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Sünger, Osmanlı denizlerinde önemli bir doğal kaynaktı. Sünger avcıları süngeri farklı yöntemlerle topluyorlardı ve on dokuzuncu yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren sünger avcılığında yeni bir yöntem daha uygulanmaya başlandı. Bu, Osmanlı resmi kayıtları ve süngerciler tarafından çoğu zaman "makine" olarak adlandırılan skafander ile sünger avcılığı yöntemiydi. Skafander, gemideki hava pompasına bir hortumla bağlı ağır metal kasktan, botlardan ve tüm vücudu saran bir giysiden oluşuyordu. Skafander bir sünger avcısının deniz altında daha uzun kalması için tasarlanmış giysi veya cihazdı. Bu makineler sünger avcılarına su altında en az bir saat çalışmalarına izin veriyordu. Skafander sayesinde sünger avcıları, bu makineyi kullanmayan sünger avcılarına kıyasla, daha fazla sünger avlamaya ve daha fazla kazanç elde etmeye başladılar. Bir teknik yenilik olarak Osmanlı Devleti'nde skafanderin kullanımı, sünger avcıları arasında sancılı bir süreç başlattı. Bu yöntemin uygulanması sürecinde, sünger avcıları arasında sosyal ve ekonomik menfaatlere bağlı olarak olumsuz tepkiler de oluştu. Bu tepkiler ilk önce küçük bir kavga olarak başladı ancak zamanla ciddi isyan hareketlerine dönüştü. Ayrıca bu makinenin kullanımına bağlı olarak kazalar ve hastalıklar da meydana geliyordu. Bunlar arasında özellikle motor kazaları, eklem ve göğüs ağrıları, konuşma zorlukları, nefes darlığı, görme bozuklukları vardı. Bazı kazalar da ölümle sonuçlanıyordu. Osmanlı Devleti bu hastalıkları, kazaları ve biriken tepkileri göz önüne alarak zaman zaman skafanderin kullanımını yasakladı. Bu çalışma Osmanlı karasularında sünger avcılığında teknik bir yenilik olan skafanderin kullanımı sorununu incelemektedir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan veri ve bilgiler ağırlıklı olarak Osmanlı arşiv belgeleri, döneme ilişkin ticari raporlar, resmi istatistikler ve diğer yayınlardan elde edilmiştir.
Sponge was an important natural source in the Ottoman seas. Sponge divers were gathering sponges different ways and a new method of sponge hunting began to be applied after the mid-nineteenth century. This method was sponge hunting with the help of scaphandre which was called generally "machine" by Ottoman offical records and sponge divers. Scaphandre was consisted of heavy metal helmets that connected to a air pump with hose on shipboard, boots and a garment that surrounds the whole body. Scaphandre was a costume or device which was designed to remain a sponge hunter undersea longer time. These devices allowed sponge hunters to work at least 1 hour undersea. Thanks to the scaphandre, sponge divers began to hunt more sponges and to gain more profits compared to sponge hunters who don't use this device. The use of scaphandre in the sponge hunting, as a technical innovation in the Ottoman state, led to start a painfull process among the sponge hunters. The process of implementation of this method, negative reactions based on social and economic interests occured among sponge divers. These reactions firstly began as a little fight but then they turned into a serious rebellions. In addition, accidents and diseases were occuring depend on the use of this machine. There were especially motor accidents, joint pain, chest pain, speech disorders, dyspnea, visual disturbance, skin complaints among these diseases and accidents. Some of these accidents resulted in death. Because of these diseases, accidents and accumulated reactions, Ottoman State sometimes banned the use of scaphandre. This study examines the problem of sponge hunting with the use of scaphandre which is technical innovation in the Ottoman territorial waters. For this study, data and information were collected Ottoman archive documents, commercial reports concerning this period, official statistics and other publications.
Sponge was an important natural source in the Ottoman seas. Sponge divers were gathering sponges different ways and a new method of sponge hunting began to be applied after the mid-nineteenth century. This method was sponge hunting with the help of scaphandre which was called generally "machine" by Ottoman offical records and sponge divers. Scaphandre was consisted of heavy metal helmets that connected to a air pump with hose on shipboard, boots and a garment that surrounds the whole body. Scaphandre was a costume or device which was designed to remain a sponge hunter undersea longer time. These devices allowed sponge hunters to work at least 1 hour undersea. Thanks to the scaphandre, sponge divers began to hunt more sponges and to gain more profits compared to sponge hunters who don't use this device. The use of scaphandre in the sponge hunting, as a technical innovation in the Ottoman state, led to start a painfull process among the sponge hunters. The process of implementation of this method, negative reactions based on social and economic interests occured among sponge divers. These reactions firstly began as a little fight but then they turned into a serious rebellions. In addition, accidents and diseases were occuring depend on the use of this machine. There were especially motor accidents, joint pain, chest pain, speech disorders, dyspnea, visual disturbance, skin complaints among these diseases and accidents. Some of these accidents resulted in death. Because of these diseases, accidents and accumulated reactions, Ottoman State sometimes banned the use of scaphandre. This study examines the problem of sponge hunting with the use of scaphandre which is technical innovation in the Ottoman territorial waters. For this study, data and information were collected Ottoman archive documents, commercial reports concerning this period, official statistics and other publications.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri