İzmir yöresinde seçilmiş bazı tarımsal amaçlı kooperatiflerde kaynak kullanımı ve kooperatif işletmelerde etkinliğin ölçülmesi üzerine bir araştırma

Küçük Resim Yok



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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



15. ÖZET Teorik olarak henüz netlik kazanmamış bir konu olmasına rağmen, kooperatif işletmelerde etkinliğin bir başka deyişle başarının ölçülmesi, bugüne kadar pekçok bilim adamı ve araştırıcı tarafından tartışılmış ve kooperatif işletmelerde etkinliği ölçmeye yarayan bir tek ölçütün olmadığı, birden çok ölçütün bir arada kullanılması ile etkinlik kavramının ortaya konulacağı ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, kooperatif işletmelerde etkinliği test etmede kullanılabilecek bazı yöntemlerin pratiğe yansıtılmasından ibarettir. Bu amacı gerçekleştirirken, İzmir yöresinde faaliyet gösteren zeytin ve süt işleme kooperatifleri ele alınmıştır. Bu kooperatiflerin önce yöredeki pazar payları ortaya konulmuş, üretim faaliyetlerinde kullandıkları sermaye ve işgücünün verimlilikleri özellikle zeytin ve süt işlemeye dayalı olarak tesbit edilmiştir. Çalışmada, kooperatif işletmelerde etkinliğin ölçülmesi üç alt başlık altında incelenmiştir. Kooperatifler önce ortaklarına yönelik etkinlik daha sonra finansal etkinlik ve en son olarakta çalışma etkinliği bazında incelemeye tabi tutulmuşlardır. Ortaklara yönelik etkinlik kapsamında üretici rantı, tüketici rantı ve yıl sonunda söz konusu üretim faaliyetlerinden elde edilen fazlalar ele alınmıştır. Finansal etkinlik kapsamında ise, kooperatiflerin bilanço ve geliı - gider tablolarından yararlanarak bazı finansal analiz teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma etkinliği konusu altında ise, kooperatiflerin söz konusu üretim faaliyetlerindeki başabaş analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada tesbit edilen önemli bazı konular şu şekilde 209The selected group of olive-oil processing cooperatives was processed 2.6% of total produced olives and the dairy cooperatives was processed 0.65% of total milk in Izmir area. The capital productivity of olive-oil processing cooperatives was found 3% in the base of re-evaluated assets and 32% in the base of registered assets. The capital productivity of dairy cooperatives was found 22% and 36%, in respectively. The group of olive-oil processing cooperatives was created 4.6% producer surplus+prof it to the members. This means an extra -ncome transfer. And, the group of dairy cooperatives was created 17.4% producer surpl us+consumer surplus+prof it to the members by using the different price levels. The financial result for cooperatives reported in this study are based on balanced-sheets covering a period of six years from 1987 to 1992. The proportion of debt in capital structure of cooperatives, which is calculated as the ratio of total reported debt to total assets. This ratio shows how much of the capital stock of a cooperative is financed with debt. The higher value is the probability of failure, and thus the higher financial risk of the cooperatives. So, the proportion of debt in the capital structure is 55% and 61% for olive-oil processing and dairy cooperatives, respectively. B^eak-even point of cooperatives was found 142 792 kg olive and 77 681 It milk in examined period. So, five olive-oil processing cooperatives was operated under the break-even point and all dairy cooperatives was operated upper than break-even point.SUMMARY The cooperation movement was considered in order to proceed of both rural and urban life all over the world, so far. The cooperative system had been wee! evaluated and used for socio economic development as a dragging and pushing tool by many countries. It can be said that the cooperative movement has achieved to stand in the over against of the monopolistic formation. Today, all political groups had accepted the role of cooperatives in the economy. By this way, cooperatives were undertaken special tasks in the developing economy. Normally, In the case of a profit-seeking enterprises, the income statement and prof i t-and-loss account indicate the result of the enterprise's operations with respect to its main economic aims. But, cooperative enterprise is not profit- seeking, so its surplus cannot be considered an only proper measure of Its efficiency. The most convenient method to measure the cooperative efficiency is that uses a harmonization of some economic indicators. This study was carried out in two selected groups of cooperatives and members in Izmir. First group is olive-oil processing cooperatives and their members. Second group is dairy cooperatives and their members. in this study, some methods to measure of cooperative efficiency were tried to test by using the member-oriented efficiency, financial efficieny and operat ional efficiency. The membei - oriented efficiency was tested by using the "producer surplus+consumer surplus+prof it " method. Financial efficiency was tested by using some financial ratios. And, the operational efficiency was tested by using the break-even analysis.The selected group of olive-oil processing cooperatives was processed 2.6% of total produced olives and the dairy cooperatives was processed 0.65% of total milk in Izmir area. The capital productivity of olive-oil processing cooperatives was found 3% in the base of re-evaluated assets and 32% in the base of registered assets. The capital productivity of dairy cooperatives was found 22% and 36%, in respectively. The group of olive-oil processing cooperatives was created 4.6% producer surplus+prof it to the members. This means an extra -ncome transfer. And, the group of dairy cooperatives was created 17.4% producer surpl us+consumer surplus+prof it to the members by using the different price levels. The financial result for cooperatives reported in this study are based on balanced-sheets covering a period of six years from 1987 to 1992. The proportion of debt in capital structure of cooperatives, which is calculated as the ratio of total reported debt to total assets. This ratio shows how much of the capital stock of a cooperative is financed with debt. The higher value is the probability of failure, and thus the higher financial risk of the cooperatives. So, the proportion of debt in the capital structure is 55% and 61% for olive-oil processing and dairy cooperatives, respectively. B^eak-even point of cooperatives was found 142 792 kg olive and 77 681 It milk in examined period. So, five olive-oil processing cooperatives was operated under the break-even point and all dairy cooperatives was operated upper than break-even point
SUMMARY The cooperation movement was considered in order to proceed of both rural and urban life all over the world, so far. The cooperative system had been wee! evaluated and used for socio economic development as a dragging and pushing tool by many countries. It can be said that the cooperative movement has achieved to stand in the over against of the monopolistic formation. Today, all political groups had accepted the role of cooperatives in the economy. By this way, cooperatives were undertaken special tasks in the developing economy. Normally, In the case of a profit-seeking enterprises, the income statement and prof i t-and-loss account indicate the result of the enterprise's operations with respect to its main economic aims. But, cooperative enterprise is not profit- seeking, so its surplus cannot be considered an only proper measure of Its efficiency. The most convenient method to measure the cooperative efficiency is that uses a harmonization of some economic indicators. This study was carried out in two selected groups of cooperatives and members in Izmir. First group is olive-oil processing cooperatives and their members. Second group is dairy cooperatives and their members. in this study, some methods to measure of cooperative efficiency were tried to test by using the member-oriented efficiency, financial efficieny and operat ional efficiency. The membei - oriented efficiency was tested by using the "producer surplus+consumer surplus+prof it " method. Financial efficiency was tested by using some financial ratios. And, the operational efficiency was tested by using the break-even analysis.The selected group of olive-oil processing cooperatives was processed 2.6% of total produced olives and the dairy cooperatives was processed 0.65% of total milk in Izmir area. The capital productivity of olive-oil processing cooperatives was found 3% in the base of re-evaluated assets and 32% in the base of registered assets. The capital productivity of dairy cooperatives was found 22% and 36%, in respectively. The group of olive-oil processing cooperatives was created 4.6% producer surplus+prof it to the members. This means an extra -ncome transfer. And, the group of dairy cooperatives was created 17.4% producer surpl us+consumer surplus+prof it to the members by using the different price levels. The financial result for cooperatives reported in this study are based on balanced-sheets covering a period of six years from 1987 to 1992. The proportion of debt in capital structure of cooperatives, which is calculated as the ratio of total reported debt to total assets. This ratio shows how much of the capital stock of a cooperative is financed with debt. The higher value is the probability of failure, and thus the higher financial risk of the cooperatives. So, the proportion of debt in the capital structure is 55% and 61% for olive-oil processing and dairy cooperatives, respectively. B^eak-even point of cooperatives was found 142 792 kg olive and 77 681 It milk in examined period. So, five olive-oil processing cooperatives was operated under the break-even point and all dairy cooperatives was operated upper than break-even point.


Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Ziraat, Agriculture, Kaynak kullanımı, Resource usage, Tarım ekonomisi, Agricultural economy, Tarım kooperatifleri, Agricultural cooperatives, İzmir, Izmir


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