttings in different media, and applications to find percentage of rooted cuttings, to examine shoot length of hardwood apical fig cuttings of cv Sanlop which has big importance for Turkish economy. This study was performed in two periods; from April to December in 1997 and from March to December in 1998. In the first year, two type of bags (40x20 cm and 30x15 cm) and field conditions were used. In the second year, different media perlite; sand; mixture of sand and perlite (1:1) were used and some cuttings were treated with IB A In the study of 1997, percentage of rooting in small and big bags weren't different than each other statistically (%42-%40 respectively), but percentage of rooting in soil was very low (%27). Good results of shoot and root growth were obtained under the field conditions. In the study of 1998, the best rooting of cuttings were obtained from a mixture of sand and perlite (%43). Rooting in other media weren't different than each other statistically. The longest shoot (17.5 cm) and the highest fresh weight (42.3 g) were determined from cuttings which weren't treated with IBA- in perlite. The results fourd for cuttings treated with IBA weren't different than the cuttings not treated with IBA. Key words: Fig, hardwood cuttings, rooting media, bags, percentage of rooting
VII ABSTRACT STUDIES ON HARDWOOD APICAL FIG CUTTINGS OF CV SARILOP ROOTED AND DEVELOPED IN DIFFERENT MEDIA AND DIFFERENT BAG SIZES YEŞİLYURT ER, Aysel MSC in, Horticulture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ali ÜNAL February 1 999, 44 pages The aim of this study is to research the rooting of hardwood cuttings in different media, and applications to find percentage of rooted cuttings, to examine shoot length of hardwood apical fig cuttings of cv Sanlop which has big importance for Turkish economy. This study was performed in two periods; from April to December in 1997 and from March to December in 1998. In the first year, two type of bags (40x20 cm and 30x15 cm) and field conditions were used. In the second year, different media perlite; sand; mixture of sand and perlite (1:1) were used and some cuttings were treated with IB A In the study of 1997, percentage of rooting in small and big bags weren't different than each other statistically (%42-%40 respectively), but percentage of rooting in soil was very low (%27). Good results of shoot and root growth were obtained under the field conditions. In the study of 1998, the best rooting of cuttings were obtained from a mixture of sand and perlite (%43). Rooting in other media weren't different than each other statistically. The longest shoot (17.5 cm) and the highest fresh weight (42.3 g) were determined from cuttings which weren't treated with IBA- in perlite. The results fourd for cuttings treated with IBA weren't different than the cuttings not treated with IBA. Key words: Fig, hardwood cuttings, rooting media, bags, percentage of rooting
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Köklenme, Rooting, İncir, Fig