İnsan ve köpeklerden alınan klinik örneklere Leishmaniasis tanısı için polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (FZR) uygulanması
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Birçok bölgemizde Kala-Azar'ın, Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi dışında ise Şark Çıbanının sporadik olarak görülmesi leishmaniasisin akla gelmesini ve ayırıcı tanısını zorlaştırmaktadır. Kala-Azar'ın rezervuarı olan köpeklerde enfeksiyon daha yüksek bir insidansla seyretmekte ancak veteriner hekimlik alanında da benzer sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Çalışmamızda insan ve köpeklerde serolojik tanının yanısıra direkt mikroskobik tanı ile PZR'ın karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Kala-Azar şüphesi olan 6 hastadan alınan kemik iliği örnekleri, şark çıbanı şüphesi olan 2 hastadan alınan yara kabuğu ve lezyon aspirasyon örnekleri çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Ayrıca serolojik olarak pozitif olduğu saptanan 7, eşik değerin altında pozitif olan (<1/128) l köpekten alınan lenf aspirasyon örnekleri ve nekropsi yapılan 2 köpeğin dalak ve karaciğer örnekleri çalışılmıştır. Altı şüpheli Kala-Azar hastasından bir tanesi tüm testlerle pozitif, üçü ise PZR ve serolojik testlerle pozitif bulunmuş ancak direkt kemik iliği bakılarında amastigota rastlanılamamıştır. iki hasta ise tüm testlerle negatif bulunmuştur. Şark çıbanı şüphesi olan her iki hasta da hem yayma preparatta hem de PZR ile pozitif saptanmıştır. On köpekten elde edilen 12 örnekten 9 tanesi her üç yöntemle de pozitif saptanmıştır. İki örnekte PZR ve serolojik testler pozitifken lenf nodu aspirasyonundan yapılan yayma direkt bakıda negatif bulunmuştur. Diğer bir örnekte serolojik testte eşik değerinin altında, direkt bakı negatif iken PZR pozitif bulunmuştur. Çalışmada, PZR yönteminin insan ve köpeklerde leishmaniasis tanısında kullanılmasının uygun olduğu saptanmıştır. Ancak, alınan örneklerin yeterli olmaması durumunda sadece yayma preparatta değil PZR'da da sorun yaratabileceği düşünülerek diğer yöntemlerle birlikte uygulanmasının tanıda hassasiyeti arttıracağı sonucuna varılmıştır.
Suspection and diagnosis of leishmaniasis are not easy because of existance as sporadic cases of Kala-Azar in many of the regions and cutaneous leishmaniasis except southeastern region of Turkey. The infection is observed in a higher incidence in reservuar dog population of Kala-Azar and similar problems are seen in veterinary medicine. The aim of our study was to compare the correlation of the results of PCR with serological and microscopical diagnosis. Bone marrow aspiration samples from six suspected Kala-Azar cases, dermal scraping and lesion aspiration samples from two suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis cases were included. In addition, lymph node aspiration samples of seven seropositive and one borderline (<1/128) and liver and spleen samples of two necropsied dogs were studied. One out of six suspected Kala-Azar cases was found to be positive and two were found to be negative by all methods. Other three cases were found to be positive by PCR and serology while amastigotes could not seen by microscopy. Two suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis cases were found to be positive by all methods. Twelve samples were taken out of ten dogs and nine of them were found to be positive by all methods. Amastigotes could not seen while PCR and serology were found to be positive in two cases. Serological titer was found to be positive below than cut off titer and amastigotes could not be seen while PCR was found to be positive in another case. PCR was found to be suitable in diagnosis of leishmaniasis in human and dogs, but it could be also negative in case of unproper sampling. We concluded that PCR application together with other diagnostic methods will increase the sensitivity of diagnosis.
Suspection and diagnosis of leishmaniasis are not easy because of existance as sporadic cases of Kala-Azar in many of the regions and cutaneous leishmaniasis except southeastern region of Turkey. The infection is observed in a higher incidence in reservuar dog population of Kala-Azar and similar problems are seen in veterinary medicine. The aim of our study was to compare the correlation of the results of PCR with serological and microscopical diagnosis. Bone marrow aspiration samples from six suspected Kala-Azar cases, dermal scraping and lesion aspiration samples from two suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis cases were included. In addition, lymph node aspiration samples of seven seropositive and one borderline (<1/128) and liver and spleen samples of two necropsied dogs were studied. One out of six suspected Kala-Azar cases was found to be positive and two were found to be negative by all methods. Other three cases were found to be positive by PCR and serology while amastigotes could not seen by microscopy. Two suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis cases were found to be positive by all methods. Twelve samples were taken out of ten dogs and nine of them were found to be positive by all methods. Amastigotes could not seen while PCR and serology were found to be positive in two cases. Serological titer was found to be positive below than cut off titer and amastigotes could not be seen while PCR was found to be positive in another case. PCR was found to be suitable in diagnosis of leishmaniasis in human and dogs, but it could be also negative in case of unproper sampling. We concluded that PCR application together with other diagnostic methods will increase the sensitivity of diagnosis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri