Yoğun bakım hemşirelerine kişisel koruyucu ekipman kullanımına yönelik verilen eğitimin etkinliğinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Yarı deneysel olarak yapılan bu araştırmanın amacı yoğun bakım hemşirelerine kişisel koruyucu ekipman kullanımına yönelik verilen eğitimin etkinliğinin incelenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma 24.06.2020-29.03.2022 tarihleri arasında Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi (Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi) Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Yoğun Bakım ünitesinde yürütüldü. Araştırmanın örneklemini 24.06.2020-29.03.2022 tarihleri arasında Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi (Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi) Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Yoğun Bakım ünitesinde çalışan araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 40 hemşire oluşturdu. Veriler, hemşirelerin çalışma saatleri esnasında uygun oldukları zamanlarda bakım verdikleri hastaların bakımlarını aksatmayacak şekilde toplandı. Araştırmanın verileri "Veri Toplama Formu" ile toplandı. Araştırmada veri toplama formu üç bölümden oluştu. Veri toplama formunun birinci bölümünde; hemşirelere yönelik kişisel soruların yer aldığı sosyodemografik/tanıtıcı özellikler formu, kişisel koruyucu ekipman giyme ve çıkarma tekniklerine yönelik bilgi testi, ikinci bölümünde; becerilerin değerlendirildiği kişisel koruyucu ekipman giyme çıkarmaya yönelik beceri basamakları ve bulaş gözlem formu, üçüncü bölümünde eğitimin değerlendirildiği; eğitim etkinliği ve öz değerlendirme formları, kişisel koruyucu ekipman giyme ve çıkarma basamakları eğitimi için kullanılan mobil aplikasyonu ve eğitim materyali değerlendirme formları kullanıldı. Veriler Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Biyoistatistik ve Tıbbi Bilişim Anabilim Dalı tarafından Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) 25.0 programı kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmanın sonucunda kontrol grubunda yer alan hemşirelerin yaş ortalaması 27,75±3,04 (en genç:23, en yaşlı:35), girişim grubunda yer alan hemşirelerin yaş ortalaması ise 28,75±3,71 (en genç:25, en yaşlı 39)'di. Kontrol ve girişim grubunda yer alan hemşirelerin bilgi testi puanlarının ortalamalarının (kontrol grubu: 89,00±10,65; girişim grubu: 96,33±7,32) 83,16'dan yüksek olduğu ve bu sonuca göre KKE konusunda bilgi düzeylerinin yeterli olduğu görüldü. Kontrol ve girişim grubunda yer alan hemşirelerin eğitim öncesi (kontrol grubu: 85,83±6,81; girişim grubu: 84,79±7,79), eğitim sonrası 8.haftada (araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirilen) (kontrol grubu: 85,62±6,11; girişim grubu: 87,08±6,18), eğitim sonrası 8.haftada (kör gözlemci tarafından değerlendirilen) (kontrol grubu: 82,50±5,50; girşim grubu: 81,66±4,94) KKE giyme-çıkarma uygulamasına yönelik puan ortalamalarının, kesme puanı 88,13'ün altında olduğu ve KKE giyme çıkarma becerilerinin bu aşamalarda yetersiz olduğu saptandı. Bununla birlikte eğitimin hemen sonrasında (kontrol grubu: 97,50±3,14; girişim grubu: 94,37±5,61), eğitim sonrası 4.haftada (kontrol grubu: 89,79±5,81; girişim grubu: 90,00±6,10) KKE giyme-çıkarma uygulamasına yönelik puan ortalamalarının, kesme puanı 88,13'ün üstünde olduğu ve KKE giyme çıkarma becerilerinin bu aşamalarda yeterli olduğu saptandı. Tüm aşamalar için kontrol ve girişim grubu arasında uygulama puanlarının zamana göre değişim benzer bulundu (etkileşim p=0,326). Bunun yanında zaman içerisinde her aşamada uygulama puanlarının değişim gösterdiği belirlendi (zaman p<0,001) . Eğitim sonrası 8.haftada kör gözlemci tarafından değerlendirilen (kontrol grubu: 82,50±5,50; girİşim grubu: 81,66±4,94) KKE giyme-çıkarma uygulamasına yönelik puanları eğitim sonrası 8.haftada araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirilen (kontrol grubu: 85,62±6,11; girişim grubu: 87,08±6,18), giyme-çıkarma uygulamasına yönelik puanlarına göre düşük bulundu (p=0,485). Ayrıca 8.haftadaki iki değerlendirme arasındaki uyum düşük bulundu (ICC:0,465). KKE giyme-çıkarma esnasında uygulanan bulaş simülasyonu sonucunda gözlenen bulaşın en çok; sol avuç içi, sol el içi, sağ el bileği, sağ el içi baş ve işaret parmak, sol el üstü, sağ el dışı yüzük parmak, boyun, ön gövde, sağ-sol omuz, ense ve arka sağ omuz bölgelerinde olduğu görüldü. Kontrol ve girişim grubunda yer alan hemşirelerin KKE giyme esnasında en sık yapılan hata sırasıyla maske, gözlük, önlük ve eldiven giyilmesiydi. KKE çıkarma esnasında en sık yapılan hata sırasıyla eldiven, gözlük, maske ve önlük çıkarılmasıydı. KKE ile ilgili verilen eğitimlerde, girişim grubunda yer alan hemşirelerin (zaman: 20.25±6.97; sayı: 2.30±1.03) kontrol grubundaki hemşirelere (zaman: 17.4±7.63; sayı: 1.65±0.81) göre eğitim aracını sayı ve süre olarak daha fazla kullandığı saptandı. Eğitim sonrasında eğitimin etkinliğinin değerlendiren kontrol ve girişim grubundaki hemşilerin eğitim içeriği, eğitimci, eğitim materyali, eğitim ilişkin görüşlerinin büyük ölçüde olumlu olduğu ve eğitimin etkin olduğu saptandı. Ayrıca hemşirelere yöneltilen öz değerlendirme sonuçlarına göre; hemşireler (n:26) KKE giyme- çıkarma basamakları konusunda dikkatsiz olmalarını zayıf yönleri olduğunu belirtti. Bunun nedenin ise hastaların iyilik hallerini kendi güvenliklerinin üstünde tutmaları görüşüydü (n:26). Sonuç: Araştırma sonucunda KKE giyme-çıkarma uygulamasına yönelik verilen eğitim etkin bulunmuştur. Ancak eğitim sonrası 4. ve 8. haftada KKE giyme-çıkarma uygulamasına yönelik puanlarda düşüş görülmüştür. Eğitim sonrası dönemde puanların azalmasının nedenin hemşirelerin unutma, bellek, yoğunluk gibi bireysel özellikleri olduğu düşünülmektedir
Objective: The aim of this quasi-experimental study is to examine the effectiveness of the training given to intensive care nurses on the use of personal protective equipment. Material and Method: The research was carried out at Ege University Hospital (Health Practice and Research Center) Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care Unit between 24.06.2020-29.03.2022. The sample of the study consisted of 40 nurses working in the Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care Unit of Ege University Hospital (Health Practice and Research Center) between 24.06.2020-29.03.2022, who agreed to participate in the study. The data were collected in a way that would not disrupt the care of the patients they cared for during the nurses' working hours when they were available. The data of the study were collected with the "Data Collection Form". The data collection form in the study consisted of three parts. In the first part of the data collection form; sociodemographic/descriptive characteristics form, which includes personal questions for nurses, knowledge test on techniques for putting on and taking off personal protective equipment, in the second part; skill steps for wearing and removing personal protective equipment and contamination observation form, in which the training was evaluated in the third part; training effectiveness and self-evaluation forms, mobile application used for training the steps of putting on and taking off personal protective equipment, and training material evaluation forms were used. Data were analyzed by Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 25.0 program. Results: At the end of the study, the mean age of the nurses in the control group was 27.75±3.04 (youngest: 23, the oldest: 35), while the mean age of the nurses in the intervention group was 28.75±3.71 (youngest: 25, oldest: aged 39). The mean knowledge test scores of the nurses in the control and intervention groups (control group: 89.00±10.65; intervention group: 96.33±7.32) were higher than 83.16, and according to this result, their knowledge level about PPE was sufficient. appeared to be. Nurses in the control and intervention groups before the training (control group: 85.83±6.81; intervention group: 84.79±7.79), at the 8th week (assessed by the researcher) after the training (control group: 85.62±6.11; intervention group: 87.08±6.18), 8 weeks post-training (assessed by blind observer) (control group: 82.50±5.50; intervention group: 81.66±4.94) It was determined that the cut-off point of the skill steps for putting on and taking off was below 88.13 and the PPE skills of putting on and taking off were insufficient at these stages. However, immediately after the training (control group: 97.50±3.14; intervention group: 94.37±5.61), at 4 weeks post-training (control group: 89.79±5.81; intervention group: 90, 00±6.10) It was determined that the cut-off point of the skill steps for wearing and removing PPE was above 88.13 and the skills of putting on and taking off the PPE were sufficient at these stages. The change in the treatment scores over time was found to be similar between the control and intervention groups for all stages (interaction p=0.326). In addition, it was determined that the application scores changed at each stage over time (time p<0.001). The application steps score for wearing and removing PPE, which was evaluated by the blind observer at the 8th week after the training (control group: 82.50±5.50; intervention group: 81.66±4.94), was evaluated by the researcher at the 8th week after the training (control group: 85.62±6.11; intervention group: 87.08±6.18), PPE was found to be lower than the application steps for wearing and removing. In addition, the agreement between the two evaluations at week 8 was not high (ICC: 0.465). As a result of the contamination simulation applied during PPE wearing and removing, the most common contamination is; It was observed in the left palm, left hand, right wrist, right hand thumb and index finger, left hand, ring finger on the right hand, neck, anterior trunk, right-left shoulder, nape and posterior right shoulder regions. The most common mistake made by nurses in the control and intervention groups while wearing PPE was wearing masks, glasses, apron and gloves, respectively. The most common mistake made during PPE removal was removing gloves, glasses, mask and apron, respectively. In the trainings on PPE, nurses in the intervention group (time: 20.25±6.97; number: 2.30±1.03) used the training tool more in number and duration than the nurses in the control group (time: 17.4±7.63; number: 1.65±0.81). detected. After the training, it was determined that the nurses in the control and intervention groups, who evaluated the effectiveness of the training, had mostly positive views on the training content, trainer, training material, and training, and the training was effective. In addition, according to the self-evaluation results directed to the nurses; nurses (n:26) stated that being careless about the steps of putting on and taking off the PPE is their weakness. The reason for this was the view that patients put their well-being above their own safety (n:26). Conclusion: As a result of the research, the training given for the application of WCE was found to be effective. However, at the 4th and 8th weeks after the training, there was a decrease in the scores for wearing and removing WCE. It is thought that the reason for the decrease in scores in the post-training period is the individual characteristics of nurses such as forgetting, memory and intensity.
Objective: The aim of this quasi-experimental study is to examine the effectiveness of the training given to intensive care nurses on the use of personal protective equipment. Material and Method: The research was carried out at Ege University Hospital (Health Practice and Research Center) Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care Unit between 24.06.2020-29.03.2022. The sample of the study consisted of 40 nurses working in the Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care Unit of Ege University Hospital (Health Practice and Research Center) between 24.06.2020-29.03.2022, who agreed to participate in the study. The data were collected in a way that would not disrupt the care of the patients they cared for during the nurses' working hours when they were available. The data of the study were collected with the "Data Collection Form". The data collection form in the study consisted of three parts. In the first part of the data collection form; sociodemographic/descriptive characteristics form, which includes personal questions for nurses, knowledge test on techniques for putting on and taking off personal protective equipment, in the second part; skill steps for wearing and removing personal protective equipment and contamination observation form, in which the training was evaluated in the third part; training effectiveness and self-evaluation forms, mobile application used for training the steps of putting on and taking off personal protective equipment, and training material evaluation forms were used. Data were analyzed by Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 25.0 program. Results: At the end of the study, the mean age of the nurses in the control group was 27.75±3.04 (youngest: 23, the oldest: 35), while the mean age of the nurses in the intervention group was 28.75±3.71 (youngest: 25, oldest: aged 39). The mean knowledge test scores of the nurses in the control and intervention groups (control group: 89.00±10.65; intervention group: 96.33±7.32) were higher than 83.16, and according to this result, their knowledge level about PPE was sufficient. appeared to be. Nurses in the control and intervention groups before the training (control group: 85.83±6.81; intervention group: 84.79±7.79), at the 8th week (assessed by the researcher) after the training (control group: 85.62±6.11; intervention group: 87.08±6.18), 8 weeks post-training (assessed by blind observer) (control group: 82.50±5.50; intervention group: 81.66±4.94) It was determined that the cut-off point of the skill steps for putting on and taking off was below 88.13 and the PPE skills of putting on and taking off were insufficient at these stages. However, immediately after the training (control group: 97.50±3.14; intervention group: 94.37±5.61), at 4 weeks post-training (control group: 89.79±5.81; intervention group: 90, 00±6.10) It was determined that the cut-off point of the skill steps for wearing and removing PPE was above 88.13 and the skills of putting on and taking off the PPE were sufficient at these stages. The change in the treatment scores over time was found to be similar between the control and intervention groups for all stages (interaction p=0.326). In addition, it was determined that the application scores changed at each stage over time (time p<0.001). The application steps score for wearing and removing PPE, which was evaluated by the blind observer at the 8th week after the training (control group: 82.50±5.50; intervention group: 81.66±4.94), was evaluated by the researcher at the 8th week after the training (control group: 85.62±6.11; intervention group: 87.08±6.18), PPE was found to be lower than the application steps for wearing and removing. In addition, the agreement between the two evaluations at week 8 was not high (ICC: 0.465). As a result of the contamination simulation applied during PPE wearing and removing, the most common contamination is; It was observed in the left palm, left hand, right wrist, right hand thumb and index finger, left hand, ring finger on the right hand, neck, anterior trunk, right-left shoulder, nape and posterior right shoulder regions. The most common mistake made by nurses in the control and intervention groups while wearing PPE was wearing masks, glasses, apron and gloves, respectively. The most common mistake made during PPE removal was removing gloves, glasses, mask and apron, respectively. In the trainings on PPE, nurses in the intervention group (time: 20.25±6.97; number: 2.30±1.03) used the training tool more in number and duration than the nurses in the control group (time: 17.4±7.63; number: 1.65±0.81). detected. After the training, it was determined that the nurses in the control and intervention groups, who evaluated the effectiveness of the training, had mostly positive views on the training content, trainer, training material, and training, and the training was effective. In addition, according to the self-evaluation results directed to the nurses; nurses (n:26) stated that being careless about the steps of putting on and taking off the PPE is their weakness. The reason for this was the view that patients put their well-being above their own safety (n:26). Conclusion: As a result of the research, the training given for the application of WCE was found to be effective. However, at the 4th and 8th weeks after the training, there was a decrease in the scores for wearing and removing WCE. It is thought that the reason for the decrease in scores in the post-training period is the individual characteristics of nurses such as forgetting, memory and intensity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Cerrahi hemşirelik =